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For the fun of it

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Condi Deadeye would be pretty good at taking down the Archers/Bombers.

Mass Invisibility + PU so you can rush mid for supplies. Slap it on Chronomancer with a couple wells and you've got a support giving Alacrity/Stealth/Crowd Control.

I remember messing with Tempest giving 25 Might/Fury to allies in Stronghold too and having good results.

I could see Chronomancer taking Portal for supplies.

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Triple banner spell with sword/war horn + hammer and Martial Cadence. The role? Maximum quickness uptime dumped on your little bombardiers. You run supply, completely ignore fighting, build an army of bombers, and then quicken them to break those doors extra fast. By the time that your bombers get to the second door, banners will have recharged. Use spell bubble to cover them from ranged noobs, break those doors real quick. If someone shows up, just kite them and stun them with hammer. Run maximal boon strip on hammer, so that you are at-least somewhat useful in team fights. 

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2 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

Triple banner spell with sword/war horn + hammer and Martial Cadence. The role? Maximum quickness uptime dumped on your little bombardiers. You run supply, completely ignore fighting, build an army of bombers, and then quicken them to break those doors extra fast. By the time that your bombers get to the second door, banners will have recharged. Use spell bubble to cover them from ranged noobs, break those doors real quick. If someone shows up, just kite them and stun them with hammer. Run maximal boon strip on hammer, so that you are at-least somewhat useful in team fights. 

Wouldn't it be easier to do this with Harbinger and also kill people. 

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Just the same old same old is what would be best:

  1. Support Tempest on top of NPCs
  2. Support Guards on top of NPCs
  3. Harbingers to give NPCs Quickness for bombing gate
  4. Any stealth spam/super speed on top of NPCs "as long as the build is actually still good in pvp"
  5. And of course anything else meta that can win fights cause the mode is still about winning fights against humans

This really highlights the failing of Stronghold in the aspect that the same builds that are good at Conquest are the same builds that are good in Stronghold. The mode was no different in terms of viable meta. It was less mentally stimulating than Conquest because the objective to keep NPCs alive and kill enemy NPCs was shallow compared to outplaying humans for 3 nodes.

I've always said, if they just got rid of the NPCs entirely and replaced supply/summon with siege kits for human players to wield themselves to open gates, the mode would feel way better to play. Imaging turning in supply to summon a special action key bomb kit with 6x charges that could be picked up and used by an opponent if they kill you. Imagine turning in supply to summon a Drizzlewood like Rocket Launcher with 3x charges that deals less damage to gates but hits human players with treb like 2s knockdown with a lot of damage value. Imagine summon heroes and they have REALLY jacked up stats so they matter. Remember this guy from CM dungeon? Sure-shot Seamus - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Yeah, imagine summoning that to walk to the enemy gate.

This would just be a lot more fun ^

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