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Elementals rework

Yogurt Goblin.5934

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I think Elemental summoning has needed a rework since the introduction of mounts.

I want to have the 5 elemental army following me around (like necro minions) but it means I can't use my mount or they are just gonna disappear (unlike necro minions).

The game already has the ability to resummon summons from skills, so why can't this apply to elementals.

I wouldn't mind if they made them a little weaker, put the skill on a count setting (either 3 or 4) and just made them permanent summons like minions.

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The issue with  mounts is really annoying, but I get why they act differently than minions.

A good compromise could be to add an ammo/charges system with a spell when you cast the elemental (might or Flame Burst, etc)  or a channeled skill you hold for the ammount of elementals you want,   so you could spam them all when you dismount, or delay if you need it.

Edited by Zhaid Zhem.6508
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Personally, I'd be happy for them to just be "collected" when you mount, similar to Necro minions, and then "resummoned" when you dismount. I don't mind how they function otherwise, though it probably wouldn't hurt for them to be buffed, along with a ton of other Elementalist skills in PvE (Staff, Conjures, Cantrips... so much).

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17 hours ago, SponTen.1267 said:

Personally, I'd be happy for them to just be "collected" when you mount, similar to Necro minions, and then "resummoned" when you dismount. I don't mind how they function otherwise, though it probably wouldn't hurt for them to be buffed, along with a ton of other Elementalist skills in PvE (Staff, Conjures, Cantrips... so much).

The main difference between minions and elementals is that one is permanent (until killed/sacrificed), the other is timed.


I assume there’s an issue with the timer of elementals whenever they’re “collected” and they haven’t figured out how to deal with it. It’s probably the issue with keeping track of the time when the elemental is summoned but then stoved away when you mount up.

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1 hour ago, Eaglebach.7593 said:

The main difference between minions and elementals is that one is permanent (until killed/sacrificed), the other is timed.


I assume there’s an issue with the timer of elementals whenever they’re “collected” and they haven’t figured out how to deal with it. It’s probably the issue with keeping track of the time when the elemental is summoned but then stoved away when you mount up.

This issue could be solved by making Elementals (at least the elite ones) permanent, like minions.

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On 4/12/2022 at 10:32 AM, The Boz.2038 said:

I dislike how the elite is "the normal one, but BIGGER". Ele has two of these examples (elementals and conjures). 
The minor glyph should be replaced with Glyph of Weaponry (which eats all of the Conjures), and then ele gets a useful new skill type.


I still don't get why Ele, the spellcaster of the game, doesn't get access to AoE slot skills like wells, traps, consecrations, preparations... Hell, even turrets or spirits would fit.

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4 minutes ago, Josspai.4356 said:


I still don't get why Ele, the spellcaster of the game, doesn't get access to AoE slot skills like wells, traps, consecrations, preparations... Hell, even turrets or spirits would fit.

Glyph of storms is what you are looking for. ^_^Also you can lay down alot of AoE´s with conjures. Thats how you used to play in PvE back in the day... not sure if its still POG to do it. i rarely set a foot in pve.

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