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Are the new rewards strictly bonuses or were some other rewards nerfed?


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My impression was that the new rewards are strictly bonuses and never reduce your other rewards, but a lot of people in a lot of threads are saying their rewards are reduced, which is it?  I don't really understand how the bronze/silver/gold stuff works, and whether it can reduce the existing rewards.


So far, having to queue aside, I've been quite enjoying playing with the new rewards, it seemed like there were more large attack/defense events at objectives, but that's purely anecdotal.


It seems to me that EBG was always the map most likely to have a queue so it seems counterintuitive that the new rewards are higher there.  Perhaps the garrisons on the BL maps should get the same rewards as SMC in order to encourage more play on the BLs?

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It wasn't a reduction of rewards, it's all an addition.

The old system of bronze/silver/gold where gold was easy to get, but it all only rewarded wxp and karma.

The new system is supposedly adjusted to include more factors to get to gold, and probably much more heavily reliant on fighting enemies (so people don't abuse it by just doing wall repairs on a tap for full credit), but now you also get a chance of bag of gear, heavy supply bag, grandmaster mark shard, skirmish ticket.

It seems SMC requirements might be on the easy side though, plus it's the one place where events can be chain triggered constantly. EBG also has more objectives for the maps, closer distance between them, that promoted fights often around the map, so everyone has always defaulted to EBG even before all these rewards, now rewards will drive players, especially pugs, to be there even more over the other maps. Weeklies like keep/tower/camp captures are more easily done in borderlands, so that will keep players there.

The only difference people are seeing more bronze than gold than before, that will come down to how much fighting is involved at the time. But what rewards are they losing when they we were only getting wxp(which has been boosted) and karma(who cares) in the first place, it's all a bonus now over the old system regardless of bronze/silver/gold placement.

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2 hours ago, blp.3489 said:

My impression was that the new rewards are strictly bonuses and never reduce your other rewards, but a lot of people in a lot of threads are saying their rewards are reduced, which is it?  I don't really understand how the bronze/silver/gold stuff works, and whether it can reduce the existing rewards.

I've been testing this out myself a little today.

I think it's related to not getting gold participation on certain events so easily anymore.  The wiki mentions, for example, that WXP acquisition (before the OSR patch) is based on bronze/silver/gold levels, but then it only seems to list the amounts from gold level participation. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_Experience#WXP_acquisition

So for example a keep capture is listed at 800 WXP.  I got bronze participation for capturing a T0 keep earlier today.  With 110% WXP boosters (birthday and guild hall), I only receive 840 WXP for the capture (so the wiki's number must be for gold).  If I had gold level participation, it should have been like 1680 WXP.  Then I received OSR rewards for an additional 500 WXP.  That's 340 WXP less than I would have gotten before the OSR patch.

So people are used to receiving gold participation easily and this looks like a nerf.  There's poor understanding of what's needed to obtain higher participation levels.  Maybe that's the point of the scaling, is that your participation is lower if you're capping undefended keeps, because they want to provide incentives for fighting in and around objectives rather than ktraining?

This still needs to get played out and adjustments made to see what makes sense.  Players will figure out how to get higher participation for capping undefended objectives.  For example, I suspect you have to kill 10 or more guards, not simply 2 or 4.  Now I picture zergs running through and killing all the guards before going to the lord...

Edited by Chaba.5410
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I play during aussie prime time and from my experiences, the new system is a bit hit and miss. It’s good when you can benefit from having active fights going on, but it’s definitely a bit of a nerf when there is nobody to fight. Even using the rams/catas, killing guards and standing in the ring will only net you silver while evening one else will get bronze.

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19 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

For example, I suspect you have to kill 10 or more guards, not simply 2 or 4.  Now I picture zergs running through and killing all the guards before going to the lord...

Yeah it's a cluster kitten of reward lemmings 111111'ing anything and everything in sight then frantically looking for more before turning around like a pack of rabid dogs and staring at the siege waiting to be built.

Meanwhile the more tenacious among us have already dropped our supply and switched to alacrity templates to, well, make the siege go faster and have to content ourselves with Bronze level rewards...

I'm happy that there are more players, I'm not happy that behaviour has devolved into a PvE tag fest.

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