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Problems on vindi against dragonhunter and thief

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Hi all. I play on the vindicator. I have a problem, I do not know how to fight 1vs1 on points against a dragonhunter. I also have this problemnwith thiefs and do not know how to act, as they have high mobility and good damage. I use the alliance and assassin. Give some advice on this stuff, please!

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1 hour ago, freyKEROLAIN.8640 said:

 Give some advice on this stuff, please!

   Is working as expected. You introduce a spec with strong damage, sustain and condi cleanses, handicaped by having a single, ultra expensive dodge. Then you nerf the damage because it was too much, nerf the sustain and the condi cleanses because were too good, and you end with a spec handicaped by phony evade mechanics and which provides nothing else in particular.

   Solutions? Play ATs, where instead of being beated by DH and regular thiefs you will be beaten by stronger specs, so at least you can moan that they are broken (ANet probably will hear you and proceed to nerf core Engie again, just in case). Or just reroll.

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25 minutes ago, Buran.3796 said:

   Is working as expected. You introduce a spec with strong damage, sustain and condi cleanses, handicaped by having a single, ultra expensive dodge. Then you nerf the damage because it was too much, nerf the sustain and the condi cleanses because were too good, and you end with a spec handicaped by phony evade mechanics and which provides nothing else in particular.

   Solutions? Play ATs, where instead of being beated by DH and regular thiefs you will be beaten by stronger specs, so at least you can moan that they are broken (ANet probably will hear you and proceed to nerf core Engie again, just in case). Or just reroll.

I don't understand what you mean by that. I've only been playing for a couple of months, I just wanted to hear tips - how you can fight these classes 1vs1. What other people use against them if they playing vindi. Nobody here is moaning

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2 hours ago, freyKEROLAIN.8640 said:

Hi all. I play on the vindicator. I have a problem, I do not know how to fight 1vs1 on points against a dragonhunter. I also have this problemnwith thiefs and do not know how to act, as they have high mobility and good damage. I use the alliance and assassin. Give some advice on this stuff, please!

You don't come on the forums to ask for help and suggestions...especially no the PvP forum where dots go to moan and whine on how they lost despite their uber supa high skill level and how everything is because the enemy playing OP spec/class.

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2 minutes ago, freyKEROLAIN.8640 said:

I don't understand what you mean by that. I've only been playing for a couple of months, I just wanted to hear tips - how you can fight these classes 1vs1. What other people use against them if they playing vindi. Nobody here is moaning

Please ignore....and read carefully what I am about to say:


1) DO NOT EVER EVER, come to the PvP forum specifically to ask for help

2) You may want to try the specific subforum for the class you are struggling against....a shot in the dark but better idea than coming here to this wasteland

3) No spec is good against everything everytime, your favourite spec may be good in 8 cases out of 10, the remaining 2, you have to switch build, learn multiple playstyles and most importantly...learn when to switch gear, do not focus on winning that 1v1..focus on winning the fight

4) Playing against thieves, when they are good ....it's always miserable experience for any class but another thief, they have access to skills like :



Few examples to show you how hard it is to pin down a thief, of course it is possible to kill thieves, taking them by surprise and all but do not waste months pondering on how to kill thieves, for now just focus on how to contain them...later you may think on how to kill them

5) Dragon hunter is annoying to fight due to traps , one of which will heal them almost to full when triggered , then most of them use longbow, with 3x skills you want to look out for: the burst one, the knockback and the cage to stop your movements...then they have the dragon hunter pull F1, they literally throw a lance at you, with which they can pull you inside their traps. There is really no much point in describing though. Go and watch a youtube video of how dragon hunter plays out, even better make one 

6) Play the game....ignore the rest, duel any spec, whenever you can ...you win and you get better....you lose...and you get even better


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Every balanced build has counters. If you win sidenodes more often than not, you are pulling your weight. Also if you see the enemy has sidenoders that will have you beat, you have 2 possible ways to counter: either go full offensive and stick with your support, or go full bunker and never leave the sidenode.
If it turns out that you're hardcountered during the match, well I'm sorry but everyone loses from time to time.

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3 hours ago, freyKEROLAIN.8640 said:

I don't understand what you mean by that. I've only been playing for a couple of months, I just wanted to hear tips - how you can fight these classes 1vs1. What other people use against them if they playing vindi. Nobody here is moaning

   Dragon Hunters kill foes mixing two knockbacks (Deflecting Shot and Shield of Absoption) and a pull (Hunter's Veredict) with a well placed burst from their traps (and sometimes a well placed True Shot, but that's hard to land since the selath from trap runes got nerfed). Use breakstuns and sstability access to prevent the cc and blocks and evades to void the damage. Since you run Shiro & Alliance and Jalis and Retribution probably aren't in the menu I'll suggest:

*  Riposting Shadows to breakstun and Reaver's Rage and Awakening to both breakstun and grant stability; Invocation trait Glaring Resolve will grant stability after the use of a breakstun, preventing the DH to cc chain you.

* Use the evade, Imperial Guard, Warding Rift and Surge of the Mist to prevent damage from the traps (or Unrelenting Assault if you're using swords). Remember that when you arrive to a node keeped from a DH they probably did place traps, you will need to be able to negate the burst of the traps ALREADY in place AND the ones which He will place once the first are disabled. Time well your defenses.

* Don't waste your main burst (as Eternity's Requiem) when you are blinded or they have up (or off cooldown) their Shield of Courage.  

   No clue about thieves, I don't think that Vindi stands a chance vs them. And by the way first answer was not sarcastic: ditched Vindi at mid April; worst Rev spec to run. As a Herald (condi or power) DH doesn't bother me the least because their traps are my source to fully refill my life (Infuse Light) and I have more cc than them (condi Herald hardcounters DH) . As a power Renegade I just camp over Inspiring Reinforcement stacking stability and poking at range (but Rene is worse vs thieves at mele than Herald).


   Anyway, Arheundel is right: this is not the  place to search for advice but the corner of the forum at which we gather to whine and get broken things nerfed, as core Engie, hammer Rev or Battle Standard. This is were trolling and "the fun police" merges...

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So if you want to do good as Vindicator against professions that have lots of Blinds/Aegis. You have to cleverly chain your attacks, Anet actually by surprise has given Revenant good tools for that, it's a matter of learning them.


Vindi focuses on single heavy hits so it's essential that you prepare ahead of time with your moves and be patient about debuffs, esp with the soft cc spam EoD recently introduced.


GS5 if you're using it has to be the most useful skill to counter pressure with, not because of it's damage but rather the amount of hits it sends out, you should always keep that skill for combos exclusively and not drop one and at time to max your potential since even if you get one attack blocked, you have the potential to land another that's just as strong on Vindi.


One good combo example Vs a Thief like class would be to prepare spear, send out GS5 then evade as it all happens because in all lot of cases people will try to compensate for all of it but there one of the 3 that will inevitably hit or there will be a double evade. Spear also tracks in Stealth which can really screw their sustain rotation.


Resistance while not so great in it's current state still is extremely helpful to counter pressure with. One example being to use Battle Dance then go on with either GS3 or Nomad Advance afterwards which unless it gets corrupted, it's only a matter of critical chance.


You should also in most cases have something to back your end of evade since it's predictable. Reaver's Rage, Battledance, Blocks.. There's quite a bit to choose from too.

Don't be afraid to use Urn either at low HP, that thing can help you tank the attempts of people to finish you and then you can bounce back after breaking it with good boons on top of a clear and healing afterwards. Reminder that if you have 4k HP, turning on Urn means having 8k HP and when you're below 25% you get decent healing that makes up for the damage you just split.

If you can't get close to anyone, don't be ashamed of using Scavenger Burst over and over, it's better than being soaked in conditions.

Edited by Shao.7236
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