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Would you accept a Warrior on your Raid team as DPS?


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@Belorn.2659 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:Do you accept a DPS that do the same damage as warrior on dps meter? If yes, then, why not?

Yes, they are called necromancers and are useful for orbs in gor, slubs for sloth, shards for xera, and Jade Scouts for MO. They are technically a DPS role, but looking at boss damage it is a mix between support and DPS.

For MO specifically, a necromancer will trivialize the raid mechanic while at the same time make decent boss DPS. Looking at raidar, they are top tier in cleave damage:

but people that raid hates necros and questions us. see below for proof > @Zlater.6789 said:

yeah I would accept a warrior easily, a necro or thief however... I would be doing some questioning

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@needbeer.1687 said:

@Belorn.2659 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:Do you accept a DPS that do the same damage as warrior on dps meter? If yes, then, why not?

Yes, they are called necromancers and are useful for orbs in gor, slubs for sloth, shards for xera, and Jade Scouts for MO. They are technically a DPS role, but looking at boss damage it is a mix between support and DPS.

For MO specifically, a necromancer will trivialize the raid mechanic while at the same time make decent boss DPS. Looking at raidar, they are top tier in cleave damage:

but people that raid hates necros and questions us. see below for proof > @Zlater.6789 said:

yeah I would accept a warrior easily, a necro or thief however... I would be doing some questioning

I'm a thief main...So when you say "question us" you take class discrimination too personally.What do I personally play as dps in raids? I play holosmith, condi mirage and condi soulbeast. 《-- see no thief even though it's full geared.Its nothing to do with necro hate and everything to do with respecting the time of the 8 other people. But if you were a friend or from I reputable guild, you could probably stay necro.You just need more to convince me that you can pull your weight is all.

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@needbeer.1687 said:

@Belorn.2659 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:Do you accept a DPS that do the same damage as warrior on dps meter? If yes, then, why not?

Yes, they are called necromancers and are useful for orbs in gor, slubs for sloth, shards for xera, and Jade Scouts for MO. They are technically a DPS role, but looking at boss damage it is a mix between support and DPS.

For MO specifically, a necromancer will trivialize the raid mechanic while at the same time make decent boss DPS. Looking at raidar, they are top tier in cleave damage:

but people that raid hates necros and questions us. see below for proof > @Zlater.6789 said:

yeah I would accept a warrior easily, a necro or thief however... I would be doing some questioning

It depend on context. Epidemic is only effective in specific situation. It similar to tempest defense and impact sigil for weaver, in that usefulness depend on boss.

As for thief, DD condi holds second place on highest average DPS on MO, and had the highest DPS before PoF. If mirage get nerfed in 2 days, it is very possible that DD condi will retake the first place for DPS on MO.

Naturally a random group can be unaware of what is effective for each boss, and site like https://gw2raidar.com/global_stats should be every raiders toolkit, along with a understanding of the boss mechanics . You don't bring a necro to KC, and you don't bring a power weaver to matt, unless you and the group want that extra challenge.

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I see this whole 'respecting 8 other people's time!' thing come up a lot and I have to say.. what about RESPECTING this is JUST a GAME and people play for FUN. If your time is THAT valuable that you can't just sit back, relax and enjoy the game? You're doing something seriously wrong. Apparently now, being 'efficient' you must have one of every class max leveled, max traits filled out AND geared.. /eyeroll. Give me a break.

Yes, I'd certainly play with a warrior. No, I don't believe in the tryharding of 'speed clears' that often end up taking LONGER to do then a regular run with people who just want to play what they enjoy the most. The raids can be done in far less gear with completely 'wrong' setups, so taking someone (a necro or thief) would be JUST fine to me. Follow mechanics, cc when you need to, win, go home and everyone's happy.

Gone are the days of enjoying games with friends, it's all about that 'gogo' train that does absolutely nothing aside from create an environment of high stress, anxiety and aggressive behavior.

If y'all talking about 'efficiency' and 'optimized' things, then why aren't you stacking 8 mirages while it lasts? Oh.. right.. because you enjoy whatever it is you're playing... Forgot, but that other guy can't enjoy what he has.. only you can. (You is figurative.)

I apologize, but I just get so tired of this tryhard plague that's infiltrated SO many games this past few years, people like to whine about lack of community but fail to see, often times, they're the ones putting the nails in the coffin lid.

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If its a random pug joining my static for our full clear? No, we would just 9 man while we wait for something better. Nearly everyone in our group has multiple classes, many have 10+ geared and ready. Bringing a lower dps class to fill our dps slots, makes me thing you dont have the resources to gear up a proper dps class. And if that is the case, your not as experienced as we are looking for. To be fair, the chances of us posting an lfg is pretty close to 0, experienced raiders build up contacts and dont pug very much.

If your a player who has raided with us before, and shown us you know what your doing? Yeah.

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@thrag.9740 said:If its a random pug joining my static for our full clear? No, we would just 9 man while we wait for something better. Nearly everyone in our group has multiple classes, many have 10+ geared and ready. Bringing a lower dps class to fill our dps slots, makes me thing you dont have the resources to gear up a proper dps class. And if that is the case, your not as experienced as we are looking for. To be fair, the chances of us posting an lfg is pretty close to 0, experienced raiders build up contacts and dont pug very much.

If your a player who has raided with us before, and shown us you know what your doing? Yeah.

Statistically speaking, the only spec higher than warrior would be ele in general DPS terms. On a fight by fight basis, this changes for all classes.

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If you want to play as a DPS you need more than one option. The absolute minimum is an Power Ele(Weaver/Temp) and any build that is good against small hit boxes. Considering BS often outdps pure DPS builds in PuGs, War can be taken as an DPS for single bosses, but for runs of multiple bosses or Wings one DPS build can not be sufficient for any experienced run.

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@Mikeskies.1536 said:

@thrag.9740 said:If its a random pug joining my static for our full clear? No, we would just 9 man while we wait for something better. Nearly everyone in our group has multiple classes, many have 10+ geared and ready. Bringing a lower dps class to fill our dps slots, makes me thing you dont have the resources to gear up a proper dps class. And if that is the case, your not as experienced as we are looking for. To be fair, the chances of us posting an lfg is pretty close to 0, experienced raiders build up contacts and dont pug very much.

If your a player who has raided with us before, and shown us you know what your doing? Yeah.

Statistically speaking, the only spec higher than warrior would be ele in general DPS terms. On a fight by fight basis, this changes for all classes.Its not clear what statistics you are referring to.

Is it this? https://www.gw2raidar.com/global_statsThese are the only statistics I know of.

Because according to that a median warrior hits 9k on boss, and a median daredevil hits 14k, about 40% difference. Are you looking at top 90% only? As I said, if It is a player who has proven themselves by raiding with my group before, sure let em play whatever they want. But a random pug typically isnt a top 90% player.

Like I said, its about confidence. A player who cant be bothered to gear a meta class raises other questions. Did they bother to read lfg? Did they bother to bring any type of build at all? Do they even know the encounter?

I would also be more lenient if I was only doing 1 boss at a time, which is typical of pugs, but my personal experience is different. My static wants to full clear in less than 3 hours. I.e. the player joining us needs to be able to do all the bosses. If they are bringing warrior to say vg, then they probably dont have much better for kc, or matthias, or sab, imo those are fights that highlight dps warriors weaknesses.

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I find myself being very competitive in terms of DPS with my warrior, even as a Bannerslave.Also having a second warrior allows both to take 1 banner and another DPS Utility, which boosts their DPS even further.On top the warrior Rotation is not as hard to execute, even without the 6th F1 (back on sword) you can stick a bit longer on Longbow and use a non-Berserker F1 before switching. Also compared to some of the new DPS-specs, he still brings reliable CC on a low CD with Headbutt and can even take wild blow.

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