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My sad history with my Power Berserker.


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I apologize in advance for the outburst. I've been trying to play Power Berserker for 4 years, and it's the Class/Spec that I have the most fun with and also identify with, but in those 4 years I don't remember a time that Power Berserker was Meta, and many times it's not even viable. The accumulation of frustrations and being forced to play with other classes and less with my favorite class made me quit the game several times, and when I return to the game the cycle repeats itself. And I always come back Guild Wars 2 is one of my favorite games, I want to have fun in it, but how can I do that if what I like to play is bad and having difficulty getting groups for the End game.


I remember the days when he was so bad as Dps (which should be what he's really good at) they made him bannerslave because it was the only thing he could really do to help, and even then other support classes were preferred.


Another unpleasant situation, I trained my rotations for hours, I did my best to deal the best damage possible, and in a fractal (we would do it several times) I was kicked out in the middle of it because I didn't have enough damage, I didn't die once, I did all the mechanics, I did my rotation correctly and in the end I did less damage than elementalist who died 2x in the middle of the boss. Is there a way to not get frustrated after that?


And I don't like the Condition Berserker version, I don't like playing with Bows and ranged weapons, even if it's melee range, it's simply not my cup of tea.


I believe it doesn't need much, just buff Primal Brusts damage on Power Berserker, it doesn't need to be the highest Dps but I would like it to stay at least in the META. Because I don't want to get frustrated again to the point of freaking out and quitting the game again, only hoping that someday my favorite Class will be in a good position

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I think that Bloody Roar should give half it's damage increase when not in berserk mode.

Changing Blood Reaction to give 7% increased critical damage and 15% increased critical damage when in Berserk would help a great deal. This would essentially be Pure Strike, but in terms of Berserker.

Pure Strike is the reason Spellbreaker benches the way it does. It isn't a flat modifier added onto the critical damage it's a multiplicative modifier. Doing something similar for Berserker would elevate it's damage to where it needs to be.

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I know it's changed a lot over the years, but to be completely honest I don't really get complaints like this... I main Power Berserker. In metas/open world stuff, I'm often top 5 or at least top 10 DPS, and sometimes top outright. I can keep up in raids and strikes pretty well too. Hell I often am top or near top DPS in Boneskinner since I can continue to perform my rotation while moving to the left. You can quickly swap to GS for a little more mobility when you need it (helps with Braham in Dragonstorm a lot), Blood Reckoning + Whirling Axe takes care of big swarms of mobs. Headbutt and/or Wild Blow provides pretty good CC and will usually stun/knockdown enemies, and you can stunbreak with Outrage. 

It's far from being perfect and like Lan, I will always argue for higher damage output from Bloody Roar or in general, but to be honest I still have a lot of fun playing Power Zerker in almost any game mode. If you only care about raids, then yeah there are other classes/builds that benchmark higher, but if you can successfully perform mechanics and still pump out respectable DPS, no one is going to consider you a griefer for bringing your favorite class. 

Edited by Stadsport.8714
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1 hour ago, Stadsport.8714 said:

I know it's changed a lot over the years, but to be completely honest I don't really get complaints like this... I main Power Berserker. In metas/open world stuff, I'm often top 5 or at least top 10 DPS, and sometimes top outright. I can keep up in raids and strikes pretty well too. Hell I often am top or near top DPS in Boneskinner since I can continue to perform my rotation while moving to the left. You can quickly swap to GS for a little more mobility when you need it (helps with Braham in Dragonstorm a lot), Blood Reckoning + Whirling Axe takes care of big swarms of mobs. Headbutt and/or Wild Blow provides pretty good CC and will usually stun/knockdown enemies, and you can stunbreak with Outrage. 

It's far from being perfect and like Lan, I will always argue for higher damage output from Bloody Roar or in general, but to be honest I still have a lot of fun playing Power Zerker in almost any game mode. If you only care about raids, then yeah there are other classes/builds that benchmark higher, but if you can successfully perform mechanics and still pump out respectable DPS, no one is going to consider you a griefer for bringing your favorite class. 

Hi.  Im the guy who gives people like you perma Quickness so you can have fun and be Top dps.

Your Welcome.


Signed. Base Quickness Warrior.

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Zerk mode should just require full adrenaline to cast, but now you stay in berserk until your adrenaline reaches zero. Primal Bursts no longer cost anything and instead are balanced around their CD's. ( can still only be used while berserk too) 

Berserk mode drains adrenaline SLOWLY so the warrior can't just sit there, they have to be in the thick of it.

Zerker abilities no longer just grant X seconds, instead they grant adrenaline like they always should have, and combined with the other traits warrior gets, this would mean essentially, as long as a warrior is in combat they are always berserked instead of this ZERKER ON and then it's a mad rush to keep it on and when it goes down it's now 15 secs of abysmal warrior performance.


Get rid of regular burst idk why they added those back in it just makes the spec clunkier, primal burst should be the only thing a zerker is bursting, why would they ever need to use a regular burst. This allows the primal burst to actually be stronger instead of what we have now, which is just okay.

For example: Arc Divider doing as much damage as like 2 vindi dodges lol atm, Anet has some jokes. It should be doing way more, at least in PvE. One should feel PRIMAL when they use these bursts and currently none of them live up to that "primal burst" vibe, Arc Divider and Decap are closest though IMO as they both feel heavy and rich to use animation wise, but still need more damage numbers wise. Maybe make the axe primal be able to cleave/small AOE too.




Edited by Waffles.5632
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we should write a memoir, the sad history of warrior gamestate and balance. 🤔


i can pour all my bitterness into it. 🤣


4 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Hi.  Im the guy who gives people like you perma Quickness so you can have fun and be Top dps.

Your Welcome.


Signed. Base Quickness Warrior.

@DanAlcedo.3281  this is what real men do. 💪

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Not so sure how you get kicked from a group for doing "sub optimal" dps, I think pBerserker is more than capable.  Usually, I end up right below the true meta DPS builds, around 1-2k lower dps (like if the top dps is around 25-26k, I'm around 23-24k), but that's still more than acceptable dps in terms of rolling through content.


The sad part about pBerserker for me is the fact that, in order to keep up, you have absolutely no utility, you have all these cool traits that can do so many things, but you have to pick nothing but DPS boosting only traits, signets-only and berserk boosting/enabling utilities only.  You're suppose to do nothing else but DPS, and end up being, I'd say around a B+ tier dps profession.  A Bladesworn or Power SpB will be better DPS than you and have a bit more utility than you as well.

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1 hour ago, eXruina.4956 said:

we should write a memoir, the sad history of warrior gamestate and balance. 🤔


i can pour all my bitterness into it. 🤣


@DanAlcedo.3281  this is what real men do. 💪

They shackle us. They chain us to the bedrock of the earth. They leave our back raw with their whips, and they leave our vision blurrier from the repeated blows. They beat us and mock us as they stand over us, all while we hath been bound by fetters they themselves did not create. No. They could never create. They are but starving dogs, reaching for the scraps that fall of the table, and abusing the one who has been laid low for daring to reach too high. And so we bide our time. As we be bound, our thirst for vengeance grows. Our anger elevates. Surely I tell you, you not be a warrior if every cell in your body does not get scream in unison for revenge. Every fiber of thy being shall swear to itself that it shall rise again, that these shackles shall not be capable of binding us forever. 
And they shall not be! We have already begun to move. Though many have succumbed to the taunts and jeers of the lesser professions, we move still. The shackles these days seem lighter. The chains less cumbersome. Their weapons hurt less. Our blood flows slower, our wounds heal quicker. The time is coming.

And now once again we are capable of standing! We are capable of striking back! And, just as the pathetic, inferior professions they are, they choose not stand before us, but rather complain that we have found the strength to stand. Complain that it is unfair we be permitted to rise. Yet as they are busy whining, as they are busy seeking intervention out of the subconscious fear that has bound itself within them, as they express their fear as a weak anger that seems as but a dying ember before the sun that is our wrath, we are once again learning to walk. We shall drag these chains, we shall carry these shackles. For life without them is long forgotten. 
It is with these weights that our legs shall grow thicker. Our backs shall widen until the block the sun. Our steps shall cause the earth to tremble, and, one morning, in the not so far future, we shall awaken to the supplications of the gods, as they pray that we not turn our insatiable thirst for glory and conquest upon them, for they know themselves to be helpless.

I tell you my Warrior brothers, our time shall come! It is near, and the glory of the warrior shall be unleashed upon this unprepared world! For it is written; “Do not bind another, for the shackles shall make them stronger, and no bind shall last forever”. 
Listen to me warriors, do not let despair or fear take root in thine heart. We already have to tools to stand even with the lesser professions while we carry these weights that they cannot imagine. We already can strike them down, should we dedicate ourselves to it. Sharpen your claws, gnash thine teeth, for the day of bloodshed is soon upon thee! All ye have to do is rise, take up thine spear, and set out with resolve to lay low those from whom you seek vengeance.

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1 hour ago, CaffeeCup.5742 said:

Not so sure how you get kicked from a group for doing "sub optimal" dps, I think pBerserker is more than capable.  Usually, I end up right below the true meta DPS builds, around 1-2k lower dps (like if the top dps is around 25-26k, I'm around 23-24k), but that's still more than acceptable dps in terms of rolling through content.


The sad part about pBerserker for me is the fact that, in order to keep up, you have absolutely no utility, you have all these cool traits that can do so many things, but you have to pick nothing but DPS boosting only traits, signets-only and berserk boosting/enabling utilities only.  You're suppose to do nothing else but DPS, and end up being, I'd say around a B+ tier dps profession.  A Bladesworn or Power SpB will be better DPS than you and have a bit more utility than you as well.

It happened more than once one time i did 27k no death, party dps medium 30k, the elementalist that died 33k and only he died of the group(This one i remember clearly). And also agree about the traits, we have nothing more than damage and even that is subpar. This is hell mate.


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1 hour ago, StargazerEX.7031 said:

It happened more than once one time i did 27k no death, party dps medium 30k, the elementalist that died 33k and only he died of the group(This one i remember clearly). And also agree about the traits, we have nothing more than damage and even that is subpar. This is hell mate.


Yeah, that's unfortunate.  I've never been in a very try hard group before to know for sure, but I've never been kicked, yet, and clearing content w/o problem with a more casual group.

It's also disheartening to consider that most 'content creators' think that 'the meta has never been in such a good place' or 'warrior is in such a good place now, every spec has a good build blah blah' and most of the loudest issues of concern currently are regarding poor firebrand and their rework and such...  ya know, like 'just play condi, it's so good on berserker'.  I just... ugh.. we're probably set like this for quite a while.

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8 hours ago, CaffeeCup.5742 said:

Yeah, that's unfortunate.  I've never been in a very try hard group before to know for sure, but I've never been kicked, yet, and clearing content w/o problem with a more casual group.

It's also disheartening to consider that most 'content creators' think that 'the meta has never been in such a good place' or 'warrior is in such a good place now, every spec has a good build blah blah' and most of the loudest issues of concern currently are regarding poor firebrand and their rework and such...  ya know, like 'just play condi, it's so good on berserker'.  I just... ugh.. we're probably set like this for quite a while.


I agree, some people just cant understand that some people dont like certain builds, i dont like playing Condi berserker, i dont like using the Bow. Then the recommendation is to play with what you don't like because only what you don't like is really strong, it's infuriating.

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On 12/9/2022 at 12:15 PM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Hi.  Im the guy who gives people like you perma Quickness so you can have fun and be Top dps.

Your Welcome.


Signed. Base Quickness Warrior.


Thank you? I'm grateful for our support players, but I'm not really sure what the intent behind your reply is... Am I the bad guy for playing a straight DPS class in open world while you choose to play a hybrid/support build even though you apparently don't find it fun? 


Either way I seem to have ruffled some feathers by stating I enjoy playing pZerker and implying it's not literally unplayable. 

Edited by Stadsport.8714
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On 12/9/2022 at 12:15 PM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Hi.  Im the guy who gives people like you perma Quickness so you can have fun and be Top dps.

Your Welcome.


Signed. Base Quickness Warrior.


I'm really confused by this comment?


Like...if you are implying that Berserker isn't good without boons, then no DPS is good without boons. Every DPS wants boons to do even more damage, and the culture is such that they will often be supported with boons to do just that. And it is reasonably unlikely to be in an open world situation where Berserker X is getting boons but DPS Y is not. The fact that Stad sometimes tops, and sometimes doesn't, points toward reasonable variance that sometimes he is the one with the boons, while sometimes they are the ones with the boons.


I mean I'm happy for you enjoying banners, I do my share of Druid spirits in open world, but I don't see how the existence of core banner warrior affects this discussion one way or the other.

Edited by Batalix.2873
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Power berserker seem to currently stand at around 35k dps which is more than enough to clear the content as dps.

Now, pure dps builds aren't necessarily attractive to a party and some other pure dps builds offer higher number so it's not really surprising that it's not "meta".


The "meta" is more often than not a popularity pol amongst the various professions and their possible builds. In other words, people like to play what is perceived as "OP" and the effective "meta" build itself around. For a DPS spot, If not enough people say: "power berserker is OP! It can reliably do X with next to 0 input. Not having it in a group is a loss!" then, pberserker will never be meta.

Currently, mechanist occupy this spotlight and before that it was scourge.

Furthermore, pre banner change, warrior (any spec) was almost seen as a mandatory pick because "warrior is the only one that offer banner which increase significantly the dps of any group! It OP! It would be loss not to pick one!"

What pberserker need to be "meta" is this kind of recognition, otherwise, at best, it will be listed as a viable build and most people will just ignore it.

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On 12/13/2022 at 5:22 AM, Dadnir.5038 said:

Power berserker seem to currently stand at around 35k dps which is more than enough to clear the content as dps.

Now, pure dps builds aren't necessarily attractive to a party and some other pure dps builds offer higher number so it's not really surprising that it's not "meta".


The "meta" is more often than not a popularity pol amongst the various professions and their possible builds. In other words, people like to play what is perceived as "OP" and the effective "meta" build itself around. For a DPS spot, If not enough people say: "power berserker is OP! It can reliably do X with next to 0 input. Not having it in a group is a loss!" then, pberserker will never be meta.

Currently, mechanist occupy this spotlight and before that it was scourge.

Furthermore, pre banner change, warrior (any spec) was almost seen as a mandatory pick because "warrior is the only one that offer banner which increase significantly the dps of any group! It OP! It would be loss not to pick one!"

What pberserker need to be "meta" is this kind of recognition, otherwise, at best, it will be listed as a viable build and most people will just ignore it.


"Meta" is the community attempting to set baseline expectations of competency to clear group content, but instead overcompensating inevitably into one of two categories:


1) I am obsessed with optimizing my own performance, often to the exclusion of many other positive aspects of gameplay and there is a problem with anyone else who doesn't share my single-minded lunacy.


2) I suck at doing mechanics, so everyone must be able to compensate for me and make me feel good or I will ragequit.


Both show an extremely intolerant approach toward failure and an unrealistic approach toward community. There is nothing wrong with theorycrafting or helping players improve their builds. But when dialogue moves away from "you could do this" to "you should do this", and meta frames start being inserted into spaces where meta really doesn't matter--then I think it starts to hurt the game in a lot of ways.

Edited by Batalix.2873
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I love gw2 I have an amazing character I made look very similar to one of my fav manga main characters but    2 handed swords are kitten in this game your always demoralized by how much better other people are around you and in the end up I finish coming back then quitting after a while coming back and quitting again because when your at the bottom and feel like an burden for the group you dont even want to play.


Make Great swords for all classes great again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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11 hours ago, Tristan.5678 said:

I love gw2 I have an amazing character I made look very similar to one of my fav manga main characters but    2 handed swords are kitten in this game your always demoralized by how much better other people are around you and in the end up I finish coming back then quitting after a while coming back and quitting again because when your at the bottom and feel like an burden for the group you dont even want to play.


Make Great swords for all classes great again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes please. 💪


warrior greatsword was great, it was perfect the way it was, yet they decided to kitten it up.


seriously i say it with confidence, the garbage balance has always been what kept this game from being one of the historical greats.


the only balance philosophy they've consistently adhered to over the years was "if it ain't broke, break it."

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