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Bladesword Great Sword


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Hi all.


Would you please consider changing Gunsaber mode at all?

If so, here's my suggestion.


Please make it so in order to use Gunsaber, we need to have a great sword equiped, and by pressing F1, it will change its skills instead of having an entire mode altogether.

It just seems very strange and confusing having two great swords; when the one we already have could simply be enhanced with Dragon Trigger.

Also we would be able to switch weapon that way, instead of being locked out of using the other weapon we have equipped.

I don't want to divert off topic, but Elementalists and Engineers have the same issue.

I know it's convenient to be able to switch weapons easy while out of combat, but the thing is that sometimes in the heat of battle, there's that few seconds you go out of combat and accidentally switch weapon, and then you are stuck with it for the remainder of combat until you go "out of combat".

I'm requesting that you do something about this for all three professions.

Please allow us to switch weapons while in combat with Bladesworn, Eles, and Engies.

Obviously having three weapons on Bladesword is probably out of question, and to be honest having two Greatswords is a little overwhelming, and that's why I'm suggesting removing the second GS and make it an enhancement for the first GS, so we can switch weapons.


Second issue about Bladesword is the excessive charges and flow bars.

Why two bars?

Dragon triggers take way to long to be ready to use.

This makes warrior stay in a very vulnerable position.

Then, we get yet another set of skills here.

It's too much and too overwhelming. 

It's like being a Weaver, but 10X slower.

Weavers can have a good rotation once you master them; but on Bladesword there is nothing really to master, when you hardly get to use dragon trigger at all.


This Elite Spec has a lot of potential, and I like it a lot; but as it is right now, it's not very practical, and with all honesty I don't find it very useful at all.

It needs to be fluid.


So, my suggestions. 

● Make Gunsaber an enhancement for Great Sword.

● Allow us to switch weapons.

● Make Charges and Flow one single resource bar.

● Dragon Trigger skills are unlocked when one single resource bar is full, and Gunsaber is active on GS.

● Dragon trigger skills then become instant cast using this method. 


Please consider my suggestions. 

If not, thank you for taking the time to read it anyways.




Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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22 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

If all the hoops go away that might not be a bad thing though.

That's a ten-times-Mount-Everest-sized if though.

If anything, Warrior receives more hoops that we have to go through.

I can't remember Arenanet ever reducing the hoops on Warrior.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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4 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

That's a ten-times-Mount-Everest-sized if though.

If anything, Warrior receives more hoops that we have to go through.

I can't remember Arenanet ever reducing the hoops on Warrior.

Well, that's the thing. They need to start removing some of those hoops. Warrior feels like it is still stuck in 2013. Some weapon revamps, and revamping of DT would go a LONG way here. And revamp means more than slapping some might or barrier on a skill and calling it a day.

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On 3/29/2023 at 6:19 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

If all the hoops go away that might not be a bad thing though.

Well, you call it hoops, I call it gameplay....

If it just becomes another instant cast fast damage attack with mediocre damage coefficiets, it removes all the fun of dragon trigger for me. Maybe I am the odd one here, but I find the charging mechanic fun, because it rewards me for knowing the fight. It certainly is troublesome for first timing stuff which you are not familiar with, but in fights you already know the windows to take advantage of, it certainly is fun and seeing those unmatched big numbers feels satisfying for me.

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41 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Well, you call it hoops, I call it gameplay....

If it just becomes another instant cast fast damage attack with mediocre damage coefficiets, it removes all the fun of dragon trigger for me. Maybe I am the odd one here, but I find the charging mechanic fun, because it rewards me for knowing the fight. It certainly is troublesome for first timing stuff which you are not familiar with, but in fights you already know the windows to take advantage of, it certainly is fun and seeing those unmatched big numbers feels satisfying for me.

3.0 isn't mediocre though... Remember that Decapitate is a 2.5 coefficient. 

You have to remember though that warrior has several other self-roots, and they are the subject of much angst and ire. We've joked frequently that BSW turned all the negatives about playing warrior and made them premier 'features' for a reason.

Those big numbers are indeed a dopamine hit, I will admit, and the theme is on point, but the mechanics of the spec are bad. If DS did not have those big numbers the spec would still have all the same flavor and gameplay, but would be the least played spec in the game. Dragon Trigger only works because they bloated it. DS does too much damage in PvE, and in PvP it does too much CC while being unblockable and unblindable.

If that PvE damage goes away, it dies in PvE. If that unblockable unblindable stun goes away, then it dies in PvP/WvW.

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3 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Well, you call it hoops, I call it gameplay....

If it just becomes another instant cast fast damage attack with mediocre damage coefficiets, it removes all the fun of dragon trigger for me. Maybe I am the odd one here, but I find the charging mechanic fun, because it rewards me for knowing the fight. It certainly is troublesome for first timing stuff which you are not familiar with, but in fights you already know the windows to take advantage of, it certainly is fun and seeing those unmatched big numbers feels satisfying for me.

You're not the only one, just keep in mind that quite a significant percentage of the Warrior subforum cult are pvp/wvw players so that colours a lot of opinions about Bladesworn. 

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1 hour ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

You're not the only one, just keep in mind that quite a significant percentage of the Warrior subforum cult are pvp/wvw players so that colours a lot of opinions about Bladesworn. 

The charging mechanic can (sorta) work in competitive modes; the bigger issue is that ANet has refused to provide BS with the tools to make such a mechanic successful in those modes.


In PvE, BS rightfully gets stability while in DT. They also have TR on low CD so that they can get fast charging DTs more often. Both those perks are missing in competitive modes.


Further, mobility is a much bigger factor in PvP/WvW than it is in PvE, and it's hard to keep your target in range while you're rooted charging your attack. This could be successfully addressed by increasing the number of charges of flicker step and/or reducing it's CD. Increasing the range of the teleport would be nice too.

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2 hours ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

You're not the only one, just keep in mind that quite a significant percentage of the Warrior subforum cult are pvp/wvw players so that colours a lot of opinions about Bladesworn. 

Some of us play PvE too. DT is propped up by bloated DS numbers in PvE. If those numbers get nerfed, but the mechanics stay the same then PvE BSW dies because of those mechanics.

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
phone typos
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