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My Mechanist Problem


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Hello all.


I have a problem that is mostly stemming from the fact that I have been playing this game for nearly 2 years now without much of a deviation from it, but I have a mechanist problem and I believe that it is killing my ability to further enjoy the game.  What I mean by the Mechanist problem is that the Mechanist is such a multi-tool that when I branch to other classes, I feel out of place and like I'm gimping myself just to say that I am not playing Mechanist.  As a note, I almost exclusively play instanced content with my focus being raids and fractals.  I do not enjoy open world too much which may also impact how I feel about the class.


My first problem is that dps Mechanist, both condition and power, can hit above 25K without a rotation.  I love this as I cannot describe how much I loathe rotations, especially strict ones.  Sitting at the training golem for an hour trying to complete the 55-button sequence to pull of the optimal DPS rotation to hit 38k on X class is basically pulling teeth, and I much prefer the playstyle of "off-cooldown" that mechanist has.  I have tried the Low Intensity builds that some have put out to alleviate this problem; however, my problem is with complexity instead of intensity (I would love to see a surge of "rotationless" builds for DPS players from buildcrafters).


Along the same lines of DPS is the CC that Mechanist brings.  Innately, I bring 2 strong forms of CC with rifle, and I always run Throw Mine for a small DPS loss but simpler rotation (see a pattern here?) and large gain to overall CC potential while still hitting top to near top damage in PUGs.  Comparing this to other classes requires either foregoing decent CC to maintain DPS or to sacrifice DPS for more CC, thus bringing be back to gimping myself.


Additionally, Mechanist can support really well.  HAM is an extremely consistent healer and boon supporter as well as having great DPS for a healer.  AlacDPS mech does great damage and has amazing CC along with ranged DPS.  Finally, being an engineer allows me to play QuickDPS or Heal Scrapper to cover the other major boon and also provide large amounts of super speed.


Finally, with regards to instanced content, mech can do nearly every role required for Raids and Strikes.  Mech can tank extremely well, can Q1 kite (and pylon kite I believe), and can even act as the group's HK while also being a HAM allowing for an additional DPS slot to fill on Deimos, allowing for faster kills (which no other HK class can do).  


I write all of this because I want to try other classes but every time I do it just feels bad and am looking for a little bit of help.  The solution is probably just to take a break for a bit and come back later, but I figured this forum has given me pretty good advice in the past so we would start here.  Anyone have any advice or tips for a player of 2 years to find love for other classes?

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Yes mech certainly is the jack of all trades class. If you're looking for advice for another class, I would recommend Necro for these reasons:

Condi scourge provides high DPS for hitting buttons off cooldown, and it shares the ranged safety that mech has.

You could provide quickness as harbinger if you're just looking for a change of pace from Engi.

But Heal scourge, while not necessarily taken all the time, at least allows for some uniqueness in the rezzing trait that other classes can't provide. At the very least, it's something new to bring to the table when it's needed. Often times I find the final step between failure and success for pugs and less experienced groups is a heal scourge.

But regardless, I would recommend finding a class that brings something unique.

Druid could also be considered, allowing you to learn and handle many raid mechanics outside of just healing and boons.

Best of luck.

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15 hours ago, BeastNHisHarlot.4865 said:

Hello all.


I have a problem that is mostly stemming from the fact that I have been playing this game for nearly 2 years now without much of a deviation from it, but I have a mechanist problem and I believe that it is killing my ability to further enjoy the game.  What I mean by the Mechanist problem is that the Mechanist is such a multi-tool that when I branch to other classes, I feel out of place and like I'm gimping myself just to say that I am not playing Mechanist.  As a note, I almost exclusively play instanced content with my focus being raids and fractals.  I do not enjoy open world too much which may also impact how I feel about the class.


My first problem is that dps Mechanist, both condition and power, can hit above 25K without a rotation.  I love this as I cannot describe how much I loathe rotations, especially strict ones.  Sitting at the training golem for an hour trying to complete the 55-button sequence to pull of the optimal DPS rotation to hit 38k on X class is basically pulling teeth, and I much prefer the playstyle of "off-cooldown" that mechanist has.  I have tried the Low Intensity builds that some have put out to alleviate this problem; however, my problem is with complexity instead of intensity (I would love to see a surge of "rotationless" builds for DPS players from buildcrafters).


Along the same lines of DPS is the CC that Mechanist brings.  Innately, I bring 2 strong forms of CC with rifle, and I always run Throw Mine for a small DPS loss but simpler rotation (see a pattern here?) and large gain to overall CC potential while still hitting top to near top damage in PUGs.  Comparing this to other classes requires either foregoing decent CC to maintain DPS or to sacrifice DPS for more CC, thus bringing be back to gimping myself.


Additionally, Mechanist can support really well.  HAM is an extremely consistent healer and boon supporter as well as having great DPS for a healer.  AlacDPS mech does great damage and has amazing CC along with ranged DPS.  Finally, being an engineer allows me to play QuickDPS or Heal Scrapper to cover the other major boon and also provide large amounts of super speed.


Finally, with regards to instanced content, mech can do nearly every role required for Raids and Strikes.  Mech can tank extremely well, can Q1 kite (and pylon kite I believe), and can even act as the group's HK while also being a HAM allowing for an additional DPS slot to fill on Deimos, allowing for faster kills (which no other HK class can do).  


I write all of this because I want to try other classes but every time I do it just feels bad and am looking for a little bit of help.  The solution is probably just to take a break for a bit and come back later, but I figured this forum has given me pretty good advice in the past so we would start here.  Anyone have any advice or tips for a player of 2 years to find love for other classes?

Try Scrapper :

you just 1+2+5

and f1-f5 off cd + gyros of cd

34k, thats it



It can also easly slot to full quickneess for group/squad content by taking 4 gyros, full berserker, and you just 1+2+5, + gyros, thats it

Scrapper offer much more sustain, and utylity to team even as dps providing superspeed to ppl around, 3ppl f5 gyro and much more 😄

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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To be honest I’m not quite sure what your question is? You say you enjoy the flexibility that mechanist has (which it certainly does) and you enjoy the no-rotation playable that it has whilst giving near optimal dps (which it certainly does). 
Only you can really decide what gives you enjoyment in this (or indeed any other) game. If it is the things you describe above, then really there isn’t hard “because this” reason to switch from mechanist to be honest. It does do nearly everything and does it pretty kitten well and pretty kitten easily which is why people hate on it so much.

 If you feel that you need to play more classes to broaden your enjoyment, then I would advise that you stop comparing everything to mechanist and look at them on their own merits. Does something about the class seem fun? Or interesting from either a gameplay or lore perspective? Is there a different weapon you would like to try out?

 Mechanist is in a very very strong position right now, arguably maybe too strong, but that doesn’t mean that other classes don’t have things to offer. For example I’ve switched to vindicator for a while and whilst that also has its own set of flaws, my goodness it’s a fun spec to play. Rage leaping and smashing into things, having conversations with ghosts in your head, an interesting legends mechanic which almost equates to a double weapon swap in practical terms, it’s super fun to play, offers a similar priority based “rotation” and is a complete change from mech.

 At the end of the day, yes mech can pretty much do it all. The question you need to answer for yourself is that is that actually fun for you? Sure, it’s great for the group you run with that you can instantly jump into any role they need you to, but is it great for you?

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This is yet another articulation of why Mechanist is awful espec design. It practically plays the game for you with a tanky-ish, at range, auto-boon-and-barrier pet with 18k passive damage, letting you do whatever you want on your end. You can be doing DPS, you can be doing heals, you can even be afking, and still feel like you are contributing.


This is bad. Any job that can make you feel powerful by AFKing, or just have buttloads of more options than every other class by not AFKing, is terrible for the game. Anything that circumvents so many fundamental limitations of all of the other classes to the point of making actually engaging with a robust, diverse, ten-years-in-the-making espec system feel like a chore is not a "good" class. It is a class that undermines the totality of the game.


My advice is to stop playing Mech and try to encourage other players to stop using it as well.  Just because the devs made a terrible design decision does not mean we have to let the game fall to a sea of green boys and rifles. You still have a choice, and although doing the socially conscious isn't easy or popular, it is still a choice.


Also, it's a kitten game, and an astoundingly beautiful one at times, that frequently encourages you to invest time enjoying the details. The especs are some of the best job fantasy design in the whole industry, and I argue you are missing out on a lot by not enjoying them simply for existing, regardless of how they match up to Mech. Contrariwise, if all anyone cares about is efficiency, I argue that they are missing out on like 99 percent of what makes GW2 good, and should probably go play something else like an RTS, or Sim City, or Cookie Clicker. Yes GW2's long game is about building an efficiency engine of sorts, but in many instances the devs have done a good job of making each step feel like a journey worth experiencing.

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It's because mechanist is meant to be an easy mode engineer.

If you want something that gives decent DPS results while not having rotation steps, I would look into staff daredevil (~22K staff auto), condi scourge (use skills off cooldown but not much auto DPS), or condi shortbow soulbeast (also use skills off cooldown ~15K cDPS autoing last I checked). Condi virtuoso is also supposed to be easy, but you do need to use bladesongs (the shatter). Other normal-seeming builds such as power soulbeast with greatsword or power hammer untamed (not the meta one) will do roughly 20K or so autoing in melee. Condi harbinger is also able to do roughly 27K in melee in shroud but is more involved and glassier than scourge is. If Arenanet fixes the bugs on berserker again I feel axe berserker is not that involved so long as you spam Decapitate (F1). The same note about bugfixes applies to axe mirage but then the complexity comes down to positioning and ambushing. Vindicator with the upkeep skills also does reliably high damage on greatsword 20K+.

Ultimately, I believe what you are looking for is a low intensity build.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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8 hours ago, Batalix.2873 said:

This is yet another articulation of why Mechanist is awful espec design. It practically plays the game for you with a tanky-ish, at range, auto-boon-and-barrier pet with 18k passive damage, letting you do whatever you want on your end. You can be doing DPS, you can be doing heals, you can even be afking, and still feel like you are contributing.


This is bad. Any job that can make you feel powerful by AFKing, or just have buttloads of more options than every other class by not AFKing, is terrible for the game. Anything that circumvents so many fundamental limitations of all of the other classes to the point of making actually engaging with a robust, diverse, ten-years-in-the-making espec system feel like a chore is not a "good" class. It is a class that undermines the totality of the game.


My advice is to stop playing Mech and try to encourage other players to stop using it as well.  Just because the devs made a terrible design decision does not mean we have to let the game fall to a sea of green boys and rifles. You still have a choice, and although doing the socially conscious isn't easy or popular, it is still a choice.


Also, it's a kitten game, and an astoundingly beautiful one at times, that frequently encourages you to invest time enjoying the details. The especs are some of the best job fantasy design in the whole industry, and I argue you are missing out on a lot by not enjoying them simply for existing, regardless of how they match up to Mech. Contrariwise, if all anyone cares about is efficiency, I argue that they are missing out on like 99 percent of what makes GW2 good, and should probably go play something else like an RTS, or Sim City, or Cookie Clicker. Yes GW2's long game is about building an efficiency engine of sorts, but in many instances the devs have done a good job of making each step feel like a journey worth experiencing.

I started reading this and immediately started thinking “oh here we go again, another cookie cutter mechanist rant”. I started getting ready my normal responses to said rants.

 Then I stopped and re-read what you actually wrote.


 That is, if I may say so, one of the most constructive take downs of mechanist I’ve ever read here. And you know what, I actually find myself agreeing with you with one caveat-if someone genuinely enjoys playing mechanist then there is absolutely nothing wrong with that and they should not be made to feel bad or guilty for enjoying it either.

 For those that are hammering for something a little more engaging though, I actually couldn’t agree more. Well done, that was a very well thought out post.

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On 11/12/2022 at 9:18 PM, Frayze.4620 said:

I started reading this and immediately started thinking “oh here we go again, another cookie cutter mechanist rant”. I started getting ready my normal responses to said rants.

 Then I stopped and re-read what you actually wrote.


 That is, if I may say so, one of the most constructive take downs of mechanist I’ve ever read here. And you know what, I actually find myself agreeing with you with one caveat-if someone genuinely enjoys playing mechanist then there is absolutely nothing wrong with that and they should not be made to feel bad or guilty for enjoying it either.

 For those that are hammering for something a little more engaging though, I actually couldn’t agree more. Well done, that was a very well thought out post.


Dawww ty. 🥲


I think Mech needs a huge, introspective overhaul. Presently it seems to appeal two two different kinds of players: Tacticians who like managing a second character on top of themselves; and afkers/grinders/noobs who just pick the easiest job. I have made other posts about this unreconciled dichotomy and why Mech needs to choose versatility or accessibility, like the one below:




I want every spec to be enjoyed and have a clear concept. I want people to not feel guilty about using any espec (although...of all the especs...why did the broken one have to have a HUGE, nearly omnipresent pet?). And I don't particularly care if Mech is a highly technical, do everything class, or if it is baby's first espec (I would play it if it were more specialized, but there are plenty of other especs I already enjoy...that is the beauty of diversity). But it seems pretty clear that when you make an espec LI--and in Mech's case not just LI but practically nonengaging--AND versatile, it just breaks the game. Too many people just adopt it out of laziness and now LI builds aren't enabling the physically challenged so much as eroding core gameplay.


The game has 27 especs at this point. It can afford to make at least one espec fully baby to reel in new players. It can also afford to do take Mech in other drastic directions. It's just disappointing that it's been about a year and still the devs haven't made the critical decision of: should Mech be good, or should it be easy?

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3 minutes ago, Batalix.2873 said:


Dawww ty. 🥲


I think Mech needs a huge, introspective overhaul. Presently it seems to appeal two two different kinds of players: Tacticians who like managing a second character on top of themselves; and afkers/grinders/noobs who just pick the easiest job. I have made other posts about this unreconciled dichotomy and why Mech needs to choose versatility or accessibility, like the one below:




I want every spec to be enjoyed and have a clear concept. I want people to not feel guilty about using any espec (although...of all the especs...why did the broken one have to have a HUGE, nearly omnipresent pet?). And I don't particularly care if Mech is a highly technical, do everything class, or if it is baby's first espec (I would play it if it were more specialized, but there are plenty of other especs I already enjoy...that is the beauty of diversity). But it seems pretty clear that when you make an espec LI--and in Mech's case not just LI but practically nonengaging--AND versatile, it just breaks the game. Too many people just adopt it out of laziness and now LI builds aren't enabling the physically challenged so much as eroding core gameplay.


The game has 27 especs at this point. It can afford to make at least one espec fully baby to reel in new players. It can also afford to do take Mech in other drastic directions. It's just disappointing that it's been about a year and still the devs haven't made the critical decision of: should Mech be good, or should it be easy?

Every class does have an "easier build" though but generally they are not ranged.

  • Guardian Firebrand up until the Nov 29 patch , DH isn't exactly hard either if the tether is going to be lengthened and I've seen suboptimal Greatsword camping rotations
  • Revenant Vindicator with greatsword camp, or herald with sword camping "AFK herald" upkeep : renegade camping shortbow at range is ineffective as Mallyx upkeep requires melee range
  • Warrior axe berserker (F1 decapitate is most of the rotation)
  • Ranger condi soulbeast with shortbow camp rotation which is half of condi soulbeast, maybe untamed with hammer and Ferocious Symbiosis after Nov 29
  • Rifle Mech and to an extent Heal Mechanist, but if rifle mech is obsolete then scrapper without kits (melee)
  • Staff daredevil
  • Scourge in general but it requires using skills
  • Specialized versions of Condi tempest built to camp fire attunement but requires skill usage
  • Staff mirage, condi virtuoso "3 button rotation"

Your post in the balance thread highlights "Mechanist, Virtuoso, Specter, Scourge, or Harbinger" whereas the only truly broken thing is rifle mech with autocast skills due to the amount of damage at range autocasting on top of zero ramp time. Most of the easier builds have drawbacks such as zero cleave and terrible ramp time if all you do is autoattack on scourge , harbinger being absolutely lower DPS if you don't use it in melee range for pulsing boons or condis and all hits on dark barrage, specter having close to no cleave outside of shroud plus requiring good positioning so shroud stays up, and lastly virtuoso which probably is due for a nerf on the condi variant which was super buffed but still isn't ~24-25K autoing. Power virtuoso suffers at range due to 10% DPS loss at range on top of bladecall being a fan attack.

Really though the heal mech I don't see as a huge issue outside crisis zone outputting alacrity (which makes it spammy rather than preventive as "Stand your Ground"). Med kit was toned down and the barrier engine is in line with Virtue of Resolve sharing on guardian, Water Spirit, or Soothing Mist. Med kit scrapper never saw much adoption due to no damage whatsoever and lacking fury. Condi mech was nerfed a bit and isn't an incredibly strong choice because of the multiple kits, you rarely see it as a result.

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I'm in the same camp. I prefer rotations that are not a preset list of steps, and are based on priority systems. The benefit is that it makes it more intuitive what you should do when you are forced to "break" your rotation. 

One of my critisisms of Elementalist, specifically Catalyst, is that it's rotation is too rigid. Swapping into air attunement early to CC tanks your DPS and kills the flow of your rotation, because you are strongly incentivised to enter each attunement in a preset sequence. 

Preset rotations, take away from the daynamic flow of combat, stripping away moment to moment decision making, and it actively punishes the player and makes them feel bad for making the "Correct" choice of skillfully reacting to an encounter and using the proper tool to deal with situations as they arise. 

That is certainly one point mech has in its favor, especially it's support varients. 

Rant Aside, Noah mentioned Scrapper, which is a great choice. 

You can also try Holosmith

It's An all around solid DPS with good durability, excellent versatility and utility, good CC that isn't part of your roation so it's always available whether you're in forge or not. It's only flaw is that it's DPS is underwhelming at it's current tuning, but that will change in 2 weeks once they get buffed. 

Instead of following the set rotation, you should be good by doing the following:


1. Try to keep your heat above 50 at all times. (Orange Heat or higher). 

2. Exit forge as close to 150 heat as possible. 

3. Squeeze out as many corona bursts in forge as possible. Try to use it as you leave forge. It will cause you to cap heat without overheating if done properly. 

4. Use Photon Blitz off CD

5. (After Nov 29th patch) Use Exceed skills and their toolbelts at above 100 heat. (If running Enhanced Capacity Storage unit)



1. Prioritize Sword 2. ESPECIALLY WHEN ABOVE 100 HEAT. 

2. Complete your auto attack chains. The third hit partially resets your sword 2 and sword 3. 

3.  Press Sword 3 if you need quickness or a dash to get in range quickly. 

4. Dont let your heat fall below 50. (If your forge is blue when you enter it, you waited too long)


For CC, Hit Holographic Shockwave if you're in forge to nuke breakbars. Double tap shield 4 and shield 5 for CC if you're not in forge. 

If the enemy has pulsing AOEs on the ground or if they target you with a multi-hit attack, you can also hold shield 5 in it and it will CC the enemy over and over again in quick succession. This can singlehandedly delete some breakbars. 


Do that and you'll do good DPS. For utility skills, you can run prime light arena for an AOE pull and some nice boons for you and allies. Throw mine for CC and boon rip, Rifle turret for free dps (and another button you can just mash off CD), Lazer disc for raw dps, elixir U is your group's quickness uptime is lacking (also gives an AoE stunbreak on the toolbelt), Heal Turret for additional minor support to allies (and a generally good heal), the classic grenade kit for DPS and a nice 900 range option. 

You've got options. Engi is a versatile class in general. Don't be afraid to branch out from mech if you're craving something new. 


Hope this helps.


Edited by Kuma.1503
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I also like the mech, and share your pain when it comes to picking another class. However, there is some that are less complex, though not as easy as mech. 
1. Spell breaker dagger/axe, stability build with def tree. It’s the best melee (because of stability you give yourself) that’s not too hard to play.

2. Daredevil staff build. Easy rotation, jumping around is kind of annoying though 

3. Soulbeast axe/axe. Good damage, easy to play, and is ranged. feels a little clunky sometimes because some abilities (axe 5) require you to be stationary while casting

4. Firebrand condi axe/torch “selfish” build (1-1-1), never use tomes. Super easy to play, just spam weapon abilities on cd, and consecration+mantra of your choice for lots of burn

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are a PVE players that do instanced content in higher level such as CM modes, then your choice is only to play the most effective profession for the role you are comfortable with. It can be mechanist, it can be virtuoso, it can be bladesworn, can be herald, can be firebrand, pick your posion. But the baseline for picking which profession, is how they perform in high level instanced PVE content. No compromise here, only meta-professions. 

However, if you are casual PVE players that just want to do some T4 / strike / raids , then every professions are viable. Doesn't matter what benchmark told, just be a competent player in your desired role and you are good to go. 


On 11/12/2022 at 3:25 AM, BeastNHisHarlot.4865 said:

Along the same lines of DPS is the CC that Mechanist brings.  Innately, I bring 2 strong forms of CC with rifle, and I always run Throw Mine for a small DPS loss but simpler rotation (see a pattern here?) and large gain to overall CC potential while still hitting top to near top damage in PUGs.  Comparing this to other classes requires either foregoing decent CC to maintain DPS or to sacrifice DPS for more CC, thus bringing be back to gimping myself.

1) Power rifle mechanist has mediocre CC. Mainly because you use ALL your damaging skills on cooldown, that includes overcharged shot (rifle 4) and mobility skill (jumpshot / rifle 5). You don't save your overcharged shot / jumpshot for their utility, you use them on your DPS rotation. 
2) You never switch Grenade with Throw Mine, unless you are the only one that can boonstrip. 

3) Not a single DPS class role is recommended to switch their optimal utility skills set for more CC. DPS role job is to do dps optimally, never cripple yourself by switching utility skills for CC, unless your squad forces you to.


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8 hours ago, sigmundf.7523 said:

If you are a PVE players that do instanced content in higher level such as CM modes, then your choice is only to play the most effective profession for the role you are comfortable with. It can be mechanist, it can be virtuoso, it can be bladesworn, can be herald, can be firebrand, pick your posion. But the baseline for picking which profession, is how they perform in high level instanced PVE content. No compromise here, only meta-professions. 

However, if you are casual PVE players that just want to do some T4 / strike / raids , then every professions are viable. Doesn't matter what benchmark told, just be a competent player in your desired role and you are good to go. 


1) Power rifle mechanist has mediocre CC. Mainly because you use ALL your damaging skills on cooldown, that includes overcharged shot (rifle 4) and mobility skill (jumpshot / rifle 5). You don't save your overcharged shot / jumpshot for their utility, you use them on your DPS rotation. 

If you can't save your rifle 4 and 3 for cc phases, that is on you. You have the option to not press the button for a few seconds if need be.

There is very few classes which have high utility or cc out the box, most are actually required to give something up to do so. Mech or rather engineer is just in a very favorable spot to do so with access to:

- supply create as elite replacement (not a huge dps loss). Gain 200 (and if you know how to double trigger it 400) defiance bar damage (or go with mortar kit and gain access to poison field, ice field which chills and a water field)

- throw mine or battering ram, 1 time 200 or 2x232 defiance bar damage respectively on the 1 utility slot most more casual players run turret on anyway (barely a dps loss with turret, 2-3k when replacing grenade kit)

- rifle 4 and yes, the skill CAN get delayed a few seconds if need be, another 232 defiance bar damage

Being able to bring beyond 1k defiance bar damage IF need be is mirrored by very few classes and even fewer of those work and perform still as high and as easy as mech.

8 hours ago, sigmundf.7523 said:

2) You never switch Grenade with Throw Mine, unless you are the only one that can boonstrip. 

This is nonsense. 

8 hours ago, sigmundf.7523 said:

3) Not a single DPS class role is recommended to switch their optimal utility skills set for more CC. DPS role job is to do dps optimally, never cripple yourself by switching utility skills for CC, unless your squad forces you to.

Wow, this might apply IF you have your supports cover all your utility needs and it is absolute garbage advice if you need additional utility like cc.


My experience, even among very experienced raiders, if you are a  dps and refuse to take certain skills when needed, you are being shown the door real fast.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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