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I thought I was doing well with Reaper... until discovering that the skill ceiling is low and yeah, you'll do good at start, but experience and practice won't allow you to go much deeper.

I'm a player coming from Dark Souls and I'm addicted/obsessed for that type of reactive combat and fights. I managed to love GW2 combat with conditions, boons, cooldown or resources management... But I'm not able to reach the point to get to a class where I can feel the joy of duel. I want to feel good fights solo roaming in WvW. I want to be able to read enemies and, with my class learning and experience, be able to get more of it.

But I hate concept of rotations. I don't want to waste and absurd amount of time and resources memorizing my skill order like hitting a wall. I want to learn to react to the situation, to the enemies.

What profession and weapon can be better to achieve that type of combat and feeling I want? And of course being efficient, I don't want to lose all fights in WvW XD

I tried nearly all classes but I can't decide and I feel my mind is lagging and I can't think clearly. I need help.

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Rotations aren't really a thing in PVP/WvW.  There, all professions react to the situation.

My suggestion is going to be largely subjective, but there are four specs that I would recommend for good, fun fights: Weaver, Willbender, Holosmith, and Bladesworn.  I play a sword weaver myself, and these choices are made based on who's the most fun to fight:

Weaver mirror matches are like a fireworks show.  The spec is complicated, but good attunement switching lets the weaver throw out haymakers almost consecutively.  There's a lot of weapon skills, multiple ways to build, and the engagement completely changes its nature depending on which weapons you pick.  You have to be careful, though, because Thieves are almost a hard-counter to elementalists.

Willbender is similar.  They have a lot of movement, they have a lot of aggression, and they also have  a lot of skills to escape with.  Their damage can be almost unreal at times.  Their greatest weakness, however, is that they tend to be more frail than other guardian specs.

Holosmith: This is another one that looks like a fireworks show.  Heat managing can be difficult at times, but this is another spec with a wide toolbox, multiple builds, and multiple ways to approach an engagement.  Tends to be underrated, since most people prefer the simplicity of the Mechanist, but a good Holosmith is a bizarre combination of nearly indestructible with incredible offensive power.

Bladesworn: This one is more... controversial than the others.  There are many players who swear that it is terrible in WvW, and yet I've seen good bladesworns win 1v3 fights... against me.  In WvW the Dragon Trigger is more for utility than it is for taking someone's head off, and the skill is heavily loaded with a bunch of interesting utility from all the traits.  This with the gunsaber will make the bladesworn surprisingly fast, and also quite an oppressive force once their flow bar fills up.  Beware though, for warriors tend to be harder to play than most other specs.

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First of all: DONT WORRY! Reaper is all that you need. its not like because of the "skill ceiling" you will hit a brickwall when encountering any top10% player or some stuff. Reaper can be viable all the way, regardless of what people say.


now that we have that out of the way....

The following 4 builds... wont be the best... but they require some precise plays to work, so they will definitly keep you on your toes. If you manage to play them well, you can have great succes. Those are the type of builds that require some serious timeinvestment to work, but when they work, they just feel AWESOME to play.


The gameplay that gets my heart pumping the most is  Sword/Dagger thief.   You win fights by outsmarting people with your teleports. REALLY FUN, but you will get recked the first few hours, before it will click. This is... (!!!!TRIGGER WARNING!!! PERSONAL OPINION) The most.... "honest" build there is and at the same time the build where personal skill will shine the most and anyone observing can clearly see that a good person is piloting this build. If your a good player, you will perform awesome with this. if your an average player.... you will succ.


Next would be FreshairWeaver. You have INSANE burst, but your essentially made out of paper and your only defense is your superspeed and some projectilehate. So you need to be on your toes, quickly turn around " BSSSSSSS" (13k plasmabeam) and so on and so on.  Really fun.... but rather weak currently.


Next one is Herald. A good herald..... OH MY!!!!


Lastly, and this might be somewhat controversial: Sicem Soulbeast.  Its just overall a VERY solid build for WvW Roaming. good positioning and good use of your smokefield are essential and seperate the good from the bad. Thats the type of build that can quickly win a 3v1 before the enemys even know what hit em. bonuspoint: a good Soulbeast is borderline impossible to catch in WvW. If your for example are rocking Gazelle and the Greatsword, there is not many builds that can chase you without burning some big CD´s.




If you are however looking for a build that will help you win those precious 1vX encounters, i made a list of what i belive are the strongest things you can currently play. What gets me excited the most is winning outnumbered situations. I am having most succes with the p/p Celedevil and Deadeye.




Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 10/26/2022 at 8:12 PM, DarkK.7368 said:

I thought I was doing well with Reaper... until discovering that the skill ceiling is low and yeah, you'll do good at start, but experience and practice won't allow you to go much deeper.

I'm a player coming from Dark Souls and I'm addicted/obsessed for that type of reactive combat and fights. I managed to love GW2 combat with conditions, boons, cooldown or resources management... But I'm not able to reach the point to get to a class where I can feel the joy of duel. I want to feel good fights solo roaming in WvW. I want to be able to read enemies and, with my class learning and experience, be able to get more of it.

But I hate concept of rotations. I don't want to waste and absurd amount of time and resources memorizing my skill order like hitting a wall. I want to learn to react to the situation, to the enemies.

What profession and weapon can be better to achieve that type of combat and feeling I want? And of course being efficient, I don't want to lose all fights in WvW XD

I tried nearly all classes but I can't decide and I feel my mind is lagging and I can't think clearly. I need help.

Spellbreaker sounds like the profession for you.

This warrior e-spec is a duelist by design and has all the tools needed to handle the job.
Yet much like all warrior specs (outside maybe Bladesworn) it'll punish you hard and fast for misplays.

Necromancer wins majority of his battles in his hero panel - with a proper build and awareness how to use it.
Warrior wins his battles...well in battle. By being reactive to the enemy and using his all-or-nothing defenses and bursts at the right time. Or just chatting up nearby elementalist when both are in downstate in mere seconds..

PS. For Dark Souls experience come to Auric Basin - Chak Hero point done solo provided ample challenge for myself.

Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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