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Stop going far unless you have mid


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7 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

It'd go a long way if people just communicated.

One decides to go far first thing, doesn't let anyone know, you think you've got four headed mid, then you end up 3v4.

Of course, I could always ask, "hey, what's the split at start?" but I don't. So I'm just as bad.

Part of my point is this, people don't communicate...so 3v4 is going to take an L almost every time.

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3 minutes ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

I cant wait for this guy to be in my matches. I've always wanted gold 1s telling me how to play.

It's the best when you're 1v3 far holding a neutral cap for 2 and a half minutes, and then your team loses a 4v2 on home mid and the caps go full enemy color, then they go in /t chat and blame you for pushing far.

Because the only thing that matters, is if all 5 of your teammates are on the same node at all times.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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I generally in a PUG at any tier level am apprehensive seeing someone go far.     There's like a 50/50 chance they lose.  Not a risk I like to take because at the same time you're 3 v 4 mid.   

BUT let's say you get the good 50% where your far super star wins... your gold right?   well no, still most of the Time that goes wrong.

Let's look at a win far case and say they delay cap a long time and ultimately eke out a win.   By that time the team at  mid is usually down a few team members, or wiped.  

So what happens then is that just as our far super start is getting his glorious cap, 2 - 3 people run over and delete him instantly.  The last dude decaps your home.

The far super star then looks at the map and says... I was v3 at far... how can you not have any points??? you all suck!

Basically in pugs at about any tier it's always a really big risk on the potential reward for taking far.   You're putting your eggs in the far guys basket.  I'd usually rather take the safer start.   If I do know that they have a far super star on their team (so I'll be facing a v3 mid) then I'm more OK with a far superstar on our side.

And yeah I get in coordinated competition this is more viable, or an ignore home go 2 far 3 mid, its more viable, etc.  (Hell sometimes I have fun and go 4 far 1 home).  You insta delete far, they send two to your home.... your home runs around and wastes their time giving up cap, while your 4 take their remaining 2.

 It just more often than not does not work out when you get a far superstar and the other team goes 4 mid.

I'm sure I'm a bad player and so I feel this way.

Edited by shion.2084
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3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

It's the best when you're 1v3 far holding a neutral cap for 2 and a half minutes, and then your team loses a 4v2 on home mid and the caps go full enemy color, then they go in /t chat and blame you for pushing far.

Because the only thing that matters, is if all 5 of your teammates are on the same node at all times.

Pretty sure those 2 people out of 4 at close in your team are wintraders and they start calling you bad names to make you ragequit and make their job easier.

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22 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

It's the best when you're 1v3 far holding a neutral cap for 2 and a half minutes, and then your team loses a 4v2 on home mid and the caps go full enemy color, then they go in /t chat and blame you for pushing far.

Because the only thing that matters, is if all 5 of your teammates are on the same node at all times.


When thief was the one largely responsible for far, this critique and similar flavors were all we got for practically ensuring multiple people sat on home, because ironically a 2-3v4 doesn't matter if the 4 people fighting ate less skilled than the people they outnumber. For all the whining we do about balance and how 'classes shouldn't be able to 1vx', people still get washed in outnumber situations because at the end of the day some people just refuse to learn what buttons to press.

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2 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


When thief was the one largely responsible for far, this critique and similar flavors were all we got for practically ensuring multiple people sat on home, because ironically a 2-3v4 doesn't matter if the 4 people fighting ate less skilled than the people they outnumber. For all the whining we do about balance and how 'classes shouldn't be able to 1vx', people still get washed in outnumber situations because at the end of the day some people just refuse to learn what buttons to press.

Yeah I get that.

I'm more commenting on how plainly ridiculous it is when bad players blame their weakness on some elite player who is winning 1v3s and tagging 60% of his team's damage by himself, as if it were somehow his fault that they were bad enough to lose a 4v2.

I mean we got some weird social/psychological trends going on lately from these new/casual low skilled players. The entitlement they have for expecting strong players in the community to carry them has reached a weird point of almost disrespect lately, where a game full of S3 and G1 will vocally insult and talk bad about the Plat+ on their team because he apparently isn't carrying them hard enough, all the while ignoring the fact that they've all individually died 10+ times that game and have contributed virtually nothing to the match at all. But you know, it's that Plat guy's fault for not walking to mid to team wipe with them.

What a lot of those types of players don't understand is that the Plat+ can't help them in team fights if they don't meet some bare minimal level of survival to grant him time to be able to help them. When we're talking situations where 4 dudes are exploding on contact, this is likely the reason why the stronger player has pushed far to begin with. Because the only thing he can do to help them at that point is to attempt to leverage numbers far in hopes that they can respawn and get something done with a number advantage pushing back into home/mid.

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One particularly non-noob friendly aspect of PvP is that a new player can actually be a literal detriment in a team fight in that they can recover opponent downs when they die.   It is worse than having a game where a poor player adds no value... in this game a poor player can actively cause trouble.   

There's other ways it can happen (for instance team stealth where the player jumps the gun), or the stealth happy new player that stealths me when they pass by to help out with an uncontested cap I'm making of home.

But yes ideally it would be nice in GW2 for their to be some kind of mechanism where players on your team couldn't actively make your situation worse through poor play and the literal best option for your success is for them to go AFK.

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On 3/23/2023 at 4:49 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Because you can't be a hero if you don't push far and solo everyone.

Simple as that.

This but unironically. If I want to outskill and kill the opponent on far, I often go for far even on builds that shouldn't. It's unranked, winning a teamfight on mid is boring, meme splits!



On 3/22/2023 at 1:39 AM, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Part of my point is this, people don't communicate...so 3v4 is going to take an L almost every time.

Protip: do not take on fights you cannot win. I know you ran all the way to mid, but looking at the minimap you can see what the engagement will look like. For some reason for people in gold and silver this is a foreign concept, but conquest is not about getting kills. You do not HAVE TO fight every time you encounter an enemy.
If you are playing an offensive, squishy build, do not even engage in 3v4. Just type quickly into chat not to engage mid, and go help far or something. Only take on fights which are favorable to you. 😛

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  • 2 weeks later...

In most of my matches over the years, you notice how many points people give away in a match. It depressed me sometimes...

You see a teammate provoked by an opponent who's off-point and the teammate leaves the point uncapped. (There's nobody around, by the way...)

Little things like contesting a point, it matters. Yes, I know not all fights are favorable but it's better to contest and lose than NOT contest and let them have the point. Contesting points means you buy time for somebody else. Little things like using movement conditions to stall opponents and keep them off-point. All these points add up.

I see people meandering about "golds" and "silvers" but it's not about that. Let's NOT pretend "plats" don't engage in shenanigans.

But still...what's the point? pvp is dead. mmopvp is dead. A cheeseburger is better than spvp.

Edited by JTGuevara.9018
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