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So when is the Pet elite type coming?


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   Imagine if Anet put on the work and instead of mechanist, they aplied that formula to ranger with all pets availeable in game. 

We could have control of the pet instead of the ranger, first 4 skills the actual ones of the pet and weapon number 5 could be chosen via traits and thrown by the ranger that could be something like a gyro that takes no damage and follow us.


Meanwhile ill keep playing core or druid...

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On 1/11/2023 at 6:24 PM, Swagger.1459 said:


Not sure how long you’ve been playing, but I can say with confidence that the greater community of Rangers (since the beginning) have been trying to lessen the need for pets, get more options to get rid of the pet entirely (sb was a small step), and have begged for a host of other non-pet related improvements because pets hamper this class in many ways. This is due to all the issues pets have by their original design (that will never get fixed at this point or completely recoded), and they end up screwing over this profession more than they are helpful. 


Next elite should be completely Ranger focused, not subpar pet focused. 

Have a great one! 


It's a good troll, but categorically false.  

The ranger community as a whole has been vying to make pets more usable since the beginning, with some concessions such as soulbeast to handle the 'perma stow' requests.

It is also true that no matter what they won't buff pets directly, because specifically the sPvP crowd will complain until its nerfed (as mentioned see mechanist for recent example).

But no, the 'greater community of rangers' does not want to get rid of the pet because half of them RP in PvE.  They want more variety for pets, not less.  The only 'perma stow' cries come from situations where the pet just stands in AoE (i.e. raid type environments and WvW).  

The answers have always been the same, either make pet no damage only CC tool or make pet have scaling reduction with number of enemies or AoE's present.  Rest is handled by soulbeast, because you can just merge and pet is no longer an issue.

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11 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


It's a good troll, but categorically false.  

The ranger community as a whole has been vying to make pets more usable since the beginning, with some concessions such as soulbeast to handle the 'perma stow' requests.

It is also true that no matter what they won't buff pets directly, because specifically the sPvP crowd will complain until its nerfed (as mentioned see mechanist for recent example).

But no, the 'greater community of rangers' does not want to get rid of the pet because half of them RP in PvE.  They want more variety for pets, not less.  The only 'perma stow' cries come from situations where the pet just stands in AoE (i.e. raid type environments and WvW).  

The answers have always been the same, either make pet no damage only CC tool or make pet have scaling reduction with number of enemies or AoE's present.  Rest is handled by soulbeast, because you can just merge and pet is no longer an issue.

Thank you!

Now let's see if your post gets attacked as mine did.

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On 1/10/2023 at 11:16 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

The PvP and WvW crowd would go ballistic with such a thing.  From what I recall, they're the reason for the pet nerfs in the first place.

It was mostly the pvp crowd (i still remember a couple posters complaining about birds for example which literally die from a gentle breeze). I don't think I remember seeing WvW players complaining about the pet outside of it revealing locations during stealth pushes.


Untamed I thought was supposed to be our WvW front line bruiser type of class. You know, something that would be useful for zergs. Instead it's so glass you can't even enter melee in a 1v2 or you build tanky and don't do anything at all (no boon share, poor boon removal, limited cc, very small aoe's, very limited lockdown potential).


Basically the only players I've seen use it was for a surprise burst with a no cast teleport in spvp. You take untamed for the ability to not have your pets kitten with useless skills (like birds aoe swiftness after approaching an enemy target, or drakes using their burst randomly hitting nothing at all) and for a single long cooldown teleport that is only small if it hits the target. Outside of that just using F1 to make your pet reach a target that's kiting or the occasional projectile destroyer (F3).


I think core ranger should have access to pet skills and control - untamed needs a complete rework. I don't think many people who main ranger would disagree with that other than some spvper who thinks that using a teleport burst with no cast time or indication to the enemy is a display of their abilities.

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11 minutes ago, Strider.7849 said:

I think core ranger should have access to pet skills and control - untamed needs a complete rework. I don't think many people who main ranger would disagree with that other than some spvper who thinks that using a teleport burst with no cast time or indication to the enemy is a display of their abilities.

I'm not sure if untamed needs a complete rework, as some of it's stuff does work in small scale (you can be really tanky if you leverage your pet unleash Vow of the Untamed bonuses and Forest's Fortification well), but it was marketed as a zerg option and does need some help there- ranger has always struggled due to the lack of offensive non-projectile ranged skills. Your only options are longbow 5 and warhorn 4, and only 1 of those is aoe :))))


I think a lot of what Untamed brings needs to either be strengthened (i.e. stronger pet unleash skills, Exploding Spores should be better due to how close to the target you have to be to make it effective, etc), but I think the baseline with unleashing isn't the worst path to go down in some way. Maybe give the pet the opposite buff (while ranger is unleashed, extra 10% DR, while pet is unleashed, extra 15% strike damage, or the pve values) from vow of the untamed? It's always bugged me that it doesn't get it. Maybe add some stat sharing bonuses (weaker but in the same vein as mechanist) and add a bit of color to the pet goopy overlay thing when they're unleashed in the traits, i.e. the trait Debilitating Blows shares 20% of your condition damage to your pet while the pet is unleashed, with some red or orange or something on the pet to indicate when it has bonuses active? It might also get more untamed players to switch around their traits off of basically just debilitating blows/nature's shield, cleansing unleash, and ferocious symbiosis in pvp.

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13 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


It's a good troll, but categorically false.  

The ranger community as a whole has been vying to make pets more usable since the beginning, with some concessions such as soulbeast to handle the 'perma stow' requests.

It is also true that no matter what they won't buff pets directly, because specifically the sPvP crowd will complain until its nerfed (as mentioned see mechanist for recent example).

But no, the 'greater community of rangers' does not want to get rid of the pet because half of them RP in PvE.  They want more variety for pets, not less.  The only 'perma stow' cries come from situations where the pet just stands in AoE (i.e. raid type environments and WvW).  

The answers have always been the same, either make pet no damage only CC tool or make pet have scaling reduction with number of enemies or AoE's present.  Rest is handled by soulbeast, because you can just merge and pet is no longer an issue.

Agree with not removing pets. I play and main ranger because of it. Rather than making pets scale or do no damage and only cc (don't like this idea at all) I'd rather then introduce some pets focused entirely on support rather than attacking the enemy. That way you could have a useful pet in zerg battles - for example on heal druid in WvW, I currently use turtle and bear only for their F2's. Imagine a pet that provided useful boons or a periodic heal/some sort of buff instead of an attack. Overall though, thank you for posting that, I see lots of posts wanting to remove pet from ranger all together and I feel that those players should use warrior or something instead.

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22 hours ago, Swagger.1459 said:

After you read them, you tell me what has been really addressed and why we should make a "pet focused" elite? 

What they did since 2014:

- I think the first thing they did was to make the pet move forward when attacking.

- They adressed AI, pet skill priority and pathing issues many time over the years

- They increased the effective range of the various vanilla pets auto-attacks.

- They chose to reduce the damage output of the pet at some point due to competitive modes whine, they sold it as a trade off for an imaginary increase of the pet survivability in PvE through an increase of their health.

- They reduced the range of the "leash".

- Then they ended up making pet only take a small percentage of the incoming damage when they weren't directly targeted in PvE (which was pretty effective).

- The last thing I remember them doing was some pointless tweaks to moa skills so that they can actually hit a foe (It didn't quite work, as expected)


That said, comparatively, the pet is currently a lot more resilient and reliable in sPvP and PvE than it was 2014... I mean player used to just straff to totally negate it's effectiveness, while new pets added more usefulness in PvE.

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13 hours ago, Strider.7849 said:

Agree with not removing pets. I play and main ranger because of it. Rather than making pets scale or do no damage and only cc (don't like this idea at all) I'd rather then introduce some pets focused entirely on support rather than attacking the enemy. That way you could have a useful pet in zerg battles - for example on heal druid in WvW, I currently use turtle and bear only for their F2's. Imagine a pet that provided useful boons or a periodic heal/some sort of buff instead of an attack. Overall though, thank you for posting that, I see lots of posts wanting to remove pet from ranger all together and I feel that those players should use warrior or something instead.


Yeah, on review I think the 'only CC' part was a bit narrow; essentially what I meant is, if the pet was invulnerable and did no damage it could also provide pulsing boons or a CC or something useful.  Not sure they'd go that route anyway as we've asked for this with spirits before and well...

But in my view, any enhancement to the pet has to be with competitive in mind; I think this is the direction they've taken for both soulbeast (merge) and untamed (pet teleport), with varying degrees of success.  

This of course circles back to Druid and its need to utilize the pet, and here other than fixing some glaring skill issues (E. Wyvern whiffing 90% of the time comes to mind), if they just made a damage reduction by scale or something to keep the pet alive in big battles (like zergs), think that's all that is needed.  


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8 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


Yeah, on review I think the 'only CC' part was a bit narrow; essentially what I meant is, if the pet was invulnerable and did no damage it could also provide pulsing boons or a CC or something useful.  Not sure they'd go that route anyway as we've asked for this with spirits before and well...

But in my view, any enhancement to the pet has to be with competitive in mind; I think this is the direction they've taken for both soulbeast (merge) and untamed (pet teleport), with varying degrees of success.  

This of course circles back to Druid and its need to utilize the pet, and here other than fixing some glaring skill issues (E. Wyvern whiffing 90% of the time comes to mind), if they just made a damage reduction by scale or something to keep the pet alive in big battles (like zergs), think that's all that is needed.  


Maybe a small stat increase across the board if the damage decrease doesn't cut it. If pets are alive but not doing enough they just become a hindrance in fights such as stealthing issues or how easy it is to be kept in combat.

Edited by RainbowTurtle.3542
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On 1/14/2023 at 8:21 AM, kharmin.7683 said:

I'm not the one making the claim about what the community wants.  When that is proven, then we can discuss. Otherwise, the questions asked are moot.

Actually, you did. However, history isn’t on your side. I also asked questions first.



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