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Signet of Rage: Close, But Not Close Enough {PvP/WvW}


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The Signet of Rage buffs on 10/4 were welcome, and it definitely does make it more usable (the 1/4s cast time is very handy).  But it still is the most unimpressive Warrior elite by far and is generally just a poor choice (or one you take because you need passive adrenaline gain).


However, I think it go from D-tier to A-tier with one simple change:

Let it grant 30 adrenaline (50 flow) on activation in addition to its current effects. Keep 40s CD.


This would allow Warrior to "start fast" in a fight, gaining high might and having a T3 burst (or Berserk mode, FC, or Dragon Slash) immediately available.  That synergizes well with adrenaline-driven traits like Berserker's Power and Adrenal Healing, and it provides a source of adrenaline gain for Berserker builds to use in lieu of signet of fury (thus freeing up a utility slot).  It would even compete with Tactical Reload on BS builds, as the instant flow and boons has obvious applications.


Feel. The. Rage.

Free. The. Rage.


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7 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

The Signet of Rage buffs on 10/4 were welcome, and it definitely does make it more usable (the 1/4s cast time is very handy).  But it still is the most unimpressive Warrior elite by far and is generally just a poor choice (or one you take because you need passive adrenaline gain).


However, I think it go from D-tier to A-tier with one simple change:

Let it grant 30 adrenaline (50 flow) on activation in addition to its current effects. Keep 40s CD.


This would allow Warrior to "start fast" in a fight, gaining high might and having a T3 burst (or Berserk mode, FC, or Dragon Slash) immediately available.  That synergizes well with adrenaline-driven traits like Berserker's Power and Adrenal Healing, and it provides a source of adrenaline gain for Berserker builds to use in lieu of signet of fury (thus freeing up a utility slot).  It would even compete with Tactical Reload on BS builds, as the instant flow and boons has obvious applications.


Feel. The. Rage.

Free. The. Rage.


Make it so we scream incoherently in a way that even our friends get scared of us.

Be the Rage.

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5 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I swear to all things holy that if they get the voice actors to say that line for a warrior skill I will forever use whatever  that skill is even if it sucks.

They should take the leg movement out of 100blades and instead have the character assume a deep, nuts-scraping-the-floor horse stance while swinging his sword with reckless abandon. It would be a perfect place to add that voice line.

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On 11/5/2022 at 10:43 AM, Zuko.7132 said:

If it granted full adrenaline and reset bursts, I would run it. It's supposed to be an elite skill. I don't think that's too much.

Ohh resetting bursts is a great idea, too. Good thinking!


Edit: that wasn't sarcasm (not sure why someone thought it was funny, but I definitely wasn't knocking @Zuko.7132's idea)

Edited by CalmTheStorm.2364
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32 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

TR doesn't actually reset DT, tho; it just makes the next one charge faster. So I think it would be OK.

Thinking more about overall recharge mechanics, but yeah. There is also Blood Reckoning Recharging Primal Bursts and giving 10 adrenaline. And then there is Attacker's Insight recharging Bursts if FC hits. I'm just worried that there is too much of pulling from the Especs to fix a core problem.

Perhaps that is something that the Especs did right though. Introduce mechanics to make Bursts more accessible.

If it is going to recharge Bursts though, is the 1/4s cast still warranted or should it be higher again?

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17 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Thinking more about overall recharge mechanics, but yeah. There is also Blood Reckoning Recharging Primal Bursts and giving 10 adrenaline. And then there is Attacker's Insight recharging Bursts if FC hits. I'm just worried that there is too much of pulling from the Especs to fix a core problem.

Perhaps that is something that the Especs did right though. Introduce mechanics to make Bursts more accessible.

If it is going to recharge Bursts though, is the 1/4s cast still warranted or should it be higher again?

I'd be fine with it NOT recharging bursts, too; I was just saying that that is a strong mechanic that is worthy of consideration.


Personally, I think it should provide the same boons that it currently does in competitive, keep the 1/4s activation and 40s CD, but grant 30 adrenaline (50 flow) on use. That seems pretty balanced (but strong and useful) to me.


Also, I agree with your earlier post that this should be for all game modes; SoR is pretty bad in PvE too.

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15 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

I'd be fine with it NOT recharging bursts, too; I was just saying that that is a strong mechanic that is worthy of consideration.


Personally, I think it should provide the same boons that it currently does in competitive, keep the 1/4s activation and 40s CD, but grant 30 adrenaline (50 flow) on use. That seems pretty balanced (but strong and useful) to me.


Also, I agree with your earlier post that this should be for all game modes; SoR is pretty bad in PvE too.

Given what some other elites can do I'd say this:

Passive: Gain 1 adrenaline and 3 might (5s) every 3s while in combat.
Active: 1/4s cast. Gain 30 adrenaline, gain 20 stacks of might, swiftness, fury, protection, and resistance for 20s/5s,  60s/45s CD. (PvE/Comp splits).

Though to be honest adding pulsing might to the passive effect and 30 adrenaline to the active would probably be enough without adding protection and resistance to the active.

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23 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Given what some other elites can do I'd say this:

Passive: Gain 1 adrenaline and 3 might (5s) every 3s while in combat.
Active: 1/4s cast. Gain 30 adrenaline, gain 20 stacks of might, swiftness, fury, protection, and resistance for 20s/5s,  60s/45s CD. (PvE/Comp splits).

Though to be honest adding pulsing might to the passive effect and 30 adrenaline to the active would probably be enough without adding protection and resistance to the active.

All good things.  As is often the case, there are many ways SoR could be reworked successfully.  I do think a big boost of adrenaline (flow) in whatever form it ultimately takes would be ideal, though.  It would be especially interesting on bladesworn, as this would be the only way that it is capable of generating a chunk of flow instantly (as opposed to getting multiple stacks of its "generate flow" buff).  


Also, as I think about it more, SoR probably should NOT refresh burst CDs--at least not if it also grants adrenaline.  If it did give both adrenaline AND recharge bursts, you could do something like Arcing Slice >> Full Counter >> Arcing Slice >> SoR >> Arcing Slice >> FC >> Arcing Slice.  That would probably be a little ridiculous (although incredibly fun...QuAdRuPLe EaRtHsHaKeR???).

Edited by CalmTheStorm.2364
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11 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

All good things.  As is often the case, there are many ways SoR could be reworked successfully.  I do think a big boost of adrenaline (flow) in whatever form it ultimately takes would be ideal, though.  It would be especially interesting on bladesworn, as this would be the only way that it is capable of generating a chunk of flow instantly (as opposed to getting multiple stacks of its "generate flow" buff).  


Also, as I think about it more, SoR probably should NOT refresh burst CDs--at least not if it also grants adrenaline.  If it did give both adrenaline AND recharge bursts, you could do something like Arcing Slice >> Full Counter >> Arcing Slice >> SoR >> Arcing Slice >> FC >> Arcing Slice.  That would probably be a little ridiculous (although incredibly fun...QuAdRuPLe EaRtHsHaKeR???).

It would be fun. It would also alleviate some of the problems of the class, but at the same time it would drown out all our other elites immediately.

I think the Passive needs more to it like pulsing 3 might in combat every 3s, and I think the Active needs either the adrenaline or the Burst refresh. More could be done certainly, but I think that is the minimum.

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