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Warrior needs to be reworked from the ground up.


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Sorry, just got back to the game about  a week now, started pvping again about a couple of days.

I get it, if played well at near perfect ping, warriors are "soo close to being competitive".  TBH, I just want some cheese ya'll warrior mains are so against.  Seems like every other class has them, sure a stunbreak or some stability and good kiting will usually negate your typical cheese from other classes, but I wouldn't mind that good, out of nowhere,100-0 from a solid cc plus teleport type level of cheese.  Heck, even just some means of chunking health with zero risk, everyone has except the warrior(not counting bladesworn).  All of a sudden bladesworn is oppressive because things that was only done to us, we now do to them with gunsaber (chunking health from ranged without risk).  These mesmers suddenly has to learn to LOS, poor them.  Meanwhile, here I am on my berserker baiting dodges, feinting my intentions, just so some dude can invuln or teleport away in the middle of my otherwise decently executed cc + burst.  And that burst isn't even gonna 100-0 them in the first place.

I'm playing power berserker atm in pvp, bladesworn if I get frustrated, but even bladesworn isn't even the kitten.  It outlives what most other warriors can't but nowhere near what an elementalist can survive memeing and jumping around a CP with at least 3 noobs chasing it, a bladesworn is so much more straightforward to shutdown.

I've never felt I had no chance beating a bladesworn as berserker.  It's cheese but it's still straightforward.




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@CaffeeCup.5742 to be fair just in warrior v warrior situations Berserker could be absolut dominant thx to headbutt been a stunbrake + cc. How ever thats where Berserker does only shine. Also tho i wouldnt mind bladesworn. That spec is clearly carried by overhealing plus some straigth bugs (like draggon trigger 2 gt on 4 seconds cd when castet instantly/ dragonscale defence get its stability evertime you go in draggontrigger mode while its number is just 60 seconds / Draggon trigger 2 get an holy kitten big last hitbox so sometimes if you dodge backwards it still hits you)


So all in all Warrior need finaly some love back in pvp (no i dont mean tactics buff anet) in form of been able to deal damage on cc or burst skills actually deal some dmg outside of greatsword. Just something like that ^^ If they will not fix it i dont see how warrior will ever be in a healthy way pvp wise.

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I've been in unranked match recently where enemy team had 2 mechas and a tank/cc tempest, don't remeber the rest.  My team had 2 mechas, a 100-0 cheese build untamed, myself and don't remember the other.  I'm sure there are ways around it as a pro team of 5 gamers, but this is uncoordinated, random unranked.  At some point, the untamed started whining vs the tempest of the cheese bs, which I found ironic and funny.  Everyone just speed zerging node to node to node, and whoever kills faster moves to the next node faster.

 Meanwhile, I couldn't even jump in to fight, can't even poke, I was just an observer to the cheese v cheese event, with "WTF is going on" in my mind.  There's not enough self stab and self stunbreak that will keep me alive for more than 3 seconds in it.


edit: On Topic

I wish for little things to be reworked for warrior too, things like being able to cancel Rush with a dodge, for example, just overall removal or ability to cancel locked animations in general.


Edited by CaffeeCup.5742
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On 8/19/2022 at 2:54 PM, Kalthea.4326 said:

And? Does that make it less of an issue, or resolve issues that the class has? Just because others are saying it doesn't mean that it's an "up in arms cascade". There are fundamental changes that have been made to the game that are causing baseline classes to have issues, and it's just coming to the forefront now that they're changing things around.

"Reworked from the ground up" means nothing. It's an empty platitude. People who don't realize this will read that phrase and imagine exactly what they want from it and love you for saying it.

From your other posts in this thread you seem to be looking at this from a PVE perspective. The irony is that a PVE rework of Warrior will make the Warrior subforum regulars upvoting "Rework this class from the ground up" absolutely hate it as Anet pushes to improve Warrior's near-unsupported defensive support role. That's just an example of how easy it is to project exactly what you want onto that phrase.

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20 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

"Reworked from the ground up" means nothing. It's an empty platitude. People who don't realize this will read that phrase and imagine exactly what they want from it and love you for saying it.

From your other posts in this thread you seem to be looking at this from a PVE perspective. The irony is that a PVE rework of Warrior will make the Warrior subforum regulars upvoting "Rework this class from the ground up" absolutely hate it as Anet pushes to improve Warrior's near-unsupported defensive support role. That's just an example of how easy it is to project exactly what you want onto that phrase.

I'm looking at it from all all perspectives as best as I can. There are plenty of problems with PvP, just as there are with PvE. 300s cooldowns, lack of damaging CC, no stability, easy shutdowns due to high blindness uptime, and plenty of other things wrong that others have listed. I'm not arguing against what people say, I'm trying to encourage everyone to think of how the class should function from the ground up. You may call it an empty platitude, but I mean it sincerely. There's a lack of cohesion in a lot of warrior's trait lines and skills that causes it to feel clunky and sloppy, and have niche setups for anything that doesn't run the handful of talents that work together.

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8 hours ago, CaffeeCup.5742 said:


I've been in unranked match recently where enemy team had 2 mechas and a tank/cc tempest, don't remeber the rest.  My team had 2 mechas, a 100-0 cheese build untamed, myself and don't remember the other.  I'm sure there are ways around it as a pro team of 5 gamers, but this is uncoordinated, random unranked.  At some point, the untamed started whining vs the tempest of the cheese bs, which I found ironic and funny.  Everyone just speed zerging node to node to node, and whoever kills faster moves to the next node faster.

 Meanwhile, I couldn't even jump in to fight, can't even poke, I was just an observer to the cheese v cheese event, with "WTF is going on" in my mind.  There's not enough self stab and self stunbreak that will keep me alive for more than 3 seconds in it.


edit: On Topic

I wish for little things to be reworked for warrior too, things like being able to cancel Rush with a dodge, for example, just overall removal or ability to cancel locked animations in general.


Mech is not particularly good, but it can absolutely roll over some classes who don’t have the projectile hate to mitigate. Most warrior builds fall into that category. Blade can keep up since it is a completely broken spec that is massively overturned and bugged out. 

edit: let me clarify, warrior can and should win a 1v1 with mech most times, but mech as a +1 can absolutely ruin your day on warrior. This is assuming you are running core, spell, or berserker. Blade can generally slangs a mech that is +1ing in my experience. Your mileage may vary.

Some tips for the second part; you can cancel rush with weapon swap. All locked animations can be, and with a 5s wep swap, it can be a pretty powerful and frequent cancel for warrior. You may have already known that, but just incase you didn’t 🙂 

Edited by oscuro.9720
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@oscuro.9720 I didn't know about the weapon swap thing, thanks for the tip!  I know about holster cancelling.  Still would like dodge to override Rush, though.

Yeah, I know 1v1 vs mech is no problem.  I guess why it was hard to participate as berserker in the multi mech team fight (add the ele sliding around knocking things over) spam fiesta was that the fights weren't a brawl but rather a stand off, if you know what I mean.  It's hard to pick a target when everyone at the perimeter, jumping away or teleporting, and a single cc that catches you and you're effed from ranged.  Coordinated targeting could have made a difference, for sure, but it's unranked and a horrible experience had I been a complete new comer.



Edited by CaffeeCup.5742
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