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Effect issues causing migraines and seizures

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Hi, I am a long time player with over 19.9k hours played.

 I  am  currently unable to do a lot of new content now. The effects in all Challenge modes from raids, fractals and strikes are so bad with the flashing its impossible to do.  the  new effects on some of the new classes make the new metas very hard due to all the flashing and  blasts.  the new mech class bot has a blast that blinds. when there are many it's impossible to look at screen. most the time I am only able to look at my skill bar and no where else.  Many seizure and epilepsy players have stated that the effects are getting worse.  Even with all graphics turned down I can still see the flashing effects of players .  I have talk to Kevin about this in the QA department they are trying, but I am unsure how to fix or help with the issue.  As of now I am unable to do more than one meta per day of Dragons end  after that meta i have to lay down for hours the other metas i only need to rest for an hour or so. Yes, i am using out side filters for color to help  but it does not help against the flashing and blasts effects.  

Please advise 

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A suggestion if you haven't already got such setup: put a lighting source behind your monitor. I have a desk lamp behind my monitor pointing to the wall to balance the background light level and it helps a lot with eye strain esp. from the flashy effects.
Another thing that made a big difference for me was getting a monitor with higher refresh rate. My current screen is 120Hz and I'll never go back to 60Hz one because it causes too much eye strain for me. Some might claim you can't feel the difference but my eyes would disagree with that statement.

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Sadly visual noise remains one of gw2 worst problems 

If your setup makes it so that you can't place a light like Juhky suggests, the second best thing you can do is lower contrast and gamma until its dark and a bit blurry. Changing your screen RGB balance (especially lowering red) might also help if it has these settings

Edited by Taclism.2406
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Every once in a while, I've advocated for them to at least add a seizure warning.

It always gets completely ignored.

If you are weak to migraines and seizures, this game simply is not good for you and (as far as we know) there are no plans to alleviate these kind of issues.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Its also why people have so much trouble seeing the mouse. It also makes it very hard to see SAKs pop up at times and I end up learning what sound the game makes when I get some kind of Special Action Key (SAK) to perform in things like raids because I cannot rely on being able to look at the center of the screen allot of the time.

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I have a desk lamp and i am using 160hz monitors  i have been playing since start of game and i am on seizure meds just some effects hurt more than others. the purple  polymorph out line which people call blue has a strobe effect to it and is visible  even at lowest settings. 

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