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Bubble nerf was a step in the right direction


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1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


Except that is just what you do. unless we are talking serious blob v blob fights, in which case I would hope no participant of such game play would even remotely come and make claims that bubble is unbeatable or has no counter. The entire support meta is setup to ensure as best as possible players can move as freely as possible. Most of all super speed.


So yes, on the level of discussion and skill presented here: pressing W is more than enough.


Except if you counter bubbel or better yet counter bubbel with breach, in which case you can take advantage of an opponents bubble and push or at the very least deny them as much boon support as possible while being pushed.


This is not as binary a situation as you claim or make it out to be.

Yes, bubbel got removed from the meta and all play with and around it was too. That's not 1 play style, that's an entire pallet of situations gone.



How is comparing 1 bubbel to 3 a valid comparison? What if your zerg busting group only had 1 bubbel? What if you are fighting undermanned with 20 versus a blob of 60? What were those players bringing besides bubbels on those 2 slots?


You make it sound as though chaining bubbels is some sort of big brain move. It's not. It was beneficial to have 4-6 warriors in blob fights of 50+ v 50+. Now it's not anymore and those slots can go to other classes.


Good players will always adapt. That was never the premise here.


In this case, chances are high they will simply adapt without warriors or WoD in the future.

Before. If you were a warrior. You had to take bubble. You can't be a berserker. No damage spellbreaker with banner to try to counter IoL by spiking downs. No whatever with bladesworn. Bubble. That was it. Your entire existence was to go drop it on the enemy then do whatever.

You have more bubbles. You win. The only slight caveat to that was element of surprise, sometimes. There isn't some counter breach or counter bubble or any nonsense. The enemy doesn't need to be in their bubble, they can just range you. Nay, they CANT melee into you for exactly that reason, bubbles exist. An entire archetype of classes deleted from the mode at basically all scales beyond 5. Because the enemy might have more bubbles.

EVERYTHING played around said skill. You fake push to bait bubbles, you lead with bubbles, you design your supports around getting around or out of bubbles. People talk about stale meta then sit there and then say things like "The entire support meta is to ensure as best as possible players can move". Yeah. Sure would be nice if things changed eh?

Edit: until you get to 60v60 then you don't need bubbles because 30 zerker DPS will down anything regardless of boons. But that's an issue of what the game mode reinforces and not an issue of class balance.

Edited by God.2708
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On 3/31/2022 at 10:12 AM, Iceman.4509 said:

Trolling? Speaking the truth. I’m sure you have heard of me. My in game name is Doc Tormenter

Nope.  Not once.  In fact, google shows no mentions of you having anything to ever do with WvW content or GW2 at all.

On 3/31/2022 at 10:12 AM, Iceman.4509 said:

I revolutionized the 100 man meta and all the builds on meta battle were my brain child’s 

Okay now you're just straight-up trolling lol.

Edited by DeceiverX.8361
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WoD nerf shows how the Devs want to perpetuate this endless cycle of boonblob. There are so very little boonstrips and corrupt and even less with this nerf. Boons are applied faster then it can be stripped or corrupted I don't understand why this warrant a nerf. Even before the nerf WoD wasn't so broken to a point where you can start zerg busting blobs.

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Somehow the bubble was super "oppressive" to the meta, but the meta is also super "oppressive" to the game mode. But they nerf the bubble... Can't have anything that threaten the virtual lives of those "boon ball guilds" and "content creators" after all. Gotta make sure "they" are having fun above all, certainly not to make sure it's a healthier game mode. 🙄

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Glad to see banners back in meta. Having guardians waste utility slot to ress people when all mesmers, eles and wars had better choice was painful to look at.


Do I agree with how they gutted bubble into a melee necro well? Not really.


But at least game should be more fun now. Not sure why sneak gyro is still a thing. For strategy to win outnumbered fights? That is why siege, corners, chokes and objectives exist.


Edited by Threather.9354
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8 hours ago, Threather.9354 said:

Glad to see banners back in meta. Having guardians waste utility slot to ress people when all mesmers, eles and wars had better choice was painful to look at.


Do I agree with how they gutted bubble into a melee necro well? Not really.


But at least game should be more fun now. Not sure why sneak gyro is still a thing. For strategy to win outnumbered fights? That is why siege, corners, chokes and objectives exist.


If anything most FBs still run signet for the concentration. Cleanse Mantra is not picked when a competent cleanser is around and Charge is a very minor skill (tho it did get it's indirect buff after the solace nerf). Still won't enable Guards to rly run something like Pure of Voice. 


Anyway, I am really surprised by how people in this thread blame team coordination for providing results.......

They rly expect that if someone uses immob+grav well in a bubble they should escape (if they haven't prepared for it already). I don't say this cause I am no top tier player, but kitten does this give off "pug/I don't understand Comm calls" energy...

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This feels like part of a two-step target nerf.

Nerf the target, nerf the counter to the target so it's not getting completely annihilated.
Alternatively, buff the counter, buff the target so it's not getting completely annihilated.

Maybe that was their intent? Although I'm not sure PoP nerf is enough for that lol.

From another perspective: If boon output was to be nerfed, would WoD nerf make sense in that context? Would people take WoD again?

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5 hours ago, Bleikopf.2491 said:

This feels like part of a two-step target nerf.

Nerf the target, nerf the counter to the target so it's not getting completely annihilated.
Alternatively, buff the counter, buff the target so it's not getting completely annihilated.

Maybe that was their intent? Although I'm not sure PoP nerf is enough for that lol.

From another perspective: If boon output was to be nerfed, would WoD nerf make sense in that context? Would people take WoD again?

The nerf to bubble shoulda been removing the strip, and keeping the reapplication prevention. It retains its usefulness but still requires the group to capitalize on it properly (though this was required anyway, its painful that people think it was a 1 button win).


Of course they wouldn't do that though, a certain couple big names would never let that happen, and they're likely now busy talking about how its fine and everyone who doesn't think so is an idiot.

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20 hours ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

WoD nerf shows how the Devs want to perpetuate this endless cycle of boonblob. There are so very little boonstrips and corrupt and even less with this nerf. Boons are applied faster then it can be stripped or corrupted I don't understand why this warrant a nerf. Even before the nerf WoD wasn't so broken to a point where you can start zerg busting blobs.

I agree scourge should get 10 target big shade back with 10cd charge cd along with all the nerfs to its damage reverted

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