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Pure OW PvE idea for legendary armor


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47 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

It is not about taking anything away. You have to see the bigger picture here. If they add legendary armor in open world you can get full legendary in all slots but three just by playing open world. In my opinion it is better to have to play more aspects of the game in order to get full legendary. After all, legendary items are the most prestigious items in the game. 

In your opinion. I happen to disagree. I see absolutely no advantage in pushing players into content they dislike. All it does is decrease said players enjoyment. The game does not gain anything from that.

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9 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

In your opinion. I happen to disagree. I see absolutely no advantage in pushing players into content they dislike. All it does is decrease said players enjoyment. The game does not gain anything from that.

Then those players can keep doing what they doing and not getting that reward doesn't stop them from doing so.

15 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yes. And so what? At best it just means that some other modes are also in need of adding more legendaries to them. Besides, see above: open world gets more legendaries, because it is being played by vastly more players.

Nah, at best it means there don't need to be more ways added in because it doesn't stop anyone from playing what they want, while they still remain being aspirational rewards that promote going for more content than the base ow one.

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39 minutes ago, Bear.9568 said:

To say we should change something because players "dont like that content" is ridiculous and undermines the value of the reward.

On the contrary. This is a game - an entertainment medium, and a business venue. In both cases, if enough people in the target group your product targets do not like what you're selling, you adjust your product to their expectations. You don't try to force the customers to adjust to what you're offering, because that never works. Well, not without much, much greater marketing budget than Anet has anyway.

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3 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

In your opinion. I happen to disagree. I see absolutely no advantage in pushing players into content they dislike. All it does is decrease said players enjoyment. The game does not gain anything from that.

Legendary items are the most prestigious items in the game and they are spread around all aspects of the game. Some are in raids, some in WvW and PvP, few are in fractals and many are in open world. To get full legendary you should play many aspects of the game.
Wouldn’t be very legendary to get all items legendary without ever stepping foot out of Queensdale, would it? 
No one is pushed in content he doesn’t like because legendary armor is not a necessity.
Should they change the duration of a football game because someone thinks 90 minutes are too long and doesn’t enjoy watching the game for that long? 

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2 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And yet the game still does not gain anything from that.

The game still won't gain anything even if it gives out leggies for free. And yes, that doesn't mean "free" is what you asked for, hence the "even".

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3 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Many open world players don’t even have legendary armor as a goal and are totally fine with not having it. 

I agree, as I said, I didn't have ANY legendary part of equipment as a goal set for myself and it didn't get in the way of me still enjoying whatever I wanted to enjoy in the game. Suddenly when someone logs in for some minutes to tag a world boss in OW (not a strawman, literal example from this thread), it's "either this will get me leggies or why am I even playing?!" 🙄

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3 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

The game still won't gain anything even if it gives out leggies for free. And yes, that doesn't mean "free" is what you asked for, hence the "even".

The game gains something by offering players something they can (and will) pursue. So yes, offering them the path they will not pursue would be pretty much the same as offering them the "path" they need not walk at all because they reach the end right away. To keep players interested for longer you need to offer them a bait that is (and seems to them) reachable, but not too fast to obtain.

Raids, WvW and SPvP are not that for a huge majority of players. They need a path they think they can walk on - but also one that won't be too fast to finish.

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1 minute ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The game gains something by offering players something they can (and will) pursue. So yes, offering them the path they will not pursue would be pretty much the same as offering them the "path" they need not walk at all because they reach the end right away. To keep players interested for longer you need to offer them a bait that is (and seems to them) reachable, but not too fast to obtain.

Raids, WvW and SPvP are not that for a huge majority of players. They need a path they think they can walk on - but also one that won't be too fast to finish.

The game has more to offer than legendary armor. A lot of open world players don’t even have legendary armor as a goal and are totally fine with not having it. They have other goals in the game because there are many different things you can have as a goal. 

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8 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The game gains something by offering players something they can (and will) pursue.

As already mentioned many times before in this thread, there's plenty of things for the players they can pursue.

8 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

So yes, offering them the path they will not pursue would be pretty much the same as offering them the "path" they need not walk at all because they reach the end right away. To keep players interested for longer you need to offer them a bait that is (and seems to them) reachable, but not too fast to obtain.

Raids, WvW and SPvP are not that for a huge majority of players. They need a path they think they can walk on - but also one that won't be too fast to finish.

Aspirational rewards/content raises the overal player abilities and allows the mmorpg to release new, more interesting content instead of dying in stagnancy. And that's an actual reason, instead of claiming that this is somehow the only thing to go for in the game 🤦‍♂️ And if you know this is not the only thing to pursue for the players then you know your initial sentence was, well, misguided. Because, again, the game already has a lot for the players to realistically pursue, on mutliple levels, in multiple ways.

In no way those paths are somehow "not for huge majority of players". You could easly see plenty of "I could, but I wont because [too long/I want to slap world boss instead/I won't join a group in mmorpg/..]".

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12 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Should they change the duration of a football game because someone thinks 90 minutes are too long and doesn’t enjoy watching the game for that long? 

You do know that all sports have evolved to the present state amd will keep evolving, right? There are constant rules changes all the time regardless of what sports it is. If something is not entertaining for whatever reason, it'll be changed sooner or later. If majority feels 90 minutes is too long and they are losing their audiences, yes, it'll be changed.

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7 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The game gains something by offering players something they can (and will) pursue. So yes, offering them the path they will not pursue would be pretty much the same as offering them the "path" they need not walk at all because they reach the end right away. To keep players interested for longer you need to offer them a bait that is (and seems to them) reachable, but not too fast to obtain.

Raids, WvW and SPvP are not that for a huge majority of players. They need a path they think they can walk on - but also one that won't be too fast to finish.

True but this is why you offer Open world PVE their own legendaries to chase. This is the same for WVW and PVP.

So raids, fractals, pvp and wvw should all have their own versions of legendary weapons to obtain Again without needing to do open world PVE or the story. 

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2 minutes ago, Thornwolf.9721 said:

So raids, fractals, pvp and wvw should all have their own versions of legendary weapons to obtain Again without needing to do open world PVE or the story. 

If it's feasible, needed and requested by majority of the players, sure. Go request it. Maybe it'll gain as much traction as this thread.

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5 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

If it's feasible, needed and requested by majority of the players, sure. Go request it. Maybe it'll gain as much traction as this thread.

Open World legendary armor only when it is requested by the majority of players? Shall we hold a referendum?

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9 minutes ago, Thornwolf.9721 said:

True but this is why you offer Open world PVE their own legendaries to chase. This is the same for WVW and PVP.

So raids, fractals, pvp and wvw should all have their own versions of legendary weapons to obtain Again without needing to do open world PVE or the story. 

No argument with that. I have been mentioning it for years, btw. It just seems that the interest from WvW and SPvP's side is not as high - and not just due to lower player numbers those modes have. Or, at the very least, i see this point mentioned practically only in threads started from the PvE perspective.

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9 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

If it's feasible, needed and requested by majority of the players, sure. Go request it. Maybe it'll gain as much traction as this thread.

Wait, so if I start a thread "I want half of the gemstore given to me every 2 months (so it's not an instant gratification/entitlement) if I log in every day" and a few people will say that they agree, it's a reason to change the game by including what we wanted?

Because, you know, this is not "requested by majority of the players", it's just a few -mostly repeating- people on the forum. The majority of the players are probably closer to how I was before I even realistically aimed at any of the leggies -perfectly fine just playing the game and not pretending they can't suddenly enjoy it without having a straight way that leads them to it, based on their personal preference of doing whatever in the game.

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3 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

If it's feasible, needed and requested by majority of the players, sure. Go request it. Maybe it'll gain as much traction as this thread.

I mean why? The PvE community hates us wvw/pvp players. Everytime we make a suggestion disgussing rewards it becomes a "WeLl OvErWoRlD PvE HaS WoRsE!!"

I just feel like if you're gonna whine , do so with some purpose. Raids exist. Raids are PvE. Therefor you have legendary armor. There it is. Go get it.

If PvP and WvW get to be lumped together, fractals, over world and Raids need to be as well. And to be fair you get far more for doing overworld/PvE in general then WvW and PvP combined. Which should be reversed as competitive modes NEED things to entice the average player to particapate. Not everyone is a masochist like those of us who have stuck with it all this time lol, So I think this argument is ludicrous. Put the time in to get the legendary armor or dont. Which is what has been said to me EVERY SINGLE TIME I'VE ADVOCATED FOR LEGANDARY GEAR (Weapons and so on) IN WVW AND PVP.

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Just now, Astralporing.1957 said:

No argument with that. I have been mentioning it for years, btw. It just seems that the interest from WvW and SPvP's side is not as high - and not just due to lower player numbers those modes have. Or, at the very least, i see this point mentioned practically only in threads started from the PvE perspective.

WvW is the second largest game mode. But I see your point~

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6 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

Referendum from the few die-hard forummers like us? 😂 We are not the majority. Just a very tiny subset of the player base.

That's the point in a pretty direct and obvious relation to what you wrote before that, ending the sentence with "...as this thread" 😂



To make it absolutely clear, this one:

13 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

If it's feasible, needed and requested by majority of the players, sure. Go request it. Maybe it'll gain as much traction as this thread.

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2 minutes ago, Thornwolf.9721 said:

I just feel like if you're gonna whine , do so with some purpose. Raids exist. Raids are PvE. Therefor you have legendary armor. There it is. Go get it.


I have all the armors, weapons and trinkets I currently need. But for me, it's an unending journey. GW2Efficiency tells me I have 42 of 269 (15.6%) Legendaries worth 41,995g 11s 07c.

Some of my legendary items: https://ibb.co/xhHZh85   (This is for those who may think I'm just saying I already own legendary armors just to get OW options).

Some of the items I have. I play all  game modes. I have a Raid legendary armor set. I went and got it.  You were saying....

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8 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

That's the point in a pretty direct and obvious relation to what you wrote before that, ending the sentence with "...as this thread" 😂



To make it absolutely clear, this one:

Why when everytime we've tried the pve crowd poo poo's on it? Tired of giving feedback when a vocal minority of a silent majority makes outlandish claims.

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