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Arms reimagined! [A complete rework of the Arms Traitline]

Grand Marshal.4098

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The aim of this post is to provide suggestions for the complete rework of the Arms traitline (you will be surprised by how easy it is). A line with an identity crisis, aiming to benefit from Crit Chance and Condition Damage, while providing a very lacking kit to work with as a condition build and very limiting options for power builds. I will elaborate on all changes accordingly and aim for the creation of a line that can benefit power and condition builds alike, whilst providing some unique assets that make the line favourable in certain instances, or simply give it a competitive value when put next to Strength for example.

The traits may have a bit different names or maybe not. The BOLDED are the numerical values of the skill and the UNDERLINED are the descriptions, just give it all a read an you won't miss anything. The reasoning can be found in-between.


[Minor Adept] Furious Bursts

  • Burst skills now grant Fury. Gain increased Critical Hit Chance (5%).

-Fury duration at 6 seconds with an Internal Cooldown of 14 seconds, as the warrior requires this boon much more than other professions to reach high levels of Crit Chance, especially now in PvE where banners are no more.

-Fury now is more effective, providing  150 Condition Damage, in line with the recent Fury changes and the original Arms idea. Decreased Condition Damage increase by Fury, for reasons you will understand next. Also, this trait giving the empowered Fury in PvE doesn't apply in WvW. Ideally, the additional 5% Crit Chance modifier would work better as part of Discipline. 


[Major Adept Top] Wounding Precision

  • Gain Precision and Expertise based on a portion of your Power. Burst skills now inflict Cripple.

- Power percentage used for Precision: 10%.

- Power percentage used for Expertise: 10%

- Criple duration at 1.5 sec and an interval of 10 seconds. This is an experimental idea about making this trait a bit more than just a stat conversion, give it some identity and a condition available in the warrior's kit that can be used effectively with other traits and allow for followup damage. 

- A mainly condition focused trait that can easily be picked by power builds for the extra precision (I wanted to allow for Precision access in all 3 tiers of traits to improve buildcraft). With the classic full Berserker gear and scholar runes (even with some power infusions added), we are looking at around 18% increased Condition Duration and around 12% added Crit Chance increase, both of which can benefit the warrior in multiple ways.


[Major Adept Middle] Signet Mastery

  • Signets gain reduced recharge and grant a stacking Ferocity boon on use. Cast Lesser Signet of Fury when striking a foe with a Critical strike.

- The recharge remains as is for signets and so does the Ferocity Signet which can stack up to 500 additional Ferocity. The idea of the middle line is to present more Ferocity alternatives should you reach the favored Crit Chance level. Also, remove the bug which does not allow to maintain the Signet of Ferocity while mounted and refresh previous stacks applied with each new use of a signet. 

- For that reason, with a 20 seconds of internal cooldown, I added the cast of the Lesser Signet of Fury on critical strikes with an internal Cooldown, so all builds in all content can benefit from the buff at any point during fights, as to not limit potency of the trait with enemy health percentages which can be unreliable. The Lesser Signet of Fury grants an additional Lesser Signet buff which grants 180 Precision, 180 Ferocity and 15 Adrenaline on trigger.


[Major Adept Bottom] Opportunist

  • Increased Strike Damage to Vulnerable foes.

- Damage increase scales to every 5 stacks of vulnerability on the enemy. +2% for foes with less than 5 stacks, +4% for foes with 5 to 10 etc., for a maximum of +10% increased overall damage on foes with 25 stacks of Vulnerability. More synergy on next traits for solo play. 

- Warrior has a great lot of synergy with Vulnerability, but no means of capitalizing on it. Therefore, the bottom line of Arms is dedicated to some additional damage modifiers that can benefit both condition and power builds if Precision, Ferocity or Expertise buffs are not sought after (gain advantage of your allies maintaining permanent vulnerability on a boss for example!). 


[Minor Master] Deep Strikes

  • Critical Strikes grant adrenaline. Conditions applied on foes while under the effects of Fury last 10% longer.

- Fury is the driving force of this line and needs to have a pivotal role in the gameplay under it's effects. I believe that after consideration, moving Furious's Adrenaline on Crit part into a minor trait would allow for this line to shine with adrenal gain. On top of that, I decided to maintain the original idea of Fury providing a condi duration increase, but modified it for all conditions with a lesser duration, which I believe it a great buff, so it would probably need to be scaled down or maybe up if it doesn't perform well. 

- The added condition duration buff is only usable under the effects of Fury. Goes a long way to allow for flexibility with Condition Builds and their investment in Expertise through gear, while gating the additional condition duration through the boon. 


[Major Master Top] Blademaster

  • Gain Expertise. Gain Condition Damage while wielding a sword. Sword skills 3, 4 and 5 are improved.

- A largely useful and appropriate trait for condition builds and the weapon. The Expertise can help power builds and the Condition Damage increase favours the weapon (current values for both). The greater issue with Swords lies at their mechanics, on which I will not elaborate today. However, I wished to take it a step further and swap a couple of skills to deal a more offensive condition than bleed (since the line now prioritizes all condition durations), with 5 stacks of Torment for 6 seconds on Riposte (after a successful counter), Rip inflicting half the Power Damage but inflicting 5 stacks of Bleed for 6 seconds and Final Thrust applying Slow for 2 seconds baseline. This may be the most controversial out of all the changes, but maybe improving the condition aspect of swords with some trade-off in Power damage, allows for more flavourful builds and variety in conditions through the addition of Torment. Perhaps 1 skill for each Sword should change and then mechanically, OH sword is reworked to be baseline superior. Otherwise I don't think that some extra conditions are a big of a deal in PvE and less so in competetive give the nature of swords. The CD decrease for swords being removed in favor of these additions might be the right call (UP TO DEBATE!). 


[Major Master Middle] Unsuspecting Foe

  • Hitting an enemy from behind or the flank increases Critical Strike Damage by 5% and Critical Strike Chance by 50%. Deal a bonus strike which weakens, if successful at flanking (of hitting from behind).

Bonus strike has a base value of 350 with a coefficient of 0.9, with the weakness applied lasting for 3 seconds. Internal cooldown for this skill is at 15 seconds (could use more ideas on whether or not this would be broken). (UP TO DEBATE) 

- This was more of a fun idea that may or may not work as a trait. I wanted to give this trait some form of compensation for performing an action and not simply standing there under the effects of a boon, midllessly spamming attacks. The idea of flanking as a warrior could be refined more, but especially in PvE this should not be an issue and in competetive environments I believe it is a great idea to promote sidesteping and generally striking enemies in their "weak spots", hense the weakness which can synergize with other lines. The ferocity buff is great as a small bonus that adds up to other means of offense and the extra Crit Chance is there to ensure strikes and as a form of compensation for Burst Precision being removed fron the line and the original Opportunist (now this trait and Burst Supremacy cover the crit % requirements). 


[Major Master Bottom] Sundering Burst

  • Burst skills inflict Vulnerability if hit and deal additional Vulnerability if the attack is a critical hit. Vulnerability lasts longer.

- Vulnerability duration increase of 33%.

- Vulnerability applies in the same manner as the current trait. The only addition I wished to implement was for personal Vulnerability to last longer on enemies an open up opportunities for damage spikes. Relatively useless in PvE instance content if Vulnerability is not an issue, ideal in solo situations both in Open World and WvW Roaming, PvP matches. 


[Minor Grandmaster] Bloodthirst

  • Steal health when you inflict bleeding. Life siphon damage: 125, LS healing: 100 . Your Critical Strikes have a chance of inflicting bleeding on enemies (66% chance).

- The idea is simple. A boost in the bleeding warrior can apply by doubling the bleeding chance on crit from 33% to 66% and a means of self-sustain via Arms that is generally found throughout the game and can be tweaked as a value for competetive environments. The bleeding lasts for 4 seconds baseline in compensation for the removal of Bleeding duration increase and simply the overall 10% Condition Duration increase. Each Bleed stack applied siphons health and deals damage on the enemy, allowing for both power and condition builds to benefit from this sustain trait, reminding us of Battle Scars found on Rev. 


[Major Grandmaster Top] Furious

  • Critical strikes grant a stacking Condition Damage effect. Reduce incoming Condition Damage by 1% per stack affecting you.

- Furious now stacks up to 10 stacks, with each stack granting +25 Condition Damage for a total of +250 Condition Damage at maximum stacks. Each stack now also reduces incoming enemy Condition Damage by 1% per stack affecting the player (10% reduction total). Each Furious stacks lasts for 10 seconds and application of new stacks refreshes the duration of previously applied stacks. 

- A double trait, worthy of being a Grandmaster. Removed the Critical Strike adrenaline buildup to add a more defensive utility to the trait, without making it overpowered (on paper, at least). With fewer stacks, Furious can now reach maximum potency a lot quicker and allow for builds to benefit from constantly striking the enemies and not being vulnerable while doing so. Could also limit values for competetive modes. 


[Major Grandmaster Middle] Axe Mastery

  • Gain ferocity. Gain Additional Ferocity for each Axe being used. Axe skills gain reduced recharge.

- Same values as the current trait. Idea has also been that if Arms itself provides too much Adrenaline buildup via Deep Strikes, Lesser Signet of Fury and the overall classic ways of gaining adrenaline as a warrior, I would like to see adrenaline buildup removed from Axes in favor of the lost additional ferocity per Axe used. Which would mean an additional +120 Ferocity to the current trait. 


[Major Grandmaster Bottom] Burst Supremacy

  • Burst skills have an increased Critical Hit chance (50%) and grant a stack of Unblockable per adrenaline bar spent. Unblokable skills apply Vulnerability.

- Decreased Crit Chance from Burst precision to bring it more in line with the rest of the Traits and the additional perk for any Unblockabe attack. Internal cooldown for the stacks of Unblockable attacks (can be up to 3 stacks each time for Core and Berserk Mode trigger) is 10 seconds, whilst Spellbreaker can have up to 1 stack each time (might overlap with baseline Unblockable Bursts) and has an Internal cooldown of 5 seconds. Vulnerability applies at the strike of the Unblockable attack with 3 stacks for 4 seconds, therefore if the unblockable attack misses, the condition is not applied. Internal Cooldown on Vulnerability application per unblockable attack of 3 seconds

- Compensation for the highly predictable Lesser Signet of Might procs. Additionally creates some synergy with other things in the warrior's arsenal (cough SpB, perhaps some reworked Berserker skills cough, sadly a bit for BsW too..). 


Side-effects for the Discipline Traitline

It might be a controversial thing to do, bringing Axes over to Arms (given how Dual Wielding is by all means useless). But I believe that this opens up a lot for Discipline's Grandmaster traits, especially if Heightened Focus is also reworked (surprised it wasn't with this patch, but anyway). Main idea is for Fast Hands to be baseline and then allow for a double axe build that may not weapon swap all that much, to benefit more from being in a line like Arms and synergize with the rest of the traits there, since Discipline without Axe Mastery is currently only QoL (not even Double Standards anymore) and Warrior's Sprint Strike Damage Increase. 


Overall this is my take on an Arms rework that may or may not work. Tried to give a benefit to condi lines but also make it a more interesting option for power builds with additional dmg modifiers and a looot more ferocity. Also added a bit of self-sustain since as of right now, warrior's other lines usually are not only competitors with damage but also with self-sustain options and funnily enough at this point, only Arms lacks some form of sustain from core, considering that the new Banner of Tactics will pulse regeneration as part of the Discipline tree. Furthermore, I can see the additional Crit Chance working with Arms, it simply needs to provide options for power builds, although I am cautious with modifiers as to not powercreep the hybrid line. 

Thanks for reading! Let me know your thoughts below!



Edited by Grand Marshal.4098
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I appreciate that these suggestions don't go hog wild in terms of power level. Numbers are really difficult to discuss, so I'll be providing some feedback for the concepts instead:

Right now in the Master Adept slot, if you were a condi Warrior, you'd just pick whatever is mathematically superior between [Wounding Precision] and [Opportunist], since both are essentially straight DPS increases.

There's also the issue where you seem to be attempting to support Power damage in this line, but if you were looking at this iteration of Arms as a Power build, you'd be picking [% dps increase trait] > [% dps increase trait] > [Axe Mastery], which isn't exactly exciting.


[Major Adept Middle] Signet Mastery

  • Signets gain reduced recharge and grant a stacking Ferocity boon on use. Cast Lesser Signet of Fury when striking a foe below the health threshold (75%).

Thinking about how this trait is positioned, competing against your iteration of [Opportunist], this should be a PvP/WvW/Utility trait, right? [Signet Mastery] was originally intended to give you unblockable status right as the enemy is low. There's no real issue with changing it to Signet of Fury, but how about considering making it trigger when striking a foe above 75% HP instead, so the purpose of this auto-trigger is now to start you off every fight immediately with Adrenaline? 


[Minor Master] Deep Strikes

  • While under the effects of Fury gain Adrenaline. Conditions applied on foes while under the effects of Fury last 5% longer.

I think this trait is a little too Condi focused to be a Minor trait - Minors should be applicable to all Warrior builds supported by the traitline (yeah the original Arms traitline failed at this too lol).


[Major Master Middle] Unsuspecting Foe

  • Hitting an enemy from behind or the flank increases Critical Strike Damage by 5%. Deal a bonus strike which weakens, if successful at flanking (of hitting from behind).

The ICD is the issue - this seems to be designed as a burst of damage, but just like Leg Specialist after it got it's ICD, the trigger happens so often that you'll almost never be able to tell if you're going to proc this or not, making it really unreliable.


[Major Grandmaster Top] Furious

  • Critical strikes grant a stacking Condition Damage effect. Reduce incoming Condition Damage by 1% per stack affecting you.

 Condi Warrior relied quite heavily on the Adrenaline gain aspect of Furious, and I think you forgot to slap +33% Bleed duration somewhere. 

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21 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

I appreciate that these suggestions don't go hog wild in terms of power level. Numbers are really difficult to discuss, so I'll be providing some feedback for the concepts instead:


21 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

Right now in the Master Adept slot, if you were a condi Warrior, you'd just pick whatever is mathematically superior between [Wounding Precision] and [Opportunist], since both are essentially straight DPS increases.

Yeah that is true. Wanted to give incentive to run either if power or condi. Otherwise I could simply make is a Strike Damage increase on Vulnerable foes and be done with it (signets would then be the QoL trait/Ferocity buff). 

21 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

There's also the issue where you seem to be attempting to support Power damage in this line, but if you were looking at this iteration of Arms as a Power build, you'd be picking [% dps increase trait] > [% dps increase trait] > [Axe Mastery], which isn't exactly exciting.

Creativity with traits is definitrly an issue. Ideally, I'd want to make everything a bit more unique, but then again that's a bit tough. Just wanted to get rid of all the useless crit chance increases Arms currently has, for decent strike damage options. At least think of the traits that support power damage as just that. Implementation can varry. 

21 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

Thinking about how this trait is positioned, competing against your iteration of [Opportunist], this should be a PvP/WvW/Utility trait, right?

Tbh I thought that Vulnerability on Bosses in PvE is always capped at max stacks so it would be more usable there if anything. Otherwise definitely applicaple in competetive. 

21 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

[Signet Mastery] was originally intended to give you unblockable status right as the enemy is low. There's no real issue with changing it to Signet of Fury, but how about considering making it trigger when striking a foe above 75% HP instead, so the purpose of this auto-trigger is now to start you off every fight immediately with Adrenaline? 

Good idea, Ill write it down. 

21 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

I think this trait is a little too Condi focused to be a Minor trait - Minors should be applicable to all Warrior builds supported by the traitline (yeah the original Arms traitline failed at this too lol).

True, wanted to give a small boost to condi there, although I can see the value of Fury giving adrenaline and boosting non-dmging condis. Otherwise I can just remove it and give it as a trait the Adrenaline on Crit from Furious. 

21 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

The ICD is the issue - this seems to be designed as a burst of damage, but just like Leg Specialist after it got it's ICD, the trigger happens so often that you'll almost never be able to tell if you're going to proc this or not, making it really unreliable.

This is where I tried to get creative. Thought about it not critting and doing something like chill burst. But preferred weakness synergy. ICD is there cause I had no idea how OP it would be to spike all the time with the flanking strike. 

21 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

 Condi Warrior relied quite heavily on the Adrenaline gain aspect of Furious, and I think you forgot to slap +33% Bleed duration somewhere. 

I thought about it. Would make Minor Grandmaster too OP and that's why I increased based Bleed duration and Bleed application percentage. Maybe Deep strikes can get the On Crit Adrenaline as said and the bleed increase can be rolled into Sword mastery instead of expertise. 

I want to keep the anti-condi buff on Arms, as it's just like a food buff, but can still offer something. 

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I added the current Adrenaline on Crit in Deep strikes instead of what existed there,  opportunist only affects strike damage now, unsuspecting foe as a trait is up to debate, clarified lesser signet of fury proc for high health foes, removed adrenaline from axe mastery and reintroduced ferocity per axe used. 

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Interesting ideas but i feel most of them overly favor the fast/frantic gameplay of Berserker and wouldn't synergize with Bladesworn as much. Also burst supremacy kinda invalidates the unblockable part of unyielding dragon. ( can't speak for SB, i've never used it at end endgame)

Edited by Sir Galahad.3792
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Bloodthirst rework is interesting.

What are your thoughts on: "bleed on hit" (33%-66% chance) or "bleed on crit" (100% chance)? Having the % chance on top of crit % chance seems like an unnecessary complication for warriors as simply getting 100% crit is already difficult. 

For sustainability, what are your thoughts on tying healing to +% of bleed damage?

It would provide a small bit of sustain for power warriors using Arms without overly overpowering current power warrior sustain traits (Might Makes Right/Mending Might).

Combined with "bleed on crit" (100% chance) is also provides alternative condi weapons for warriors by taking multi-hit power weapons (greatsword, offhand axe, pistol) to stack plenty of bleeding while also allowing CC focused weapons (hammer, mace, shield) to be suddenly transformed into condi weapons when taken along side Body Blow.

Effectively it would allow:

  • every weapon to function as a hybrid weapon in some capacity
  • warriors can still specialize specifically into condition (sword, torch, longbow) or power (axes, greatsword) while providing a new lease on life for less utilized weapons (mace, hammer)
  • gives Warriors another passive sustainability trait to  promote less reliance on Might Makes Right (Strength) as the near sole source of sustain of the entire profession (Defense shores up gaps but is seldom taken compared to Strength)

Edit: The "heal % on bleed damage" was shamelessly stolen from the game Outriders with the Devastator class. It would have to be managed VERY carefully, as MMR + Mending Might + Heal%Bleed could become insanely overpowered for sustain.

Edited by Geoff Fey.1035
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15 hours ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

The aim of this post is to provide suggestions for the complete rework of the Arms traitline (you will be surprised by how easy it is). A line with an identity crisis, aiming to benefit from Crit Chance and Condition Damage, while providing a very lacking kit to work with as a condition build and very limiting options for power builds. I will elaborate on all changes accordingly and aim for the creation of a line that can benefit power and condition builds alike, whilst providing some unique assets that make the line favourable in certain instances, or simply give it a competitive value when put next to Strength for example.

The traits may have a bit different names or maybe not. The BOLDED are the numerical values of the skill and the UNDERLINED are the descriptions, just give it all a read an you won't miss anything. The reasoning can be found in-between.


[Minor Adept] Furious Bursts

  • Burst skills now grant Fury and Fury's effects are improved.

-Fury duration at 9 seconds with an Internal Cooldown of 12 seconds, as the warrior requires this boon much more than other professions to reach high levels of Crit Chance, especially now in PvE where banners are no more.

-Fury now is more effective, providing 25% Crit Chance increase and 150 Condition Damage, in line with the recent Fury changes and the original Arms idea. Decreased Condition Damage increased by Fury for reasons you will understand next.


[Major Adept Top] Wounding Precision

  • Gain Precision and Expertise based on a portion of your Power.

- Power percentage used for Precision: 10%.

- Power percentage used for Expertise: 10%

A mainly condition focused trait that can easily be picked by power builds for the extra precision (I wanted to allow for Precision access in all 3 tiers of traits to improve buildcraft). With the classic full Berserker gear and scholar runes (even with some power infusions added), we are looking at around 18% increased Condition Duration and around 12% added Crit Chance increase, both of which can benefit the warrior in multiple ways.


[Major Adept Middle] Signet Mastery

  • Signets gain reduced recharge and grant a stacking Ferocity boon on use. Cast Lesser Signet of Fury when striking a foe with high health(80%).

- The recharge remains as is for signets and so does the Ferocity Signet which can stack up to 500 additional Ferocity. The idea of the middle line is to present more Ferocity alternatives should you reach the favored Crit Chance level. 

- For that reason, with a 20 seconds of internal cooldown, I added the cast of the Lesser Signet of Fury at a higher health percentage than the current Lesser Signet of Might for some reliable adrenaline buildup and increase in Precision and most notably, Ferocity, to allow for some superior damage when the unblockables and the might from the current Lesser Signet proc are not beneficial in most situations in PvE and the proc is very unreliable in Competitive. The Lesser Signet of Fury grants an additional Lesser Signet buff which grants 180 Precision, 180 Ferocity and 15 Adrenaline on trigger.


[Major Adept Bottom] Opportunist

  • Increased Strike Damage to Vulnerable foes.

- Damage increase scales to every 5 stacks of vulnerability on the enemy. +1% for foes with less than 5 stacks, +2% for foes with 5 to 10 etc., for a maximum of +5% increased overall damage on foes with 25 stacks of Vulnerability. More synergy on next traits for solo play. 

- Warrior has a great lot of synergy with Vulnerability, but no means of capitalizing on it. Therefore, the bottom line of Arms is dedicated to some additional damage modifiers that can benefit both condition and power builds if Precision, Ferocity or Expertise buffs are not sought after (gain advantage of your allies maintaining permanent vulnerability on a boss for example!). 


[Minor Master] Deep Strikes

  • Critical Strikes grant adrenaline. Conditions applied on foes while under the effects of Fury last 10% longer.

- Fury is the driving force of this line and needs to have a pivotal role in the gameplay under it's effects. With a gain at the rate of 2 adrenaline strikes every 5 seconds, Fury allows for some steady adrenaline buildup during fights if out of options or without using Signet of Rage. If under the effects of Fury and if using Signet of Rage, one can fill out their adrenaline bar (Core warrior) in 30 seconds and overcap 2 strikes due to the Internal cooldowns. I believe that after consideration, moving Furious's Adrenaline on Crit part into a minor trait would allow for this line to shine with adrenal gain. On top of that, I decided to maintain the original idea of Fury providing a condi duration increase, but added original Bloodlust's idea for the bleed procs but instead modified it for all conditions with a lesser duration, which I believe it a great buff, so it would probably need to be scaled down. 

- The added condition duration buff is only usable under the effects of Fury. Not a big buff, but goes a long way to allow for flexibility with Condition Builds and their investment in Expertise through gear. 


[Major Master Top] Blademaster

  • Gain Expertise. Gain Condition Damage while wielding a sword. Sword skills gain reduced recharge.

- A largely useful and appropriate trait for condition builds and the weapon. The Expertise and cooldown reduction can help power builds and the Condition Damage increase favours the weapon. The greater issue with Swords lies at their mechanics, on which I will not elaborate today. 


[Major Master Middle] Unsuspecting Foe

  • Hitting an enemy from behind or the flank increases Critical Strike Damage by 5%. Deal a bonus strike which weakens, if successful at flanking (of hitting from behind).

Bonus strike has a base value of 350 with a coefficient of 0.75, with the weakness applied lasting for 3 seconds. Internal cooldown for this skill is at 15 seconds (could use more ideas on whether or not this would be broken). (UP TO DEBATE) 

- This was more of a fun idea that may or may not work as a trait. I wanted to give this trait some form of compensation for performing an action and not simply standing there under the effects of a boon, midllessly spamming attacks. The idea of flanking as a warrior could be refined more, but especially in PvE this should not be an issue and in competetive environments I believe it is a great idea to promote sidesteping and generally striking enemies in their "weak spots", hense the weakness which can synergize with other lines. 


[Major Master Bottom] Sundering Burst

  • Burst skills inflict Vulnerability if hit and deal additional Vulnerability if the attack is a critical hit. Vulnerability lasts longer.

- Vulnerability duration increase of 33%.

- Vulnerability applies in the same manner as the current trait. The only addition I wished to implement was for personal Vulnerability to last longer on enemies an open up opportunities for damage spikes. Relatively useless in PvE instance content if Vulnerability is not an issue, ideal in solo situations both in Open World and WvW Roaming, PvP matches. 


[Minor Grandmaster] Bloodthirst

  • A portion of your Critical Damage heals you (7%). Your Critical Strikes have a chance of inflicting bleeding on enemies (66% chance).

- A fun grandmaster minor option, which would require for a rework in the Sun and Moon style trait in Spellbreaker (long overdue). The idea is simple. A boost in the bleeding warrior can apply by doubling the bleeding chance on crit from 33% to 66% and a means of self-sustain via Arms that is generally found throughout the game and can be tweaked as a value for competetive environments. The bleeding lasts for 4 seconds baseline in compensation for the removal of Bleeding duration increase and simpky the overall 10% Condition Duration increase. PvE enthusiasts could go into the calculations on this change.


[Major Grandmaster Top] Furious

  • Critical strikes grant a stacking Condition Damage effect. Reduce incoming Condition Damage by 1% per stack affecting you.

- Furious now stacks up to 10 stacks, with each stack granting +25 Condition Damage for a total of +250 Condition Damage at maximum stacks. Each stack now also reduces incoming enemy Condition Damage by 1% per stack affecting the player (10% reduction total). Each Furious stacks lasts for 10 seconds

- A double trait, worthy of being a Grandmaster. Removed the Critical Strike adrenaline buildup to add a more defensive utility to the trait, without making it overpowered (in paper at least). With fewer stacks, Furious can now reach maximum potency a lot quicker and allow for builds to benefit from constantly striking the enemies and not being vulnerable while doing so. Could also limit values for competetive modes. 


[Major Grandmaster Middle] Axe Mastery

  • Gain ferocity, Gain Additional Ferocity for each Axe being used. Axe skills gain reduced recharge.

- Same values as the current trait. Idea has also been that if Arms itself provides too much Adrenaline buildup via Deep Strikes, Lesser Signet of Fury and overall the classic way of gaining adrenaline as a warrior, I would like to see adrenaline buildup removed from Axes in favor of the lost additional ferocity per Axe used. Which would mean an additional +120 Ferocity to the current trait. 


[Major Grandmaster Bottom] Burst Supremacy

  • Burst skills have an increased Critical Hit chance (50%) and grant a stack of Unblockable per adrenaline bar spent. Unblokable skills apply Vulnerability.

- Decreased Crit Chance from Burst precision to bring it more in line with the rest of the Traits and the additional perk for any Unblockabe attack. Internal cooldown for the stacks of Unblockable attacks (can be up to 3 stacks each time for Core and Berserk Mode trigger) is 15 seconds, whilst Spellbreaker can have up to 1 stack each time (might overlap with baseline Unblockable Bursts) has an Internal cooldown of 10 seconds. Vulnerability applies at the strike of the Unblockable attack with 3 stacks for 5 seconds, therefore if it misses, the condition is not applied.

- Compensation for the highly predictable Lesser Signet of Might procs. Additionally creates some synergy with other things in the warrior's arsenal (cough SpB, perhaps some reworked Berserker skills cough, sadly a bit for BsW too..). 


Side-effects for the Discipline Traitline

It might be a controversial thing to do, bringing Axes over to Arms (given how Dual Wielding is by all means useless). But I believe that this opens up a lot for Discipline's Grandmaster traits, especially if Heightened Focus is also reworked (surprised it wasn't with this patch, but anyway). Main idea is for Fast Hands to be baseline and then allow for a double axe build that may not weapon swap all that much, to benefit more from being in a line like Arms and synergize with the rest of the traits there, since Discipline without Axe Mastery is currently only QoL (not even Double Standards anymore) and Warrior's Sprint Strike Damage Increase. 


Overall this is my take on an Arms rework that may or may not work. Tried to give a benefit to condi lines but also make it a more interesting option for power builds with additional dmg modifiers and a looot more ferocity. Also added a bit of self-sustain since as of right now, warrior's other lines usually are not only competitors with damage but also with self-sustain options and funnily enough at this point, only Arms lacks some form of sustain from core, considering that the new Banner of Tactics will pulse regeneration as part of the Discipline tree. Furthermore, I can see the additional Crit Chance working with Arms, it simply needs to provide options for power builds, although I am cautious with modifiers as to not powercreep the hybrid line. 

Thanks for reading! Let me know your thoughts below!



Some really nice ideas here, GM!


I especially like your Burst Supremacy skill and the signet mastery trait that you and @Jzaku.9765 discussed.  Also, the "gain condition duration when you have fury" is a clever mechanic; great idea! 

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10 hours ago, Sir Galahad.3792 said:

Interesting ideas but i feel most of them overly favor the fast/frantic gameplay of Berserker and wouldn't synergize with Bladesworn as much.

The idea here is to provide condition builds of all specs some form of utility. Berserker being inherently a more dedicated condition spec, will be able to capitalize greatly off of these changes, but at the same time the additional stats and superior condition procs can make Core and Spellbreaker builds much for viable for PvE Open World and WvW Roaming! I say that only after testing their capabilities as condition builds!

Also, Vulnerability in unblockable attacks makes this a trait that can be used instead of Sundering Burst in conjuction with Opportunist and Unsuspecting Foe, for some good dmg output that benefits baseline Unblockables!


Also burst supremacy kinda invalidates the unblockable part of unyielding dragon. ( can't speak for SB, i've never used it at end endgame)

The idea is to get rid of a trait such as Unyielding Dragon's Unblockable Slashes. Make Core be able to deliver similar results, but in a more balanced manner to allow for skilled play once you hit with a burst and gain access to those unblockable stacks (maybe you should atack you enemy who is shielding themselves with this opportunity!). I must admit intervals and internal cooldowns are a bit tough to think, but numbers really are never an issue, so long the core idea is not busted. Outside of that, baseline unblockable skills like Slash Reach, FC, Aura Slicer etc., will be able to generate stacks without consuming them since they are baseline unblockable skills! In the end, I didn't go very hard into the math, but this change should be near the potency of Lesser Signet of Might procs from current Arms, simply less stacks but more consistently. 

9 hours ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:

Bloodthirst rework is interesting.

What are your thoughts on: "bleed on hit" (33%-66% chance) or "bleed on crit" (100% chance)? Having the % chance on top of crit % chance seems like an unnecessary complication for warriors as simply getting 100% crit is already difficult. 

Tried to keep it in line more with current Bloodlust. Since the added self-sustain trait would be introduced, something had to be cut off (rolled the 33% bleed duration increase as part of an overall 10% condi duration increase while under the effects of Fury. I don't think that Crit Chance would be difficult to build with the previous 2 lines introducing at least 2 options to improve precision, all needed is some precision gear probably. Can't be fully sure for Endgame PvE, but I would not want to boost the damage too much while introducing sustain traits too. What do you say?


For sustainability, what are your thoughts on tying healing to +% of bleed damage?

It would provide a small bit of sustain for power warriors using Arms without overly overpowering current power warrior sustain traits (Might Makes Right/Mending Might).

As discussed with Jzaku, Minor traits should benefit both build variants. I believe he is correct. therefore, I decided to focus on the heal on Crit aspect which already exists in warrior, simply in an useless trait of an Elite spec, with too many parameteres to access it reliably. I still think might heal is superior tbh. Numbers can always be tweaked.


Combined with "bleed on crit" (100% chance) is also provides alternative condi weapons for warriors by taking multi-hit power weapons (greatsword, offhand axe, pistol) to stack plenty of bleeding while also allowing CC focused weapons (hammer, mace, shield) to be suddenly transformed into condi weapons when taken along side Body Blow.

Effectively it would allow:

  • every weapon to function as a hybrid weapon in some capacity
  • warriors can still specialize specifically into condition (sword, torch, longbow) or power (axes, greatsword) while providing a new lease on life for less utilized weapons (mace, hammer)
  • gives Warriors another passive sustainability trait to  promote less reliance on Might Makes Right (Strength) as the near sole source of sustain of the entire profession (Defense shores up gaps but is seldom taken compared to Strength)

Ideally I would want to see better mechanics in Maces and Swords, with more conditions and a couple of ideas rolled into defense as discussed like, last year in @CalmTheStorm.2364Defense revitalization. I can definitely see the importance of doing it a bleed on crit for sure and sustain of the bleed, but I feel like unless it works somehow ike battle scars where the health is not connected to the condition, I think it may not benefit power warrior's a whole lot. What do you say?


Edit: The "heal % on bleed damage" was shamelessly stolen from the game Outriders with the Devastator class. It would have to be managed VERY carefully, as MMR + Mending Might + Heal%Bleed could become insanely overpowered for sustain.

Yeah I imagined something like this exists in other games and there are definitely reprocussions in giving every line a form of healing, which is also why I wished for arms to not bring might heal on the table and augment the already strong combos. 

Ideally, Mending Might being a support option of barrier application on allies with might share could reduce some of the sustain with MMR, but as a warrior i would not want to see that happen without proper compensation in MMR. 

8 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Some really nice ideas here, GM!




I especially like your Burst Supremacy skill and the signet mastery trait that you and @Jzaku.9765 discussed.  Also, the "gain condition duration when you have fury" is a clever mechanic; great idea! 

Sadly, there seems to be a lot of creativity missing from the traits, which I understand. Target is to separate the lines clearly, give good options to both builds (power, QoL, condi) and make it an appeaing line first, then figure out flavour. I am up for anything extra. Tho I'll try to be very conservative with the thread.

Edited by Grand Marshal.4098
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I still a bit confused about your Signet Mastery is it cast lesser signet fury when attacking enemy above 80% health or below 80%?

if only above 80% the value kind of low isn't it?


For the burst supremacy I know there is crit on it, but should we maybe put that to Disc traitline, since it's burst related, tbh Dics could use some more burst trait since a lot of useless or one dimensional trait there 😃

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2 minutes ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

I still a bit confused about your Signet Mastery is it cast lesser signet fury when attacking enemy above 80% health or below 80%?

The idea is to strike someone with high health during the beginning of a fights (Boss, enemy player, mob etc.), and get a quick boost in adrenaline, precision and ferocity to start your burst with! More in line with the idea of crits in Arms, superior boost in damage in moments where Might is overstacked and unblockable is not needed. 

2 minutes ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

For the burst supremacy I know there is crit on it, but should we maybe put that to Disc traitline, since it's burst related, tbh Dics could use some more burst trait since a lot of useless or one dimensional trait there 😃

It was a merge of current Burst Precision with compensation for the lost Unblockables from the removal of Lesser Signet of Might. Also warrior in core has always needed some form of more consistent access to unblockable. Maybe it can be done in a different way, but I am not sure I got an idea rn.

As for discipline, outside of how it is affected by getting Axe Mastery in arms, it would need plenty of changes, since Heightened Focus is by all means even more useless now and Axe Mastery would not occupy a slot in Grandmaster tier. So with Calm's suggestion to add the crit chance increase in Versatile Power (effectively removing some modifier from Arms and make it a tad less stacked as a line), you gain both the boost in crit there and have 2 whole new Grandmaster slots open for traits!

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3 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

The idea is to strike someone with high health during the beginning of a fights (Boss, enemy player, mob etc.), and get a quick boost in adrenaline, precision and ferocity to start your burst with! More in line with the idea of crits in Arms, superior boost in damage in moments where Might is overstacked and unblockable is not needed. 

In this case isn't the value a bit low for a boss fight? For clearing mob is good but for boss fight the time needed to deplete 80 to 0 is definitely longer than 100 to 80. Like at 79% the trait is blank, I mean this is better than blank since beginning like banner trait but I'd rather get a trait which can activate at high uptime not necessarily 100.


If we want to slightly copy WoW like the Warrior's execute on venthyr then trait can be activate above 80% and below 40% for example, or maybe make it "Chance to activate" maybe based on critical hit? maybe 10-20% chance activation on critical hit?

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3 minutes ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

In this case isn't the value a bit low for a boss fight? For clearing mob is good but for boss fight the time needed to deplete 80 to 0 is definitely longer than 100 to 80. Like at 79% the trait is blank, I mean this is better than blank since beginning like banner trait but I'd rather get a trait which can activate at high uptime not necessarily 100.


If we want to slightly copy WoW like the Warrior's execute on venthyr then trait can be activate above 80% and below 40% for example, or maybe make it "Chance to activate" maybe based on critical hit? maybe 10-20% chance activation on critical hit?

I see what you mean. That did escape my mind, since I don't PvE a lot. Yeah we would not want it to be useless as a trait. 

Since we also have Stacks of the Ferocity Signet and lower recharge on Signets, I prefer if we keep this effect and have it activate in 2 phases (the ICD still applying since for mobs and players you should not be able to get the benefit twice). 

So like, vs High health foes at 75%+ and then it also triggers against foes below 25%? What do you say? 

Or we could use the below 40% and above 80% values for better uptime. 

Edited by Grand Marshal.4098
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1 hour ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

In this case isn't the value a bit low for a boss fight? For clearing mob is good but for boss fight the time needed to deplete 80 to 0 is definitely longer than 100 to 80. Like at 79% the trait is blank, I mean this is better than blank since beginning like banner trait but I'd rather get a trait which can activate at high uptime not necessarily 100.


If we want to slightly copy WoW like the Warrior's execute on venthyr then trait can be activate above 80% and below 40% for example, or maybe make it "Chance to activate" maybe based on critical hit? maybe 10-20% chance activation on critical hit?

We're kind of arguing about a fantasy right now, but I don't see an issue because for PVE boss encounters you would take the 5% strike damage trait it competes with in the same slot. They do not need to serve the same purpose of being a DPS trait. You already get this vague feeling that "this is stupid" from Forceful Greatsword vs Great Fortitude in Strength.

Edited by Jzaku.9765
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1 hour ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

I see what you mean. That did escape my mind, since I don't PvE a lot. Yeah we would not want it to be useless as a trait. 

Since we also have Stacks of the Ferocity Signet and lower recharge on Signets, I prefer if we keep this effect and have it activate in 2 phases (the ICD still applying since for mobs and players you should not be able to get the benefit twice). 

So like, vs High health foes at 75%+ and then it also triggers against foes below 25%? What do you say? 

Or we could use the below 40% and above 80% values for better uptime. 

Edit: I decided to make the proc for Lesser Signet of Fury to cast on a Critical Strike, with the only restriction being the Internal Cooldown of the skill. This way, all types of builds can benefit in all content, with no unreliable health percentages used for the skill. 

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1 minute ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

We're kind of arguing about a fantasy right now, but I don't see an issue because for PVE boss encounters you would take the 5% strike damage trait it competes with in the same slot. They do not need to serve the same purpose of being a DPS trait. You already get this vague feeling that "this is stupid" from Forceful Greatsword vs Great Fortitude in Strength.

What do you think if the Lesser Signet procs simply from a Critical Strike at any point? The Cooldown of the skill does the rest. 

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Furious Bursts

This one is unclear, does it add an additional 5% critical hit chance to the base effect of fury or not? And I believe most "fury procc traits" tend to give 3 secs base duration with a 5 sec cd, so your suggestion is probably too strong. Also fury is not exactly the hardest boon to get on warrior anyway.

Major adept slot

All 3 traits have effects potentially useful for power builds, which means players will figure out which one is the best and pick that trait all the time, effectively making the other choices pointless. (Personal guess: Wounding Precision for condi [obviously] and Signet Mastery for power.)

Signet Mastery

The lesser signet of fury effect is temporarily increasing precision by 180. Buffs which are impossible to maintain 100% of the time should not be buffing a stat which has a hard cap. In this case there isn't really anything that can be done about it, since that is what the active effect of signet of fury does, but it's not exactly ideal. (Not that the automatic lesser signet of might is much better...)

Deep Strikes

The warrior's kit has access to a pretty narrow selection of conditions and not all of them are good, which means a general 10% condition duration increasing effect is naturally weak on this profession.


Thief's Invigorating Precision converts 4% crit dmg to healing, with an additional 2% if they have fury. Scrapper's Impact Savant gives them barrier equal to 5% of power dmg dealt and it reduces their vitality. In PvE that trait should not have 7% crit dmg to healing conversion. At the same time, in sPvP and WvW it would need way more.


That's all that I noticed on the first read. Personally I would take inspiration from engineer's firearms or guardian's radiance  specialization to make arms work for both power and condition builds.

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41 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

Furious Bursts

This one is unclear, does it add an additional 5% critical hit chance to the base effect of fury or not? And I believe most "fury procc traits" tend to give 3 secs base duration with a 5 sec cd, so your suggestion is probably too strong. Also fury is not exactly the hardest boon to get on warrior anyway.

Its the added crit chance modifier they wished to put in Arms. Otherwise it can be removed and placed in Dicispline. I think that the fury duration can be shaved off, but not below 6 seconds. This line is about fury anyway, so it makes sense. Lesser durations, even with lesser ICDs mess up warrior rotations in solo play where boons mean a lot more. 

41 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

Major adept slot

All 3 traits have effects potentially useful for power builds, which means players will figure out which one is the best and pick that trait all the time, effectively making the other choices pointless. (Personal guess: Wounding Precision for condi [obviously] and Signet Mastery for power.)

Signet mastery is half-half. You can take it for the Signet builds, but eith no signets (say stances, FGJ etc.), you'd probably opt for the dmg modifier in the below row. Again, anything you may got as an idea that can compete is welcome for addition. Just lmk your idea. 

41 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

Signet Mastery

The lesser signet of fury effect is temporarily increasing precision by 180. Buffs which are impossible to maintain 100% of the time should not be buffing a stat which has a hard cap. In this case there isn't really anything that can be done about it, since that is what the active effect of signet of fury does, but it's not exactly ideal. (Not that the automatic lesser signet of might is much better...)

It's in line with the actual Signet and the idea is to mostly gain an adrenaline bump early in fights and have that extra ferocity boost once in a while. Precision overcapping is mostly an issue in endgame PvE and all classes can go beyond it momentarily or permanently, so I don't think it's a big of a deal. You can know that if you don't build 100% Crit chance you can have that small window every 20 sec that may be enough to crit cap!

41 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

Deep Strikes

The warrior's kit has access to a pretty narrow selection of conditions and not all of them are good, which means a general 10% condition duration increasing effect is naturally weak on this profession.

Which is why with this rework, we should aim for other reworks too, such kitten confusion on maces, torment in sword (more), better application of conditions in general. Bleeds are more or less easy to get so might as well get more value out of something like aigil of torment and doom in condi builds. 

41 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:


Thief's Invigorating Precision converts 4% crit dmg to healing, with an additional 2% if they have fury. Scrapper's Impact Savant gives them barrier equal to 5% of power dmg dealt and it reduces their vitality. In PvE that trait should not have 7% crit dmg to healing conversion. At the same time, in sPvP and WvW it would need way more.

Tbh, the number can be adjusted. It's a placeholder. Would not focus on making it too strong in competetive environment (7% should be fine) while in PvE Open World it should be an ok option to heal oneself. Now for endgame PvE, I don't know. 

41 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:


That's all that I noticed on the first read. Personally I would take inspiration from engineer's firearms or guardian's radiance  specialization to make arms work for both power and condition builds.

Thanks for the valuable feedback, we rly need a refined Arms rework and it's been a long while since we discussed it. So I'll try to elaborate on all opinions and justify choices, in hopes of not being stuck in an endless trait rework cycle xD


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6 hours ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

I see what you mean. That did escape my mind, since I don't PvE a lot. Yeah we would not want it to be useless as a trait. 

Since we also have Stacks of the Ferocity Signet and lower recharge on Signets, I prefer if we keep this effect and have it activate in 2 phases (the ICD still applying since for mobs and players you should not be able to get the benefit twice). 

So like, vs High health foes at 75%+ and then it also triggers against foes below 25%? What do you say? 

Or we could use the below 40% and above 80% values for better uptime. 

Yes this is what I mean so activate at above certain threshold and below certain threshold but I saw you already change it into chance activate on crit hit which is simpler. Also I wouldn't really count the stacks of ferocity signet? lul.

Mainly because if we ever equip signet it's just better to not activate it and benefit from the passive only.


1 hour ago, Katary.7096 said:

That's all that I noticed on the first read. Personally I would take inspiration from engineer's firearms or guardian's radiance  specialization to make arms work for both power and condition builds.

Believe it or not this is indeed the goal of Grand Marshal's design, I also mention this several times to other ppl that Arms should function like Radiance and Firearms. However the question remains if anet will ever see this post and take it as feedback lul because they are famous of the ignorance.


Btw Grand I think the powerline is kind of solved with those precision buff etc2 and some extra damage should be good at least mechanically number can be changed if necessary. Now the question is how should we improve condi? Because there are options.

The current condi setup is already reaching about 95% (CMIIW on this) on both bleeding and burning duration, so we got a few options here (current gear is full viper with renegade rune)
1. Keep adding condition duration so we can switch some pieces to sinister

2. Adding trait for more condi damage let's say make bleeding and burning hurts more

3. Adding trait and modify the weapon to add different type of condition preferably torment.

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27 minutes ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

Yes this is what I mean so activate at above certain threshold and below certain threshold but I saw you already change it into chance activate on crit hit which is simpler. Also I wouldn't really count the stacks of ferocity signet? lul.

Eh just for clarification really. 

27 minutes ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

Mainly because if we ever equip signet it's just better to not activate it and benefit from the passive only.

Tbh the ferocity stacks can easily be stacked with the trait signet and an occassional skill signet. 

27 minutes ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:


Believe it or not this is indeed the goal of Grand Marshal's design, I also mention this several times to other ppl that Arms should function like Radiance and Firearms. However the question remains if anet will ever see this post and take it as feedback lul because they are famous of the ignorance.


Btw Grand I think the powerline is kind of solved with those precision buff etc2 and some extra damage should be good at least mechanically number can be changed if necessary. Now the question is how should we improve condi? Because there are options.


27 minutes ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

The current condi setup is already reaching about 95% (CMIIW on this) on both bleeding and burning duration, so we got a few options here (current gear is full viper with renegade rune)
1. Keep adding condition duration so we can switch some pieces to sinister

Between the 10% of power into expertise (can you calculate it with the renegade runes for example and the sinister gear?) and the minor with 10% condition duration and the expertise in swords, where do we stack up? 

27 minutes ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

2. Adding trait for more condi damage let's say make bleeding and burning hurts more

Furious being more quick in application and only requiring 10 critical hits instead of 25 will easily allow for the +250 condition damage to be a more reliable buff. 

27 minutes ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

3. Adding trait and modify the weapon to add different type of condition preferably torment.

Nice idea, probably can be rolled into Blademaster. Or better, Wounding Precision. 

Something like, Cripple now deals damage every second on foes for Blademaster. 

And maybe for Wounding Precision, to not keep it just stats, Burst skills poison? 

Im legit out of ideas there. Maybe adding flat torment would be better. But I also wanted to make some unique interactions with the cripple condition on warrior maybe since we have many sources of it and traits. 

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Update: reduced fury granted by bursts to 6 seconds from 9. Increased fury bestowal interval from bursts to 14 seconds. 

Removed all deleted ideas. 

Currently tweaking Wounding Precision to add a condition to burst skill use. 

Considering to boost Blademaster into applying torment with skill number 3 and 5 of sword. 

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Renegade rune doesn't give condi duration it's pure condi damage because at the current form Warrior get 33% bleeding duration from arms and 33% burning duration from zerker's condi trait.

Tbh I haven't calculate your new arms but if you give extra condi duration aka general the burning duration might cap soon before bleeding, because the 33% bleeding duration is on minor grandmaster and on your version that's heal instead on crit.

I think Anet should like think what should they do with condi warrior, either boost the damage because warrior only use 2 type or condi or give another condi type.

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13 minutes ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

Renegade rune doesn't give condi duration it's pure condi damage because at the current form Warrior get 33% bleeding duration from arms and 33% burning duration from zerker's condi trait.

Tbh I haven't calculate your new arms but if you give extra condi duration aka general the burning duration might cap soon before bleeding, because the 33% bleeding duration is on minor grandmaster and on your version that's heal instead on crit.

I think Anet should like think what should they do with condi warrior, either boost the damage because warrior only use 2 type or condi or give another condi type.

Hmm I see. 

Ideas on Wounding Precision and Blademaster? 

I just updated them to reflect on my ideas. Feel free to fix durations, as right now I could not do more appropriate research for durations and intensity. 

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