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Why not just remove dungeons instead of abusing them?

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So I feel like I have to be missing something here but as soon as i got the in-game mail and read it my very first thought was this:

Sooo now dungeons are even more irrelevant since people are just going to farm the easiest/fastest...



If there is no catch to this then I absolutely hate this change. Like for f's sake Guild Wars 2 is already casual and convenient to the point where its in my opinion a detriment to the game.

Honestly they should rework that part of the game and remove the dungeons completely, the way they are introduced in the game is scuffed anyway with the Herald telling you things you have no idea about like when he says that he's sad to hear that Destiny's Edge no longer wish to be together when you have had no prior contact with him or know who or what Destiny's Edge is. Like huh? The heck are you on about? 

Then there is the issue of not knowing when they actually even take place in relation to the main story.


The whole thing is scuffed. Re-distribute and rename the exclusive dungeon rewards and get rid of the dungeons. OR actually realise that all parts of a game matter and should be maintained. 


Its easy for all of you who don't give a kitten about the leveling, new player experience etc but this stuff matters. I swear to god I sometimes think that the Guild Wars 2 community wouldn't even oppose things like auto-pathing. 

Edited by Zeusx.2906
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Well, they keep changing the development crew.  Each new team lead wants to put their stamp on the game. They want to do new and exciting things to impress us.  I guess they don't much like fixing old content.
I think players would like better content implementation, but Anet seems to think that players just like the flavor of the month. 
Some game somewhere is doing something new, so lets copy it, but put our own spin on it!

How long before some Elden ring themed content gets added to the game? does anyone care to guess?

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The priority is on adding more and more and more lame sparkly gewgaws and glowing flame princess rainbow unicorn hats, NOT on integration of dungeons into the story continuity or creating well explained on-ramps for them in the open world.


Obsession with micro-transactions is a substitute for strong content now days :/

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On 6/8/2022 at 8:50 AM, Zeusx.2906 said:

Then there is the issue of not knowing when they actually even take place in relation to the main story.

You literally get mails as soon as you reach certain level, given its your first time playing and youre leveling your first character and doing your personal story, these mails comes as an invitation for you to follow the sidestory that takes place on dungeons, which takes place on par. The last part of the personal story takes place in Story mode Arah.


In essence, it doesn't really matter when you do them as long as you start with the first dungeon after the Lv40 story step reunion with Destiny Edge. and you finish all dungeons save Arah before finishing the personal story.

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On 6/8/2022 at 10:50 AM, Zeusx.2906 said:

Sooo now dungeons are even more irrelevant since people are just going to farm the easiest/fastest...

This wouldn't happen for two reasons:

  1. You only get the daily token rewards once per day. Trying to farm a particular dungeon and its paths over and over would be way less token gain than just running all the different dungeons and their paths. For example "actual numbers here" if I ran all 3 paths in AC, CM and TA just once individually at a reset, I would get +900 tokens. But if I tried to farm AC paths 3x each, I would only get +420 tokens.
  2. DR "diminishing returns" on drop rates also applies to dungeons. If you were to try and run Sorrow's for mole kill bags to get Platinum Dubs for longer than like 2 hours, your drop rates would turn absolutely abysmal. It is always more lucrative to alternate dungeon paths in terms of sheer drop rates from kills, along with the once per daily token bonuses.
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