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Nerf braindead dps mechanist


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With patch 28/06 we lost around 4k flat dps from rework of banners, spirits, spotter like skills and so on.

IF we add some class nerf to it (catalist hammer nerf, -5% guardian burning damage and no more shared sigil, Soulbeast elite skill rework and time bonus nerf to all soulbeast skills and more), with literally 0 compensation for the dps loss from all that, you can see clearly that the situation was bad; so obviously the patch was a disaster, and people can check it very easy too.

All that have nothing to do with the Mecha, that is better to remember, was more powerfull before the 28/06 patch then after, cause with it, we literally lost an entire TRAIT LINE to be used by the robot if we trigger an explosion hit (yeah, and noone point that out).

Seriously, even after all that, people didn't check the "TEST dps number" and started "the nerf Mecha and FB" trend instead of the "Buff all the classes to recuperate the damage lost" trend, priority is a strange concept i think............

And the Mecha get even more nerfed with hot fix 01/07 patch, but nothing was done for the 4k flat dps loss we get to all classes (apart some "up weapons coefficient to some classes", that helped a bit but was nowhere enough for the 4k minimun loss gap we had after 28/06 patch), and nothing would appear to be in store for that.......

We had bench over 40k+ dps with many classes, now, we suffer to get 36k+ bench with some classes and many others struggle to get over 32k-33k but all i read around (forum and other place) are post against the Mecha class or FB class (why, i don't know, considering guardian DPS specs are one of the most nerfed class in the game after patch 28/06) instead of posts about rebuff all classes to compensate at least the 4k flat dps loss we had after 28/06.

Edited by ThunderX.6591
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I hate the current state of balance as hell. All classes are pushed into supporting rolles and more classes are cut to be dps only, adittionally, the reaper became more unpopular than ever. It is by now my strongest char but ist so useless now. I don't like to play meta, I play A/WH only since I play mid-range. Therefore, I do less DPS.

An and top to this, Anet give buffs more and more and in the same step, classes get nerfed because they do too much damage because of all the kitten boons and buffs. The result? Classes as itselves and solo-playing get even worse and worse. But this is the point ANet will never understand and will ignore forever. At this state, I hate this game now.

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3 hours ago, Cindaria.6379 said:

I hate the current state of balance as hell. All classes are pushed into supporting rolles and more classes are cut to be dps only, adittionally, the reaper became more unpopular than ever. It is by now my strongest char but ist so useless now. I don't like to play meta, I play A/WH only since I play mid-range. Therefore, I do less DPS.

An and top to this, Anet give buffs more and more and in the same step, classes get nerfed because they do too much damage because of all the kitten boons and buffs. The result? Classes as itselves and solo-playing get even worse and worse. But this is the point ANet will never understand and will ignore forever. At this state, I hate this game now.

To be fair, reaper is still one of the more popular solo play options among power specs.  For group play it is definitely lagging behind, but any spec will if you build for your personal vision rather than performance. 

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3 hours ago, Cindaria.6379 said:

And another point is: New equipment for another char costs so much, since eq like viper's or ritualist's need fancy mats. I don't have fun to spend kitten 100 g just for a f.. exotic support gear 🙄

Stat selectable exotic armor  is easily farmed in Verdant Brink and stat selectable ascended trinkets in LS3 maps.  Hope it helps!

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9 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Judging by the "success" of the latest balance patch they may wish to reconsider the wisdom of that vision. 

Their plan is to milk the steam release for all it's worth by making this a mobile game.

Short term success at the expense of the long term.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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On 7/16/2022 at 2:40 AM, Kuma.1503 said:

Prior to mech, When was the last time you saw someone LFG for an engi?

The thing is: People are looking for Mechanist and not for Engineer. It's the same for other classes. People are looking for Firebrand exclusively and not for other Guardian specializations. That's the problem. Some specializations are simply far too overloaded to ignore. These be-all and end-all builds aren't healthy for the game at all. Both Mechanist and Firebrand need some proper redesign to bring them in line with other builds. The LFG should look like "role X" or "role Y" instead of "HAM" or "HFB".

It's not that I don't understand your sentiment. Every build should at least be viable. Nonetheless, Mechanist is a huge problem and the Rifle buff was utterly unwarranted - Mechanist had a very easy to play yet powerful cDPS build, the grossly overpowered HAM build and the very powerful Alacrity build. There was no need for another grossly overpowered pDPS build - you already had these with Scrapper and Holosmith. Buffing Rifle only means indirectly nerfing Hammer and Sword for these builds and depriving them of a part of their specialization identity.

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21 hours ago, ThunderX.6591 said:

With patch 28/06 we lost around 4k flat dps from rework of banners, spirits, spotter like skills and so on.

IF we add some class nerf to it (catalist hammer nerf, -5% guardian burning damage and no more shared sigil, Soulbeast elite skill rework and time bonus nerf to all soulbeast skills and more), with literally 0 compensation for the dps loss from all that, you can see clearly that the situation was bad; so obviously the patch was a disaster, and people can check it very easy too.

All that have nothing to do with the Mecha, that is better to remember, was more powerfull before the 28/06 patch then after, cause with it, we literally lost an entire TRAIT LINE to be used by the robot if we trigger an explosion hit (yeah, and noone point that out).

Seriously, even after all that, people didn't check the "TEST dps number" and started "the nerf Mecha and FB" trend instead of the "Buff all the classes to recuperate the damage lost" trend, priority is a strange concept i think............

And the Mecha get even more nerfed with hot fix 01/07 patch, but nothing was done for the 4k flat dps loss we get to all classes (apart some "up weapons coefficient to some classes", that helped a bit but was nowhere enough for the 4k minimun loss gap we had after 28/06 patch), and nothing would appear to be in store for that.......

We had bench over 40k+ dps with many classes, now, we suffer to get 36k+ bench with some classes and many others struggle to get over 32k-33k but all i read around (forum and other place) are post against the Mecha class or FB class (why, i don't know, considering guardian DPS specs are one of the most nerfed class in the game after patch 28/06) instead of posts about rebuff all classes to compensate at least the 4k flat dps loss we had after 28/06.

Look here. Benchmarks are benchmarks on a DPS golem - that golem doesn't move and doesn't defend itself. That's not how actual PvE works. The reason why Rifle Mechanist is grossly overpowered is that its benchmark - even if it is somewhat on the lower side - translates almost 1:1 into actual encounters which simply isn't the case for any other DPS build. You will - on average - outperform other DPS builds in low- and mid-tier squads without effort.

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52 minutes ago, Raizel.8175 said:

It's not that I don't understand your sentiment. Every build should at least be viable. Nonetheless, Mechanist is a huge problem and the Rifle buff was utterly unwarranted - Mechanist had a very easy to play yet powerful cDPS build, the grossly overpowered HAM build and the very powerful Alacrity build. There was no need for another grossly overpowered pDPS build - you already had these with Scrapper and Holosmith. Buffing Rifle only means indirectly nerfing Hammer and Sword for these builds and depriving them of a part of their specialization identity.

The rifle buff was not unwarranted, wtf?

It's a core weapon and deserves to be useful. Saying that it isn't allowed to get a proper rework because of mechanist is nonsense. And hammer is still the best weapon for scrapper, despite rifle being buffed, so what is this indirect nerf stuff you are talking about. Sword is also still competing really well for power dps builds.


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1 hour ago, Kodama.6453 said:

The rifle buff was not unwarranted, wtf?

It's a core weapon and deserves to be useful. Saying that it isn't allowed to get a proper rework because of mechanist is nonsense. And hammer is still the best weapon for scrapper, despite rifle being buffed, so what is this indirect nerf stuff you are talking about. Sword is also still competing really well for power dps builds.


You're right.  The rifle buff was a good update to an underutilized weapon.  They should have nerfed mechanist, but for some reason they didn't feel it was necessary even though it clearly overperforms.  Specifically, it outperforms all of the specs they updated in this patch in an attempt to make them relevant in the meta.

So, I guess my question is are these devs really so disconnected from reality that they didn't anticipate this?  Did they not read all of the responses telling them this would be the case and that mechanist needed to be brought in line along with firebrand?  Yet somehow they instead buffed rifle, which created yet another way that mechanist can overperform in the meta.

Bottom line:  It does way too much, way too easily.  There is no room for specs that have to play by a totally different set of rules until they bring this spec in line.

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18 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

You're right.  The rifle buff was a good update to an underutilized weapon.  They should have nerfed mechanist, but for some reason they didn't feel it was necessary even though it clearly overperforms.  Specifically, it outperforms all of the specs they updated in this patch in an attempt to make them relevant in the meta.

So, I guess my question is are these devs really so disconnected from reality that they didn't anticipate this?  Did they not read all of the responses telling them this would be the case and that mechanist needed to be brought in line along with firebrand?  Yet somehow they instead buffed rifle, which created yet another way that mechanist can overperform in the meta.

Bottom line:  It does way too much, way too easily.  There is no room for specs that have to play by a totally different set of rules until they bring this spec in line.

Mechanist, in my opinion, is just a design disaster all around.

It seems that they tried to satisfy too many requests at the same time with it. Looking back at the discussions for a new engineer elite spec, there were 3 main requests coming up regularly:

  • LI condition build (since all effective engineer condition builds revolved around juggling 3-4 kits all the time)
  • ranged dps
  • support (scrapper was first and foremost a bruiser spec, but looking at it's trait system, it really didn't contribute anything to a healing support role)

And what is mechanist doing now? Providing these 3 things. We got a LI condition build with condition J-drive. We got an effective ranged dps build with rifle power mech. And we got a support spec with the HAM build.

Even the mace is designed to fill 3 roles! It has good power coefficients, it has good condition damage, it works well as a support weapon (thanks to the boons and barrier it provides).

Additionally, there is still the problem that came with the trade off. People were warning that giving up the entire toolbelt as a trade off means that the new mechanic needs to be really powerful to be worth it. And that's what we got now. Now we have a mech which has to make up for all the stuff lost with the toolbelt, which includes healing skills, some of our best burst damage skills, half of our core stun breaks.....

How mechanist got designed, I fear that it will keep being a problem in one way or another. Either it makes up for the loss of the toolbelt and will get perceived as OP and too easy, or it doesn't make up for the toolbelt and will be considered useless, since you are giving up the power of a toolbelt for something not on the same level while being an unreliable AI pet.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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On 7/16/2022 at 8:27 AM, Kozumi.5816 said:

This is their vision so yes.

I lol'd hard, it does seem accurate.

To me its what made the patch notes/updates pointless: basically was 'we're gonna nerf Elementalist, Mesmers to get them in line with others.' 

and then also 'we're gonna make Mechanists Robot do the same DPS as a person & give them a fully automatic rifle.'

Like I do not hate on Mechs getting love but don't throttle two other classes to make another one OP. Just makes zero sense at all. 

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4 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

The rifle buff was not unwarranted, wtf?

It's a core weapon and deserves to be useful. Saying that it isn't allowed to get a proper rework because of mechanist is nonsense. And hammer is still the best weapon for scrapper, despite rifle being buffed, so what is this indirect nerf stuff you are talking about. Sword is also still competing really well for power dps builds.


I have to disagree here. Rifle does above 20k DPS with AA only. It's a pDPS weapon, ranged and doesn't rely on AA Chains. That's utterly overpowered and shouldn't exist that way.

2 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Mechanist, in my opinion, is just a design disaster all around.

It seems that they tried to satisfy too many requests at the same time with it. Looking back at the discussions for a new engineer elite spec, there were 3 main requests coming up regularly:

  • LI condition build (since all effective engineer condition builds revolved around juggling 3-4 kits all the time)
  • ranged dps
  • support (scrapper was first and foremost a bruiser spec, but looking at it's trait system, it really didn't contribute anything to a healing support role)

And what is mechanist doing now? Providing these 3 things. We got a LI condition build with condition J-drive. We got an effective ranged dps build with rifle power mech. And we got a support spec with the HAM build.

Even the mace is designed to fill 3 roles! It has good power coefficients, it has good condition damage, it works well as a support weapon (thanks to the boons and barrier it provides).

Additionally, there is still the problem that came with the trade off. People were warning that giving up the entire toolbelt as a trade off means that the new mechanic needs to be really powerful to be worth it. And that's what we got now. Now we have a mech which has to make up for all the stuff lost with the toolbelt, which includes healing skills, some of our best burst damage skills, half of our core stun breaks.....

How mechanist got designed, I fear that it will keep being a problem in one way or another. Either it makes up for the loss of the toolbelt and will get perceived as OP and too easy, or it doesn't make up for the toolbelt and will be considered useless, since you are giving up the power of a toolbelt for something not on the same level while being an unreliable AI pet.

I can however agree here. Mechanist is just pure overloaded nonsense.

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4 minutes ago, Raizel.8175 said:

I have to disagree here. Rifle does above 20k DPS with AA only. It's a pDPS weapon, ranged and doesn't rely on AA Chains. That's utterly overpowered and shouldn't exist that way.

I can however agree here. Mechanist is just pure overloaded nonsense.

For info, you tested Mecha with rifle AA only without Rocket AA and without Robot active?

From my test, with all that active instead, rifle do around 23k now against golem, in AA with all the possible bonus you can set on the traits used, so wanted to know your setting if possible. (i posted mine in another post, i am referring to that test i did days ago).


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45 minutes ago, Raizel.8175 said:

I have to disagree here. Rifle does above 20k DPS with AA only. It's a pDPS weapon, ranged and doesn't rely on AA Chains. That's utterly overpowered and shouldn't exist that way.

Ok, cool.

Mind to share a video of you doing 20k dps with nothing but rifle AA? Because I tested this myself right now and got just 13k dps that way.

Friendly reminder, you claim that RIFLE AA is op here, so the mech should not be auto attacking the golem. You said with just rifle AA, but I bet you were counting in the mech attacks as well here.

But the point is that rifle is a CORE weapon for ALL elite specs. And it deserves to be good. And rifle AA is not overperforming compared to any other weapons in the game.

Btw, as a comparison, I was also testing the "nerfed elite spec weapons". Here are my damage numbers:

Rifle AA on mechanist: 13k
Mace AA on mechanist (power): 17k
Rifle AA on scrapper: 12k
Hammer AA on scrapper: 20k
Rifle AA on holosmith: 12k
Sword AA on holosmith: 14k

Keep in mind, the sword AA is even without any heat to buff up it's damage.
So my point is: Can you stop lying? You claim that the rifle AA is ridiculously OP compared to other weapons, when it is simply not.

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56 minutes ago, ThunderX.6591 said:

For info, you tested Mecha with rifle AA only without Rocket AA and without Robot active?

From my test, with all that active instead, rifle do around 23k now against golem, in AA with all the possible bonus you can set on the traits used, so wanted to know your setting if possible. (i posted mine in another post, i am referring to that test i did days ago).


They are not just counting the rifle AA, they obviously have the mech auto attack as well.

Their claim that rifle AA is op is laughable. Rifle AA is still dealing less power damage on AA than literally every other power weapon engi has access to. Hammer, mace and sword (even without any heat to buff the AA damage here) all beat rifle AA in dps.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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56 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

They are not just counting the rifle AA, they obviously have the mech auto attack as well.

Their claim that rifle AA is op is laughable. Rifle AA is still dealing less power damage on AA than literally every other power weapon engi has access to. Hammer, mace and sword (even without any heat to buff the AA damage here) all beat rifle AA in dps.

Which they should, because rifle is a ranged weapon where the others are not.  As you said before, the problem is mechanist.  Not rifle.  When you look at actual gameplay, mechanist players are getting 50%+ of their damage from AA, mech, and passives.  Even the snowcrows benchmark is over 43% and advises players to "simply use all of your skills off cooldown."  Braindead is the right word for it and it's sad that it's not even the most problematic mechanist spec.  ANet has truly outdone themselves this time.

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5 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

You're right.  The rifle buff was a good update to an underutilized weapon.  They should have nerfed mechanist, but for some reason they didn't feel it was necessary even though it clearly overperforms.  Specifically, it outperforms all of the specs they updated in this patch in an attempt to make them relevant in the meta.


They did nerf Mechanist. They reduced the Mech ranged AA from 0.6 to .35. That's a substantial dps loss. They also reduced their self-quickness uptime if they run Jade Dynamo, which was mostly relevant in OW and PvP/WvW. 

I can understand why people think Mech overperforms as power dps. The support build outperforms other support builds, so when people see rifle mech putting out decent numbers that warps their perception. 

The reality is that Rifle Mech does not outperform the meta. Their benchmark is around 35k. Yes, it is ranged, if the only builds above it were melee builds I would agree that it is still too strong, but the builds above it are also ranged. 

You could argue, it benches too high while being too easy, and yes it's no carpel tunnel inducing piano rotation (engi has enough of those), but it is a standard rotation where you have to manage a weapon swap (Grenades), hit your buttons on CD, and manage your AI. 

All together it's a middle of the road difficulty build with middle of the road damage. 


7 hours ago, Raizel.8175 said:

Look here. Benchmarks are benchmarks on a DPS golem - that golem doesn't move and doesn't defend itself. That's not how actual PvE works. The reason why Rifle Mechanist is grossly overpowered is that its benchmark - even if it is somewhat on the lower side - translates almost 1:1 into actual encounters which simply isn't the case for any other DPS build. You will - on average - outperform other DPS builds in low- and mid-tier squads without effort.

Mech has good uptime in raids thanks to the fact that it is ranged. This is true, but as I addressed above. This isn't unique to Mechanist. There are other fairly easy ranged builds with good uptime which also out dps mechanist. 

Here are a list of builds that outperform Mech and are also ranged. 

Condi Specter - 39k dps

Condi Harbinger - 38k dps

Power Soulbeast - 37k

Condi Virtuso - 36k

All of these builds also have good uptime in actual encounters. It's also in line with the other easy to play fully ranged build that has great uptime in actual encounters. Condi Scourge. This build can also apply some minor support to allies with cleanses and barrier. It's not a lot, but this extra value is more than what power mech brings since it is completely selfish. 


The reality is that this build is not overperorming. It's already in line. The reason why people want it dead isn't because it's OP, it because of a warped perception people have about it because of HAM. 

And since the community has pressured ANET into nerfing it further and nerfs to A-AR were confirmed, you can expect it to start underperforming compared to other ranged builds in August. 

Which I will be fine with just so long as Scrapper and Holo are brought up to compensate. Holosmith should be the go-to selfish power dps in my opinion. RIfle Mech should be used when you want a power dps alacrity hybrid. Put it in line with where Power Quick Scrapper is currently at ~26k dps. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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26 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

They did nerf Mechanist. They reduced the Mech ranged AA from 0.6 to .35. That's a substantial dps loss. They also reduced their self-quickness uptime if they run Jade Dynamo, which was mostly relevant in OW and PvP/WvW. 

I can understand why people think Mech overperforms as power dps. The support build outperforms other support builds, so when people see rifle mech putting out decent numbers that warps their perception. 

The reality is that Rifle Mech does not outperform the meta. Their benchmark is around 35k. Yes, it is ranged, if the only builds above it were melee builds I would agree that it is still too strong, but the builds above it are also ranged. 

You could argue, it benches too high while being too easy, and yes it's no carpel tunnel inducing piano rotation (engi has enough of those), but it is a standard rotation where you have to manage a weapon swap (Grenades), hit your buttons on CD, and manage your AI. 

All together it's a middle of the road difficulty build with middle of the road damage. 


Mech has good uptime in raids thanks to the fact that it is ranged. This is true, but as I addressed above. This isn't unique to Mechanist. There are other fairly easy ranged builds with good uptime which also out dps mechanist. 

Here are a list of builds that outperform Mech and are also ranged. 

Condi Specter - 39k dps

Condi Harbinger - 38k dps

Power Soulbeast - 37k

Condi Virtuso - 36k

All of these builds also have good uptime in actual encounters. It's also in line with the other easy to play fully ranged build that has great uptime in actual encounters. Condi Scourge. This build can also apply some minor support to allies with cleanses and barrier. It's not a lot, but this extra value is more than what power mech brings since it is completely selfish. 


The reality is that this build is not overperorming. It's already in line. The reason why people want it dead isn't because it's OP, it because of a warped perception people have about it because of HAM. 

And since the community has pressured ANET into nerfing it further and nerfs to A-AR were confirmed, you can expect it to start underperforming compared to other ranged builds in August. 

Which I will be fine with just so long as Scrapper and Holo are brought up to compensate. Holosmith should be the go-to selfish power dps in my opinion. RIfle Mech should be used when you want a power dps alacrity hybrid. Put it in line with where Power Quick Scrapper is currently at ~26k dps. 

Yes, EoD ranged specs in general are overperforming.  A benchmark against a stationary target neutralizes the range advantage.  In any real encounter with any kind of area denial and movement (such as all of the new content since EoD) melee loses to range of equal benchmark.  That should be taken into account when balancing and ranged DPS should be a bit lower, not equal or higher than melee.

With regard to ease of play, I feel that should also be taken into account.  The question is how much of a factor should it be?  Obviously, ANet wants it to be less of a factor in order to reduce the disparity between skill floor and ceiling.  That's fine.  My concern is that a spec that produces half or more of its damage from passive gameplay and the rest from pushing buttons off cooldown and can perform much closer to optimal benchmark DPS due to range could have too much of an advantage over other specs.

I agree that mechanist ideally should not be a DPS spec.  I think it's set up to serve a support role and should deal less damage.  That would allow holo to be the selfish DPS choice and scrapper can cover the other side of support with quickness.

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Guys, i give you off a secret, if Anet want to get on Steam, they need to consider a simple fact..... in the recent years, people who play game often use many platforms, and that mean people often use phone to play games too and the games on it are mostly "tap tap" to move, attack and more....... and you seriously think these people would be happy to use "piano rotation" for being good in the game end contents as DPS? (in a game literally 10 years old too)

You really think they will not give bad vote to the game because for them, the game is simple too hard on the rotation to get a good dps? Of course they will do that.

When a game like gw2 would be set on Steam, you can be sure the end of the game can come really fast if the vote are on the bad side (under 60% i can say and a game can start to suffer from that point), that is the power of Steam world wide window; can help a lot a game to grow in the numbers of players, BUT at the same time, can literally destroy it and get the game to the point to close the servers.

Anet have all kind of data about the game (they find out some elites players in end contents were bypassing animation on the Catalist hammer AA fire attunement to get extra dps from that too, so i suppose the data analysis are good and even full of detail), so, i think many changes in the future will be done for the purpose to launch the game in Steam and get a good score.

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10 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Yes, EoD ranged specs in general are overperforming.  A benchmark against a stationary target neutralizes the range advantage.  In any real encounter with any kind of area denial and movement (such as all of the new content since EoD) melee loses to range of equal benchmark.  That should be taken into account when balancing and ranged DPS should be a bit lower, not equal or higher than melee.

With regard to ease of play, I feel that should also be taken into account.  The question is how much of a factor should it be?  Obviously, ANet wants it to be less of a factor in order to reduce the disparity between skill floor and ceiling.  That's fine.  My concern is that a spec that produces half or more of its damage from passive gameplay and the rest from pushing buttons off cooldown and can perform much closer to optimal benchmark DPS due to range could have too much of an advantage over other specs.

I agree that mechanist ideally should not be a DPS spec.  I think it's set up to serve a support role and should deal less damage.  That would allow holo to be the selfish DPS choice and scrapper can cover the other side of support with quickness.

You know that we lost around 4k dps flat from patch 28/06 to all the classes we have in game?

IF we have to be true, we need to UP all classes to get back the 4k dps we had lost with the last patch, but noone is talking about that, only nerf here, nerf there, and more nerf......

You all understand that we get the biggest nerf in general dps in maybee the last 7 years and you talk only about Mecha, a class totally normal in the actual gameplay that was probably choosen by a lot of casual players who see robot and probably start to play it finding it simple for them to get in the game contents around the maps with it and maybe try some end game too??

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1 hour ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I agree that mechanist ideally should not be a DPS spec.  I think it's set up to serve a support role and should deal less damage.  That would allow holo to be the selfish DPS choice and scrapper can cover the other side of support with quickness.

This requires quite a big rework for the spec, tho. 2 of it's trait lines are dedicated to dps currently (condition dps and power dps respectively). Just the middle row is designed for support.

Unless your suggestion is to nerf these 2 trait lines into unviability and leave them to rot, which I would call out as kitten. So the question is: what are they supposed to replace the dps traits with if mechanist shouldn't be a viable dps?

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