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Arms reimagined! [A complete rework of the Arms Traitline]

Grand Marshal.4098

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29 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Another thought that can came into my mind: warrior is very susceptible to blind. In this day and age, a good number of classes can just spam and proc instant blind conditions. Stuff like this just trivializes the idea of melee warrior and just completely neutralizes its offense. You can't spec for and cleanse it because it will just get instantly applied again! There's no way for warrior to counter against this.

A possible suggestion, if these new elite specs aren't tweaked to reduce blinds, is to grant warrior a unique boon for blind immunity. Because let me tell you: IT NEEDS IT. Warrior is very burst-dependent. For too long warrior sets up a burst only to miss because of a procced 1 second blind.

An Arms line can incorporate this in some way and would be another reason to take it.

Cleansing Ire proccing off of burst use rather than hit would solve this problem really. Make it clear blind and one other condi per adrenaline tier, again on use rather than on hit.

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54 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Cleansing Ire proccing off of burst use rather than hit would solve this problem really. Make it clear blind and one other condi per adrenaline tier, again on use rather than on hit.

On top of Dogged March granting Resistance instead of regen, if not 2 ticks of Berserker's Stance for Stance synergy. 

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4 hours ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

On top of Dogged March granting Resistance instead of regen, if not 2 ticks of Berserker's Stance for Stance synergy. 

I agree with that. I've recommended in the past that Last Stand could be reworked to provide lesser balanced stance when you are afflicted with a non-damaging condition instead of balanced stance like it does now. I think that would be a great way to give more access to resistance (and adrenaline gain) while rehabbing one of the 300s CD traits. 


However, if for some reason you wanted to put a more sustain-oriented trait in arms (never a bad idea for a trait line to have a couple of those), I'd recommend something like this:


Fencer's Resolve:

Gain resistance (2s) when you gain Fury. 

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7 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

I agree with that. I've recommended in the past that Last Stand could be reworked to provide lesser balanced stance when you are afflicted with a non-damaging condition instead of balanced stance like it does now. I think that would be a great way to give more access to resistance (and adrenaline gain) while rehabbing one of the 300s CD traits. 


However, if for some reason you wanted to put a more sustain-oriented trait in arms (never a bad idea for a trait line to have a couple of those), I'd recommend something like this:


Fencer's Resolve:

Gain resistance (2s) when you gain Fury. 

I tried to address that by making Furious not only an offensive option for condi builds, but also a defensive one with the stacking condi dmg redu effect. 

Otherwise Defense is the prime target for self-cleanse and resistance imo. Between reworked Furious and Bloodlust, a condi build with some precision should have plenty ability to resustain without sacrificing traits in other lines to achieve the same (like Zerker power is def a better pick for dmg for a hybrid setup than MMR, maybe a Body Blow builds needs the Hammer trait etc). 

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Since the thread is slowly going to be lost in the abyss of suggestions that will never be implemented, lemme know any final tweals you'd make to the uodated final version of this rework, found in the first page. 


Thank you all for the participation and discussions, maybe this isn't the rework everyone wants, but better have a singular thread than random ideas all around that Anet will never gather! 

Thank you once more. 

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2 hours ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

But but the 5% crit chance on STRENGTH! 🤣😂🤣

I say they give +5% Crit chance to all lines' minors 😂😂

In any case, since I have not see any big comments on this thread, I imagine it has at least reached a level of collective agreement, so all anet gotta do is take a read and decide for themselves. 

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