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Anyone know why Anet stopped using the Forums on April 26th 2021?

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2 minutes ago, HotDelirium.7984 said:

I learned my lesson recently about being unhealthily critical of staff. When in the history of abusive language did someone magically and happily want to talk to you back for clarity?

Yet some people still think it is the correct option and think Anet employees should 'suck it up' because 'they signed up for this'. They signed up for their game to be CRITIQUED, not to be verbally abused by some nobodies who don't understand how to code a website without struggling or can only draw stick figures as a talent. 

It's good that you understood and tried to tone back, but never everyone on these forums have that same courtesy. People tend to forgot Anet could shut down this game the next day and everyone will be sorely out of luck, while Anet could essentially either move on or merge with a completely different company.

And this goes for any company that is as decent and gives a kitten about their game.

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10 hours ago, Bobby Stein.3612 said:

I run the Narrative Department, so...I'm still on staff. 😉

Glad someone still works at that place (j/k).  I am,however, still super curious why most Anet people show the same last login date of April 26th 2021. It seems VERY strange to me. It even makes me wonder if it was maybe just a forum update that incremented login dates of Staff? Super Curious.

Also thanks for the response. Im obviously more curious who may actually look at the forums to see what players are suggesting/saying about balance, general gameplay, & qol issues, but I appreciate what you do and willingness to say Hi. TYVM! 😻

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7 minutes ago, Moradorin.6217 said:

Glad someone still works at that place (j/k).  I am,however, still super curious why most Anet people show the same last login date of April 26th 2021. It seems VERY strange to me. It even makes me wonder if it was maybe just a forum update that incremented login dates of Staff? Super Curious.

Almost as if you were already told about it 😄

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8 hours ago, Freya.9075 said:

Seems like op got their answer. Now, when will Anet share that Lord Faren profile picture with us? That’s the real question. 👀

It really doesnt change anything about what I asked.


That is it doesnt change that 99% of the staff seem to have never logged in or last login date of April 26th 2021 (all the same date...).


It also doesnt convince me that anyone on staff is reading the forums to provide feedback about qol, balance, gameplay. That said, I would think they must have SOME sort of activity or would benefit from it.


Also Im not suggesting staff members should be spending time posting and taking part in topics unless its part of the job. Recently, I have been having a hard time relating balance and content choices to what I see players asking for and what they like vs what they find fustrating or teedious/unfun about the game that could be improved. Its not a single topic. Its a long list of topics.

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3 hours ago, Dreams.3128 said:

So we're not going to talk about the plethora of people that call Anet and I quote:


And a plethora of other names? I think the forums gave Anet plenty of reasons to limit interaction unless it is necessary. The fact you could actually look this stuff up is bonkers to me and some people really believe they deserve responses when they can't even use enough maturity to not insult them. Lord. 

If people say half those things the post is deleted by moderators because you cannot speak that way about others on the forums which is good. People do have moments though, dont they?


As for incompetent, blind, useless I feel those are fair to use when appropriate because they are trying to describe quality or a lack of it. The rest would be obvious venting which is unfortunate but everyone has moments.

That's why a script that consolidates and formats posts would seem so cool to me if I was a dev. Then I could get the feedback and not waste time reading certain phrases very easily. However, all the people on the forum just gave that a confused comment because as your post implies people in this forum tend to over-react and avoid anything that isnt 100% complimentart to the game and staff... *wink*

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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2 hours ago, Dreams.3128 said:

Yet some people still think it is the correct option and think Anet employees should 'suck it up' because 'they signed up for this'. They signed up for their game to be CRITIQUED, not to be verbally abused by some nobodies who don't understand how to code a website without struggling or can only draw stick figures as a talent. 

It's good that you understood and tried to tone back, but never everyone on these forums have that same courtesy. People tend to forgot Anet could shut down this game the next day and everyone will be sorely out of luck, while Anet could essentially either move on or merge with a completely different company.

And this goes for any company that is as decent and gives a kitten about their game.

Yeah the company and staff can do anything they want. That sais they are a professional company and people who do rash things can build a reputation that will follow them through a career or plague a company legacy when they want to sell off asets and be very expensive. Therefore, I feel what you say is a small facet of the topic you are trying to bring up. Its its own complicated topic.


The OP is about Staff activity (login frequency, etc) I was curious and my post is reasonable. I find it equally curious and predictable that the same few forum people (the ones with 5-20k posts) show up to try and throw mud at the OP and encourage abuse. Its super predictable but always a bit disapointing.

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9 hours ago, Sigmoid.7082 said:

"The Devs don't read the forum because they are specifically relying to me, giving me the answers I want and / or implementing the changes I specifically am demanding to the game. They don't listen to good quality feedback since I have been giving it and they are not doing what I am suggesting"


This seems to be the general notion I get when people say the Devs dont read the forum or listen to feedback. 

Its more like they announce things like alliances and more frequent balance cadence ~3 years ago then we get EoD which no one was expecting yet. Maybe if they had been consistent over the years I would accept this response. As it stands, no. They just flounder around and usually miss the low hanging fruit.


-Guild Halls could be allot more useful.

-Guild Mission system could be useful to create guild activities players would do like strikes, raids, fractals, meta events, anything really.  -

-Guild Mission rewards could be updated to offer a reward for veterans that is of some use. Additionally Mission rewards could have things like stat selectable exotic armor and weapon boxes for new players to help people get the correct stats for wvw/pve.

-WvW alliances could have been followed through on so people who had expectations and built and recruited with those expectations in mind wouldnt be sitting feeling they wasted a few years waiting....

I could go on about things that seem to have been screaming for attention for years, but you will only respond with a confused.

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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2 hours ago, Moradorin.6217 said:

It really doesnt change anything about what I asked.


That is it doesnt change that 99% of the staff seem to have never logged in or last login date of April 26th 2021 (all the same date...).


It also doesnt convince me that anyone on staff is reading the forums to provide feedback about qol, balance, gameplay. That said, I would think they must have SOME sort of activity or would benefit from it.


Also Im not suggesting staff members should be spending time posting and taking part in topics unless its part of the job. Recently, I have been having a hard time relating balance and content choices to what I see players asking for and what they like vs what they find fustrating or teedious/unfun about the game that could be improved. Its not a single topic. Its a long list of topics.

Now this is a bold claim. 99%? Seems like quite the hyperbole to me. 

people have answered your question. You just don’t like the answer it seems. Here is something for you to read so you can understand what someone said in the first page that it seems you ignored or missed. As you can see, the date fits with the time staff stops being active.

That said, the staff not active may simply not work for anet anymore. Or have no business using their anet account to go to the forums. It has all been addressed before but perhaps this link can shine some light to what people have tried to explain to you. 

oh and btw. Nitpicking here, but the date is 27th not 26. 👀

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15 minutes ago, Freya.9075 said:

Now this is a bold claim. 99%? Seems like quite the hyperbole to me. 

people have answered your question. You just don’t like the answer it seems. Here is something for you to read so you can understand what someone said in the first page that it seems you ignored or missed. As you can see, the date fits with the time staff stops being active.

That said, the staff not active may simply not work for anet anymore. Or have no business using their anet account to go to the forums. It has all been addressed before but perhaps this link can shine some light to what people have tried to explain to you. 

oh and btw. Nitpicking here, but the date is 27th not 26. 👀

I said 99% as a blatant max cap generalization. Dont be so literal. *eyeroll*


I was wondering if the forum changes may have had something to do with them all having a similar date. It makes more sense, speculatively, than that they all got some directive to login then out on the same day lol.


The only reason I even noticed is I have started posting on the forums in the last few years only (1st was in 2019 I think) even tho I have played since the game was released. Well and recently I have been wondering why so many people (myself included) that seem to get the impression that Anet isnt actually using the forum feedback, but instead is using a set group of streamers and players as consultants to get the feedback of players from any and all sources. Im ok with that too in theory accept for things like the leaked anti-mesmer bias and the way that group of people seemingly has allot of bias or unwillingness to consider things they didnt think of. I have seen so much low hanging fruit over the years that would have taken little dev time that would be an obvious gain for all parties.


That feeling led to finally start looking at a few profiles like CMC's. Then I started to notice they do not look active and decided to do a general search. Well we know the result.


I feel like the defensive posture by people I recognize as frequent (many thousands) posters on the forum to be a sign that some effort is put forth to avoid issues rather than discuss them by trolling and squashing topics with side lines and derogatory comments about the person rather than just responding to the topic. That seems to happen to allot of good topics.

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I think instead of ignoring the problem of toxicity on the forums, it'd be better for them to communicate more and actually do something about it. It's just going to stay largely toxic here and stay an echo chamber forever until they do something. This is the official forums where updates and news are posted, but you can't report a bug or get any kind of idea across to ANET unless Rubi happens to see it. 

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On 2/14/2023 at 10:52 PM, Smoky.5348 said:

I think instead of ignoring the problem of toxicity on the forums, it'd be better for them to communicate more and actually do something about it. It's just going to stay largely toxic here and stay an echo chamber forever until they do something. This is the official forums where updates and news are posted, but you can't report a bug or get any kind of idea across to ANET unless Rubi happens to see it. 

They have plenty of active moderators who step in when people violate actual rules.


As far as the tone of posts and topics goes, however, I 100% agree. If they had some designated support or other people actually taking part in the forums like they did many years ago. People would, likely, feel more heard about topics so things might stay on track better. So yeah less toxic and probably more on topic if people felt like it all had an actual point. lol

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