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For those that have been playing since launch, what was the most fun era for you and why?

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Also, had to add my favorite WvW memory:  I was a guardian at the time and was getting ganked by one shot thieves a lot.  I remember complaining on the forums and someone flat out telling me that I just needed to learn thief better to counter them, so I took the advice and mained thief for like 3 months and practiced the then perma-stealth one shot build that was popular in WvW.  Once I felt I Got the timing correct, I swapped back to my guardian and it wasn't long before I came across a thief on the road outside garrison heading to the camp.  The fight began and then...went on...and on...and on.  Literally about 15 minutes into the fight another player had just stopped and watched us for about 2 minutes before laughing and saying,  "Y'all need to stop.  He has no chance of killing you and you can't stop him from resetting in stealth.  This fight will never end."  We eventually did stop, bow and headed off in separate directions.  Felt good to not die to the ganking build and more-so it was the first time I felt like i was starting to get the PvP side of things in the game.

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Season 1 was super fun for me. Some of the events when you would see everyone grouping together and working together. Super fun. 
I think next i had the most fun in early HOT expansion. I liked the difficulty that came with it. Everyone had to think / work harder. 
I liked the POF expansion for the details in the maps and some of the lore. But fun?.... i don't really think POF was really "fun" It was just nice to see all the old areas, what happened to em. Then with EOD they just kitten on everything and said f you. Really wish i never bought EOD.

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Season 4, hands down. Half of it was the fact that I had essentially dropped out of GW2 from sometimes during Season 1 until A Bug in the System (S4 E2) was released. Now I suddenly had two expansions and two LW seasons of stuff to catch up to. I had done most of the basic storyline catchup by the time War Eternal (S4 E6) came out. Even without all that catching up, Season 4 presented the best collection of maps and open world experience for my enjoyment.

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Hmm...good question but i'll try to share some of the most memorable eras for me:
1. There was a time in PvP, where you could knock players off the edges of the map and Engi turrets exploded with a 600 unit knockback. It was a good time to play Engi in PvP...
2. The three releases around the attack on Lion's Arch was probably the best part of LS1. I remember farming those meta events, making a few friends along the way and even commanding a few maps myself. It felt like most of the community was working together to organize these maps and all.
I'm curious how the re-release will handle these episodes, but I'll see it when we get there.
3. The first few weeks after an expansion release have always been special. You get a break from the "min-max'er bros" and the guides and are just free to explore. Mapchat is discusing the maps and events and ppl are helping eachother out.
4. The 18 months I've been active in a dedicated WvW guild was probably some of the most fun I've had in the game. Not because anything about WvW was different bzt because of the people and the approach to the game mode.
5. The first year of raiding, crafting the armor and progressing through the content was a unique experience and great fun for me.

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