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Add more Rewards to PvP


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To counter the other post made removing the rewards I think they should do the opposite and make it more rewarding. Rather than just having a Daily tied to PvP how about a weekly (like they did before).


My First I suggestion is to remove Bronze and bump everyone up a rank since the extra Pips from Platinum and Legendary go to about 100 players total. The automated tournaments are good but need to provide Tournament Voucher not just First and Second. Five for 5th - 8th place, Two for 9th-16th place and One for 17th - 32th, even add them to Daily Tournaments for first and second place.

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Rewards are already large for pvp and they will continue to proportionately grow larger in an organic manner due to how other rewards in the game are based on mats which are depreciating in value, whereas large liquid gold gain from pvp stays a flat number. You also have less people playing ranked so normal shards of glory are sky rocketing in value lately, and of course ascended shards of glory can build anyone their first ascended setup if they participate avidly in ranked for even just one season.

Of all the problems to be concerned about with the GW2 pvp scene, I feel like pvp rewards are at the bottom of the list.

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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Rewards are already large for pvp and they will continue to proportionately grow larger in an organic manner due to how other rewards in the game are based on mats which are depreciating in value, whereas large liquid gold gain from pvp stays a flat number. You also have less people playing ranked so normal shards of glory are sky rocketing in value lately, and of course ascended shards of glory can build anyone their first ascended setup if they participate avidly in ranked for even just one season.

Of all the problems to be concerned about with the GW2 pvp scene, I feel like pvp rewards are at the bottom of the list.

Not really, if you win 50% of the time (which is most players) you will net roughly 5-7 Pips per game on average. Only 100 player have access to the extra 2 from platinum and 10 people at any given time who get will get the extra 4 from Legendary.

The player base is missing out of 25% extra Pips and getting to Platinum is unobtainable for most people, even I can only maintain upper gold 3 and that is the top 250 players.

That means me being in top 250 players in the entire US, I'm getting the same reward as a bronze player. There is almost no point in me playing this high since it would get more from smurfing with a new account. That or purposefully de-ranking myself.

If you want to know how hard I have it, I play from NZ so I'm almost always over 100ms ping.

Edited by Mell.4873
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4 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Not really, if you win 50% of the time (which is most players) you will net roughly 5-7 Pips per game on average. Only 100 player have access to the extra 2 from platinum and 10 people at any given time who get will get the extra 4 from Legendary.

The player base is missing out of 25% extra Pips and getting to Platinum is unobtainable for most people, even I can only maintain upper gold 3 and that is the top 250 players.

That means me being in top 250 players in the entire US, I'm getting the same reward as a bronze player. There is almost no point in me playing this high since it would get more from smurfing with a new account. That or purposefully de-ranking myself.

If you want to know how hard I have it, I play from NZ so I'm almost always over 100ms ping.

There is just 100 people in Platinum?

Holy moly! i am ELITE!!!!


There is more than 100 people in platinum, right..... right?

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10 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

There is just 100 people in Platinum?

Holy moly! i am ELITE!!!!


There is more than 100 people in platinum, right..... right?

Last time I checked I think it was 130 but again the last 30 sit on the boundary 1501-1505 so its not like they will consistently get the extra 2 Pips.

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15 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

That means me being in top 250 players in the entire US, I'm getting the same reward as a bronze player. There is almost no point in me playing this high since it would get more from smurfing with a new account. That or purposefully de-ranking myself.

Getting a different reward for being among the best players is not a bad idea 

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Yeah, the plat population is drying up quickly and tbh the pip boost it gives you is hardly even noticeable.


Personally I think pips as they are now should go to Unranked where people can farm them casually if they want, and with friend to break up the grind.

Then in Ranked all pip gains should be doubled or even tripled with the caveat that you actually have to win said Ranked match to get those extra pips or otherwise get nothing.

Shocking heresy, yes, I know, but consider first that they call losing, losing and winning, winning.


This would give Unranked some purpose outside of just being used by sweat stacks and people hopping in for dailies then hopping out, and it would probably reduce the number of AFKers in Ranked games. As it stands; they get paid just for being there, which makes effort a very optional consideration.

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