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[Spoilers] Some thoughts after finishing EoD

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I'm actually fine with the proposal at the end of the story.

What actually feels odd in the story to me, is the feeling that the expansion tried to add too many different topics at the same time ( aetherblade issue, reputation issue, purist issue, speaker+jade gang issue, void issue ) to the point that the real issue (the void) feels rushed.
I mean, i felt that the main topic in the expansion, is trying to getting acquitted from the accusations. After that, the story go straight into "oh snap, there is no time left!" Then less than 20 minutes later, we're already killing Soo-Won... No other options were taken into account.

I wish that the story actually turned out differently, where the "how can we save Soo-Won from the excessive magic" would have been the main topic. 

In fact, i think that it would have been a far, far better story, if our main character is called to Cantha directly by the empire. (which know that soo-won is having more and more issues with the unstable magic) While cutting out all the "reputation" sections and the purists out of the story entirely. (leaving the purist issue for a living story instead) 
Then use that time for find a way to cut out Soo-Won from passively obtaining magic from the ley-lines and effetely saving her. In this way, Aurene wouldn't end alone. Instead, have them travel together into the mist in the ending. Closing the dragons stories in Tyria for good. (while mentioning that Aurene can filter the magic spectrum even while in the mist. )

Talking about Aurene... She mention that she's afraid to remain alone, but our character, nor the other companions seems to care about that sentence. In fact, i felt really upset while reading the Logan dialogues at Arborstone. 
On last topic, if i ever have to find an issue to the proposal epilogue, is that the duo didn't invite Aurene to the celebration! Our main character also didn't mention about meeting Aurene during the time skip either. In fact, i feel that everyone threated Aurene as a weapon, rather than a companion. 

Edited by bernstein adelheid.8590
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On 4/21/2022 at 3:26 AM, Aridon.8362 said:

Overall I thought the story was pretty good! Coming back I'm impressed by the overall design of the story of the Commander. I think the plot as a whole was excellent, and the storyline had an excellent conclusion. Having a lot of love for the maps, I loved doing the map completion for them, very fast and smooth, and the hearts did not feel as cumbersome as the ones in northern Tyria. I liked the fact that each character's dialogue had a natural feel to it, especially after Detective Rama called Minister Li an kitten. It's clear ArenaNet listened to the players requests to have characters with more character.


But there's a few things I can't seem to wrap my head around, I don't understand why there needs to be so much emphasis on the LGBT light and political dogma inside of the story; it was really cringe to have it crammed into the story at the occasions they came up. Especially the Mr. Mom antics from Taimi about Joon's Husband that one actually made me want to leave the story faster (big oof). I feel there is an aggressive over representation of the LGBT stuff in there, that it appears to push the game as a means to express and push political views. Personally I don't agree with doing this in a game, mostly because it has to do with the fact that the idea behind playing video games is to escape reality, not get more of it. Trust me when I say when you go woke, you can in fact go broke, I would not be surprised if the number of active players plummeted after this stunt. 


There were moments when I couldn't take my Male Norn seriously, for instance when after landing on Shing Jea Island my Norn somehow equated the boatman's question "are people where you're from as tall as you are" to the boatman asking (as if to offend) if Norns are all the same height...? ????????????????? What? I asked right at that moment if my character was straight up dumb. Then Detective Rama talks about how his first kiss was in this tunnel we had to pass through, and he tells my Norn to not get any ideas, I was like, I wasn't thinking that at all bud, commander please tell him. Please? Also, the hearts are asking my already Male Norn if I want to cosplay a female, or neither Speaker.....? WHY? 


Joon's character was just dumb, here you have a talented, brilliant jade scientist, working against the commander to oppress the only kind dragon left! WHY? What part of a dragon volunteering itself to be imprisoned for as long as Soo-Won did is acceptable? Like I felt awful at the end Soo-Won saying she spent most of her time alone simply because Joon, well yeah of course when you volunteer to willingly put yourself in jail that's literally the price! It tore me up a little that this dragon literally died at the end, it truly was an awful way to go out...alone like that. So not only is Joon enslaving her husband to be the mom of the household, but she imprisoned this innocent dragon, with no direction to at least help find a way to stop abusing the free will of the dragon, only to prolong the abuse of the dragon, by attempting to continue filtering its magic? That is grade A animal abuse. I'm sorry but that in all levels is F'd up.


Why does Canach sound different? Why is he all the sudden a party maniac lazying about on his earnings from gambling on the commander? He's not this witty amiable anti hero personality he used to be, it's just gross what Anet did to him. GROSS.


Had it not been for everything else the expansion as well as the game has to offer, I probably would've left. The fights were super fun, the achievements still can be a pain in the neck to complete, the lore and collections are amazing. It's very clear the artists and level designers really know what they're doing. I especially LOVE being a Willbender, that to me has been the main game changer for sure! The mobs are fun to fight, there is danger, but not too much '1 shot and I will kill you' mobs in the pve side. On top of that interacting with the community to make and earn gold has boosted that even further, soon I will be done with my Aurene's Bite.


My hope is that in the future, this political rhetoric ceases to continue in game, the conclusion made it feel that this is in fact the end of Guild Wars 2, it's pretty evident as the expansion only showed that they are willing to take aggressive risks. Not to mention, were going to have a MASSIVE content drought. MASSIVE. Our next content is coming after JUNE! HOLY SMOKES. That's major, we're going to have an economic depression in guild wars. Gold is already becoming insanely valuable to have, because the GDP is getting lower and lower. To conclude this, I give End of Dragons a 3.8/5. In comparison I rated HoT-3.5/5, LS3-2/5, Path of Fire a 4/5, LS4-3/5, Icebrood 3.7/5. Let me know your thoughts!





The fact that you're acting like a sidequest simply giving players the OPTION to temporarily play as a different gender is somehow in your face or offensive says a lot about you as a person.

What it says is not positive.  

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On 4/27/2022 at 11:47 PM, LuckyThirteen.4576 said:

It hardly seems a fitting conclusion to Dragons Watch's journey of killing six elder dragons, a mad god, and an ancient lich, to simply focusing on two characters, not even the biggest contributors mind you, talking about their relationship in a bar. That's kind of the whole point I've been making here. I'm not upset that you did it, I'm upset that it took a place in the narrative from something that would have been more fitting. The storytelling was sacrificed for this.

Additionally, I hope you'll forgive me if I find it a furthermore odd coincidence that, out of all the numerous characters, plot points, villains, arcs, and relationships, the writers decided that it was very important that these two characters specifically got the spotlight at the end of the 9-year story. Let alone the fact that their specific conclusion was entirely focused on their relationship to each other above all the other characters they've had relationships with. 

One might even suspect some sort of bias at play.

I am actually curious, what deescalatory/personal event would you have used instead of the announcement of their wedding? 

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  • 1 year later...

Just finished EoD expansion and overall story was great! It had a lot of good moments.   Though the epilog made me do some googling and I can see that many people feel the same way as I do. When Kasmeer and Marjory were introcuded years back, I did not care for those characters at all. That changed in Path of Fire and I liked tham quite a lot in EoD actually.
But for all the dragons we killed throghout the years, why would you end ten years of dragon saga with gay weding? Standing in that instance, it felt really weird, forced, political and totally killed the mood from Arborstone for me. I only stayed through it to get the achievement, lol. It's so stupid how social wariors use these platforms to force these moments on people. The story is not about to girl lovers finally having their day... Put it as side quest somewhere, not as a final scene of your dragon saga... I took a long break form Tyria and was really enjoying my time back untill you had annoy me arenanet xD Can't believe in what a stupid world I live. (Little advice, people in general have nothing against lgbt+, but keep forcing those themes everywhere and they will get annoyed, you're not helping nobody.)

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1 hour ago, Bastien.5891 said:

Just finished EoD expansion and overall story was great! It had a lot of good moments.   Though the epilog made me do some googling and I can see that many people feel the same way as I do. When Kasmeer and Marjory were introcuded years back, I did not care for those characters at all. That changed in Path of Fire and I liked tham quite a lot in EoD actually.
But for all the dragons we killed throghout the years, why would you end ten years of dragon saga with gay weding? Standing in that instance, it felt really weird, forced, political and totally killed the mood from Arborstone for me. I only stayed through it to get the achievement, lol. It's so stupid how social wariors use these platforms to force these moments on people. The story is not about to girl lovers finally having their day... Put it as side quest somewhere, not as a final scene of your dragon saga... I took a long break form Tyria and was really enjoying my time back untill you had annoy me arenanet xD Can't believe in what a stupid world I live. (Little advice, people in general have nothing against lgbt+, but keep forcing those themes everywhere and they will get annoyed, you're not helping nobody.)

If it hadn't been a "gay wedding", would you still think it "forced" and "political"? something that "totally killed the mood"?
If yes, I don't see it, but at least I'll give you points for consistency.
If no, then why not? This might be something you should ask yourself and see where the answer leads. You liked the characters, knew about the relationship, yet object to the conclusion of that part of their 10 year story?

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