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WvW imbalances

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OK I am a very old (just shy of 70) player with relatively poor reflexes so am not expecting to do top tier content but I am happy to join our Guild groups for the metas and easier strike missions. Like everybody else I like to craft legendaries which means needing the Gifts from WvW. Initially, I was logging on for the new WvW dailies at 01:00 UK time and would do the easy dailies and log off but at a certain point I started staying on longer joined informal groups and was able to make considerable progress. Last few days however, one faction has been owning everything to a point when I logged on yesterday absolutely everything was Red and I was 'outnumbered' possibly being the only player from my faction. This didn't stop groups of opponents ambushing me while I was trying to kill a guard.


I think the concept of WvW is really good but I do have some doubts about its implementation and design as ideally WvW should reward strategy and tactics rather than being a meta sized PvP. It also seems perverse that if one team has say 30 in their group and the other 10 then rewarding the 30 group for 10 kills is overly generous and if the maps remain so unbalanced a lot of people are going to get turned off playing especially when the dominant faction seem to have day and night shifts.    

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If the situation were flipped and you were steamrolling your way to your gifts of battle...this topic never would have been made, would it? 

As they say--can't win em' all.  So I'd either log until your server moves down a tier or try to sneak around and capture close things.  Even if vastly outnumbered no one is camping spawn all the time unless its EBG--so just avoid that.    

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Some weeks in WvW are unpleasant. The removal of bonus pips for being outnumbered means being at a massive disadvantage sometimes without significant pay off, so some people will just log out rather than always facing 5 to 30 foes alone every time they turn around. I know that I do a bare minimum of dailies and a few ticks due to being extremely outnumbered some days. It can be exciting to see 3 or 5 opposing players and decide to give it a shot to see if you can take any of them down with you on occasion. It gets old to be consistently outnumbered 10 or more to 1, with little chance of ever accomplishing anything, and be followed around the map(s) for extended periods of time.

Some days/weeks suck, and you just have to let it go in order to enjoy the days/weeks that dont.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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Matchups change every friday, so you'll be fighting other opponents soon.

Then there's re-linking of servers every 8 weeks, which changes part of who you're playing with.

And during all this, people can transfer servers.


As it was said, some of those constellations will just be unpleasant. "Wait it out" is all I can say to help you.



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