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Anniversary sale 2022 [Merged]

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19 minutes ago, Miragen.6127 said:


Well, not everyone has the same experience or the same expectations.

Of course, but you expressed it as an absolute so I pointed out that, as someone who has played both games (admittedly I stopped playing WoW before GW2 launched), "have to," is an overstatement.

What I can state as a fact is that you do not need to spend any more than the box price in order to play GW2. You can choose to do so, of course. If you want additional features you can choose to spend game time rather than real world money. Again, your choice. It is a win-win situation in that a player with more money than time can subsidize players with more time than money. I am glad to see that other games, including WoW have embraced this sort of a system.

Ultimately I understand those who speak positively of the remembered glory days when spending your $15 per month got you everything in game....like an all you can eat buffet. But those days are gone, even for sub based games. So, now, I can spend my money (or time) buying just what I want, and have the ability to continue to play the game even when my finances theoretically dont have room for yet another subscription fee. And, at no point, do I have to pay for something I will never use. A sub based game is like bundled cable tv of old...pay for channels you will never watch so that you can see the one that you want.

I completely respect the opinion of someone who prefers a pay one sub fee and get everything game, and wish them luck in finding one. But what they are looking for was never objectively better than what we have here.

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56 minutes ago, Miragen.6127 said:


I came to the forum to voice my opinion on the matter, but I understand that in the Guild wars 2 community criticism is just dismissed as complaining, and something that makes me a hater, a hateful person who should not play the game, move on and who will not be missed.


At least I can say that due to the warm welcome I also won't miss the community in that case.

Can you send me your stuff, I got enough space with 3 fully maxed out personal guild banks and max bank slots to take care of it for you when you move to another game.

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25 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:



How are those days gone? WoW is still the exact same in being able to pay a subscription fee and get everything, or you earn gold and buy a subscription for in game gold and play for free, you can even use in game gold to purchase the expansions, so you can play for free entirely.. of course people won't acknowledge that.


New world is even better in that regard with currently a $20 price and no subscription or convenience items, FF14 also works fine with a subscription based model for full access.


Then there will be dozens of free to play MMOs with a similar cash shop as GW2, just without the $100 entry cost.


Either way I never said this model is outright bad, I'm arguing with people who are suggesting that the cash shop is completely without downsides and not a compromise for the lack of other sources of income.


Yeah if you plan on investing years into the game then the GW2 cost might be more appealing, but a lot of people just hop from game to game and check them out for a number of months, for which GW2 is not appealing.


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1 hour ago, Miragen.6127 said:


I came to the forum to voice my opinion on the matter, but I understand that in the Guild wars 2 community criticism is just dismissed as complaining, and something that makes me a hater, a hateful person who should not play the game, move on and who will not be missed.


At least I can say that due to the warm welcome I also won't miss the community in that case.

Voicing your opinion 110 times isn't voicing your opinion at that point. it's complaining. Unfortunately you didn't give the game itself a chance and opted into posting on the forums on how you don't like the model of the game and its paid features etc. The 250,000 other concurrent players who did give it a chance, do enjoy it. So i'm sorry you judged your entire experience of it based on a forum, but that's on you. good luck.

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1 hour ago, King.3720 said:

Voicing your opinion 110 times isn't voicing your opinion at that point. it's complaining. Unfortunately you didn't give the game itself a chance and opted into posting on the forums on how you don't like the model of the game and its paid features etc. The 250,000 other concurrent players who did give it a chance, do enjoy it. So i'm sorry you judged your entire experience of it based on a forum, but that's on you. good luck.


It's not voicing it a 110 times, it's voicing an opinion and then engaging in a discussion with people who are willing to do so.. you'd be surprised how quickly those numbers go up when you actually interact with people and engage in a discussion instead of leaving a 'confused' reaction in lieu of an actual counter argument as appears to be the standard around here.


And no I did not 'judge my entire experience on a forum', but you wouldn't know that either way, although it didn't stop you from making a baseless assumption regardless it seems, despite not having a clue as to how much I have invested in the game.


Seems it's a concept beyond grasping for a lot of people here that you can argue for the best interest of the game and other players rather than just themselves, which is surprising, especially in the case of the LW and how they want people to pay for it despite getting it for free themselves in many cases, or how they paid full price for the expansions and the base game and so everyone should do it many many years later.


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2 hours ago, Miragen.6127 said:


Either way I never said this model is outright bad, I'm arguing with people who are suggesting that the cash shop is completely without downsides and not a compromise for the lack of other sources of income.


Yeah if you plan on investing years into the game then the GW2 cost might be more appealing, but a lot of people just hop from game to game and check them out for a number of months, for which GW2 is not appealing.

The cash shop may have some downsides, but if we had a subscription does that mean the cash shop would go away? Unlikely. Many games use cash shops to sell optional/luxury items, whether they have a monthly subscription or not.  And if you are only checking out the game for a couple months - nothing in the gem shop is required. Everything they sell is optional, most is not needed at all. If you play a lot, then yes, the bank & backpack expansions are useful. For checking out the game? Not needed at all. 

While playing you can deposit materials and you can list items on the trading post (which removes them from your inventory). I played for a year or two before I bought any extra storage. None of my characters have maxed out storage, and I doubt I will ever need it. Most of my avatars backpacks stay half empty as it is.  It is nice to have but hardly necessary. 

Also once you buy the bank/backpack expansions, no further costs is required. A simple and cheap system. I think that is much better than a subscription. 

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5 hours ago, King.3720 said:

If you don't like the model of the game, then don't play it. no one will miss you.

What an awful thing to say to another player. Do you want people to leave the game and for it to get less funding? Also, you have no idea who will or won't be missed by whom in an MMO. Some people make friends playing these games or play specifically to play with their friends.

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40 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

What an awful thing to say to another player. Do you want people to leave the game and for it to get less funding? Also, you have no idea who will or won't be missed by whom in an MMO. Some people make friends playing these games or play specifically to play with their friends.

If you look at the posts of the person im responding to, you'd find that all 115 posts are about the costs of this game in comparison to other games and why this games funding methods are inferior to other games. He doesn't seem the type to actually play the game and enjoy playing it. If he doesn't like it, then just don't play it. No sense in going on the forums to rant about it for the next 100+ posts.


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7 minutes ago, King.3720 said:

If you look at the posts of the person im responding to, you'd find that all 115 posts are about the costs of this game in comparison to other games and why this games funding methods are inferior to other games. He doesn't seem the type to actually play the game and enjoy playing it. If he doesn't like it, then just don't play it. No sense in going on the forums to rant about it for the next 100+ posts.


Coming from an account with 3 posts that are all about one person, maybe you shouldn't be throwing stones from your glass house. And if this is an alt account (I'm assuming it is) that doesn't make it look any better. Just makes it look like you wanted to obsess over somebody without getting your main in trouble.

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2 hours ago, Miragen.6127 said:


It's not voicing it a 110 times, it's voicing an opinion and then engaging in a discussion with people who are willing to do so.. you'd be surprised how quickly those numbers go up when you actually interact with people and engage in a discussion instead of leaving a 'confused' reaction in lieu of an actual counter argument as appears to be the standard around here.


And no I did not 'judge my entire experience on a forum', but you wouldn't know that either way, although it didn't stop you from making a baseless assumption regardless it seems, despite not having a clue as to how much I have invested in the game.


Seems it's a concept beyond grasping for a lot of people here that you can argue for the best interest of the game and other players rather than just themselves, which is surprising, especially in the case of the LW and how they want people to pay for it despite getting it for free themselves in many cases, or how they paid full price for the expansions and the base game and so everyone should do it many many years later.


My assumption was based on the fact that if you actually spent a little more time playing the game, you would understand that you don't need to pay ANYTHING, and referring to your other response highlighting how you don't think it's true that you can convert gold to gems, is just clear as day that you haven't spent the time in-game to look around at your options. You can get everything within the game, for free, by playing the game, including ALL LW seasons. And if you want expansions, that's simply a ONE-time payment that you never have to pay again, and you can just get the standard editions for cheap, as they do discounts for quite a bit on occasion. In comparison to a subscription based game, where you are locked into paying a monthly fee, whether you are playing the game or not at the time, which over-time adds up to more than youll ever spend in GW2.

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2 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Coming from an account with 3 posts that are all about one person, maybe you shouldn't be throwing stones from your glass house. And if this is an alt account (I'm assuming it is) that doesn't make it look any better. Just makes it look like you wanted to obsess over somebody without getting your main in trouble.

This is my main. o7

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4 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Wow, that... makes it worse, honestly. That would imply you started posting on the forums just to stalk the posts of one specific user and harass them about how they're criticizing the game.

No, i was browsing, and saw this guy posting and arguing about a point that he refuses to accept the fact of the matter, and that at this stage is like beating a dead horse, and i felt compelled to post. And 3 posts later, i find you, who had nothing to do with anything in this thread, jump into a conversation you have no say in, trying to defend someone you don't know and have never met. I don't care who you are and i don't understand why you are bothering with my conversation if it doesn't pertain to you. Worry about you. I won't be replying again.

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17 minutes ago, King.3720 said:

No, i was browsing, and saw this guy posting and arguing about a point that he refuses to accept the fact of the matter, and that at this stage is like beating a dead horse, and i felt compelled to post. And 3 posts later, i find you, who had nothing to do with anything in this thread, jump into a conversation you have no say in, trying to defend someone you don't know and have never met. I don't care who you are and i don't understand why you are bothering with my conversation if it doesn't pertain to you. Worry about you. I won't be replying again.

You don't understand why someone would participate in a conversation if it doesn't pertain to them? Wowee, the things you can read on the internet.

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3 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

You don't understand why someone would participate in a conversation if it doesn't pertain to them? Wowee, the things you can read on the internet.

Yea it is quite hard to understand why some people would jump in to blindly defend someone else without reading up on why the discussion started in the first place

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6 hours ago, King.3720 said:

My assumption was based on the fact that if you actually spent a little more time playing the game, you would understand that you don't need to pay ANYTHING, and referring to your other response highlighting how you don't think it's true that you can convert gold to gems, is just clear as day that you haven't spent the time in-game to look around at your options.


Your assumption was presented as fact, and 'the fact' is again your assumption.

Saying I don't think it's true I cannot convert gold to gems is neither assumption nor fact but an outright lie really.


6 hours ago, King.3720 said:

And if you want expansions, that's simply a ONE-time payment that you never have to pay again, and you can just get the standard editions for cheap, as they do discounts for quite a bit on occasion. 


.And my whole argument was about the lack of a discount during a 10 year celebration and Steam release, I don't know what you are even arguing at this point. 



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8 hours ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

The cash shop may have some downsides, but if we had a subscription does that mean the cash shop would go away?


I mean it obviously should, if it's going to or not is debatable but you cannot justify a cash shop like this paired with a monthly subscription as they both serve the same purpose.


8 hours ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

Many games use cash shops to sell optional/luxury items, whether they have a monthly subscription or not.  And if you are only checking out the game for a couple months - nothing in the gem shop is required.


The point there is that the entry cost is very steep or you're stuck playing the old base game that has not been updated in a decade and GW2 cost is only appealing in the long term.


8 hours ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

While playing you can deposit materials and you can list items on the trading post (which removes them from your inventory). I played for a year or two before I bought any extra storage. None of my characters have maxed out storage, and I doubt I will ever need it. Most of my avatars backpacks stay half empty as it is.  It is nice to have but hardly necessary. 

Also once you buy the bank/backpack expansions, no further costs is required. A simple and cheap system. I think that is much better than a subscription. 


You can sell stuff to compensate for the lack of storage space but then eventually you end up having to buy it later on when you actually need it, which is the same as just throwing away money.


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27 minutes ago, Miragen.6127 said:

The point there is that the entry cost is very steep or you're stuck playing the old base game that has not been updated in a decade and GW2 cost is only appealing in the long term.

If one is just playing the 'old base game' (which has been updated many, many times in the last decade) what cost is there? It's Play4Free!!

If one does not want the $100 bundle, one can purchase (on Steam or elsewhere) Path of Fire + Heart of Thorns for $30.  Or End of Dragons for $30. Or both (all 3) for $50. 

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2 hours ago, Miragen.6127 said:

You can sell stuff to compensate for the lack of storage space but then eventually you end up having to buy it later on when you actually need it, which is the same as just throwing away money.

I don't.  I sell all the junk that drops that I do not need.  Very little that drops is useful, but it generates some money.  Oh... and you can use the gold to buy gems to buy the things the gem store has, that you seem to think you need.  See?  It all works out. 😎


2 hours ago, Miragen.6127 said:

I mean it obviously should, if it's going to or not is debatable but you cannot justify a cash shop like this paired with a monthly subscription as they both serve the same purpose.

Many games do have both. At least we only have an optional gem shop - no subscription.  I am quite pleased with the setup. Sorry you are unhappy. 


2 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

If one does not want the $100 bundle, one can purchase (on Steam or elsewhere) Path of Fire + Heart of Thorns for $30.  Or End of Dragons for $30. Or both (all 3) for $50. 

This is true.   All 3 are in a bundle for $49.99. Quite a bargain.  https://buy.guildwars2.com/en-gb

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Went to the wiki thinking I'd missed the sale somehow, even though I've been logging in (I know I miss a lot of 1-day stuff because I'm not a gem store addict normally).  Mistook the 2021 sale for this year's, then realized that other than the free key/makeover there was... nothing.  Rather bummed.


BTW for the folks a few days ago, upthread, asking for the LWS to be free on a weekly basis.... they did that already.  Last year.  They started around May and went through Nov IIRC.  Coincided with the "Return to..." achieves gradually being added to the game.

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18 hours ago, Miragen.6127 said:

WoW is still the exact same in being able to pay a subscription fee and get everything,

Except that you don't. WoW has a cash shop too. Contrary to claims made in this thread WoW has:

1) A box price.

2) A subscription fee.

3) and a cash shop.

So your $180 sub fee for one year, plus $40 box price does NOT get you everything. Multiply the box price for expansions released over the past decade that GW2 has existed, plus $1,800 in sub fees just to be able to log in, and you are into multiple thousands of dollars....before even getting to the fact that there is a cash shop as well.

Now, is that excessive? I don't think so. Pretty cheap in the grand scheme of things. Compares to seeing a movie every month in my area and you get more than the 100 minute average movie run time in play time per month. But is it better than less than 10% of that total cost for unlimited play time? 

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3 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Except that you don't. WoW has a cash shop too. Contrary to claims made in this thread WoW has:

1) A box price.

2) A subscription fee.

3) and a cash shop.

So your $180 sub fee for one year, plus $40 box price does NOT get you everything. Multiply the box price for expansions released over the past decade that GW2 has existed, plus $1,800 in sub fees just to be able to log in, and you are into multiple thousands of dollars....before even getting to the fact that there is a cash shop as well.

Now, is that excessive? I don't think so. Pretty cheap in the grand scheme of things. Compares to seeing a movie every month in my area and you get more than the 100 minute average movie run time in play time per month. But is it better than less than 10% of that total cost for unlimited play time? 


That's really just assuming the very worst case scenario to make it seem as bad as possible, you pay for the latest expansions and a monthly subscription but from there you can use the in-game currency to avoid paying monthly fees, making your yearly cost to play like $30 with how often the expansions come out if you wanted to.

Also saying they both have a cash shop despite one, to my knowledge, being fully cosmetic and the other being utility, convenience and cosmetic, it's not a fair comparison.




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8 hours ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

I don't.  I sell all the junk that drops that I do not need.  Very little that drops is useful, but it generates some money.  Oh... and you can use the gold to buy gems to buy the things the gem store has, that you seem to think you need.  See?  It all works out. 😎


Talking about materials here, which I don't think qualifies as junk.


8 hours ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

Many games do have both. At least we only have an optional gem shop - no subscription.  I am quite pleased with the setup. Sorry you are unhappy. 


If you say so.


8 hours ago, Tukaram.8256 said:


This is true.   All 3 are in a bundle for $49.99. Quite a bargain.  https://buy.guildwars2.com/en-gb


You just get an incomplete story until you finance the living world stuff, which is absurd that it's not part of the expansions.

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10 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

If one is just playing the 'old base game' (which has been updated many, many times in the last decade) what cost is there? It's Play4Free!!


The cost isn't there, but there is also not a lot of value and a lot of limitations, don't think people realize how long 10 years is.

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37 minutes ago, Miragen.6127 said:


Talking about materials here, which I don't think qualifies as junk.



If you say so.



You just get an incomplete story until you finance the living world stuff, which is absurd that it's not part of the expansions.

So, if in WoW, you can subsidize costs by playing the game, why is it not mentioned here, that you can subsidize costs/acquire all Living World Seasons/Episodes and everything else in the Gem Store by just playing the game (Gold to Gems)??  If good for the goose, should be good for the gander, no?

Also, as far as limitations go, ArenaNet runs promotions almost all the time giving out Heroic Edition codes.  There's one going on right now, in fact.

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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