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Boosted, worth going back for personal story?

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Sylvari, boosted to 80 and did some hot and pof, not much though. Should I go back to the personal story for a sylvari? Worth the time, or should I stick to hot? I got the glider and mount though.

Looking back, I think boosting was a mistake.

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Loot wise? Very little to gain iirc. If story and lore matter to you, sure go ahead and do you personal story. From a purely sylvari perspective, it is Season 2 that offers the most in lore.

As for the boost, it's ok for an alt or for a very talented player. For the rest of us, it is a way of having too many different things to learn at once. In the long term, it is no biggie.

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You're not gonna get many rewards that matter to a level 80 from personal story, but you will get… the story.

Most of the missions are super quick since you're gonna be killing things about 4x as fast, even with downscaling.

And, especially for Sylvari, I think there's a benefit to exploring the personal story in order. (Doubly so if you picked "Where life goes, so should you" in chargen — don't sweat it if you didn't, though.)

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You will want to do the story for the mastery points, if nothing else. There are other rewards, such as achievement points, joining one of the factions to get access to their weapon and armor skins, plus whatever junk you get along the way may unlock skins or give fodder for the mystic forge. The XP will help with central Tyria masteries.

Edited by DeanBB.4268
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5 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

You will want to do the story for the mastery points, if nothing else.

That assumes that you haven't done the personal story on another character before.

Personally I do the personal story at least up to The Battle of Claw Island (chapter 6) on any alt for the three guaranteed Black Lion Chest Keys from ch. 1, ch.4 & ch. 6. If you need gold/materials send the reward bags you receive to an alt in the 40 - 50 level range and open them there. That salvage will be a bit more valuable than the stuff you get from the bags at level 80.

If it's your first Sylvari and you don't care or need any of the above mentioned things, keep in mind that the first three chapters are race specific and you will get at least some lore about each race that way.

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The personal story will give you very important unlocks.  As someone else mentioned you will want the Mastery points.  You can't craft legendary equipment without the Masteries.  Also, the fractal Masteries will be important from a progression point of view as well.

Also, map completion gives really good rewards in this game.  Exploring and doing the various quests in the map marked with a heart will give you a variety of things including a lot of xp.  I can't recommend that enough.

Hope you enjoy the game, whatever you choose to do.  👍

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