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I'm trying to gauge how much I should whine about Nature's binding.

Nature's binding  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Nature's binding?

    • It's fine
    • Lil bit much

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Peer pressure me. My current take is that Nature's Binding is kinda silly, and needs to have one or multiple of the following for pvp:


A slightly longer cast

A more visible cast

Larger cages




1 second off cage life.


Yes? No? Am I seething? maybe.


For reference Nature's binding is that thing those Untamed players do that puts a ward on you.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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To be honest I am not sure what to think about it. It can range from ok because you sacrifice sustain to get it + some builds have a way out to completely out of control if you are stuck in it.

I have rarely seen it used in ranked but it seems to become a main pick for tournaments where they can capitalize on the lockdown even more.

This is probably a skill I would not mind seeing changed on untamed.

Maybe the cage should be a bit closer to the one on guard hammer?

edit : Thinking about it again, it does sound too big because it does not block both ways. Maybe a bigger cage and an additional effect like a slow on hit / or pulse in the cage to be less about oneshot but still effective? Maybe a boon rip ?

Edited by aymnad.9023
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15 hours ago, aymnad.9023 said:

edit : Thinking about it again, it does sound too big because it does not block both ways. Maybe a bigger cage and an additional effect like a slow on hit / or pulse in the cage to be less about oneshot but still effective? Maybe a boon rip ?


This is fine. I'd like it to be less "if you didn't see the not-obvious animation/the ranger was stealthed, you can't even dodge for the next 4 seconds without getting interrupted"  I don't mind the cage doing something like slow/boonrip/etc as long as there's some wiggle room to move around/react to the follow up maul that's inevitibly coming. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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@Azure The Heartless.3261 This poll is going to be disproportionate vs. the reality of Nature's Binding because we have so many Spellbreakers and Catalysts in play right now who have constant stability all of the time, which makes it easy to negate the effects of Nature's Binding.

If you are however on a class/build that does not have on-demand stability or has very little, Nature's Binding is a super hard counter. Keyword there super hard counter.

Unlike Ring Of Warding or Spectral Ring, Nature's Binding is way way too small of a radius, which causes a lot of problems. With ROW or SR they are big enough to allow the trapped player some counter play to be able to move to one side of the circle and dodge roll inside the circle without CCing themselves. Nature's Binding is so small of a radius that once it entraps you, there is no counter other than stab to walk out of it, a block skill, an invuln, or an evade frame that can happen while you stand completely still. If you try to dodge roll or use an evasion skill like Withdraw or even a Ranger sword/dagger evade, you hit the side of the Nature's Binding and CC yourself. So some classes/builds are deigned to where Nature's Binding is almost unnoticeable and they don't care about it at all, but other classes/builds simply do not have realistic access to enough of, if they have access at all, to the kinds of mechanics they would need to deal with Nature's Binding. <- In these cases, Nature's Binding is an immediate KO.

Furthermore, Nature's Binding has absolutely no telegraph at all, and it honestly lasts too long considering it gets used to setup for massive Untamed tele-bursts.

Due to the amount of classes/builds in play right now that pump out constant self stability, and the dip to defenses that Untamed must endure to take Nature's Binding, this is not normally a skill that Untamed would want to bring into a match. But there are times when the Untamed can safely bring it, when he knows it will be advantageous to do, and when this happens, Nature's Binding is an unbelievably broken skill vs. the builds that aren't stability tanks.


I've been saying this exact same thing in every Ranger/Untamed discussion thread since the EoD release. Nature's Binding needs a serious rework in general. This is what I'd like to see happen:

  1.  Nature's Binding radius becomes exactly the same size as ROW or SR, and it only makes one circle around the target instead of 5 circles around 5 targets.
  2. Nature's Binding needs a cast duration and a visual tell.
  3. Alternatively, Nature's Binding becomes a root instead of a force wall effect, which would be much easier to counter play for many reasons.
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2 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Azure The Heartless.3261 This poll is going to be disproportionate vs. the reality of Nature's Binding because we have so many Spellbreakers and Catalysts in play right now who have constant stability all of the time, which makes it easy to negate the effects of Nature's Binding.

If you are however on a class/build that does not have on-demand stability or has very little, Nature's Binding is a super hard counter. Keyword there super hard counter.

Unlike Ring Of Warding or Spectral Ring, Nature's Binding is way way too small of a radius, which causes a lot of problems. With ROW or SR they are big enough to allow the trapped player some counter play to be able to move to one side of the circle and dodge roll inside the circle without CCing themselves. Nature's Binding is so small of a radius that once it entraps you, there is no counter other than stab to walk out of it, a block skill, an invuln, or an evade frame that can happen while you stand completely still. If you try to dodge roll or use an evasion skill like Withdraw or even a Ranger sword/dagger evade, you hit the side of the Nature's Binding and CC yourself. So some classes/builds are deigned to where Nature's Binding is almost unnoticeable and they don't care about it at all, but other classes/builds simply do not have realistic access to enough of, if they have access at all, to the kinds of mechanics they would need to deal with Nature's Binding. <- In these cases, Nature's Binding is an immediate KO.

Furthermore, Nature's Binding has absolutely no telegraph at all, and it honestly lasts too long considering it gets used to setup for massive Untamed tele-bursts.

Due to the amount of classes/builds in play right now that pump out constant self stability, and the dip to defenses that Untamed must endure to take Nature's Binding, this is not normally a skill that Untamed would want to bring into a match. But there are times when the Untamed can safely bring it, when he knows it will be advantageous to do, and when this happens, Nature's Binding is an unbelievably broken skill vs. the builds that aren't stability tanks.


I've been saying this exact same thing in every Ranger/Untamed discussion thread since the EoD release. Nature's Binding needs a serious rework in general. This is what I'd like to see happen:

  1.  Nature's Binding radius becomes exactly the same size as ROW or SR, and it only makes one circle around the target instead of 5 circles around 5 targets.
  2. Nature's Binding needs a cast duration and a visual tell.
  3. Alternatively, Nature's Binding becomes a root instead of a force wall effect, which would be much easier to counter play for many reasons.

How does the holo leap 3 interact with it?

On my scrapper this thing is a huge pain... competitive builds don't carry stability.

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