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[Suggestion] QoL Lucid Singularity Change


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Please consider changing this trait from giving half the total alacrity at the end of an overload, to giving it at the start instead.

I understand that we want to keep the "pulsing"-properties as is to prevent players just canceling their overloads after they begin the channel, and Im fine with that.


But in instanced content a 3s channel (w/ quickness) is kinda long when certain mechanics require the group to split up.

As said, keep the pulsing-part to incentivize finishing your overload cast but just front-load the instant-alacrity for some better QoL.



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I think I addressed this in a prior thread laying out all the ways that Arenanet could possibly implement alacrity sharing. If the alacrity were applied at the start it still would not be broken. There is an ICD (internal cooldown) for attaining singularity of ~6s and that is upheld even if you have Fresh Air traited.

EDIT: also if you don't complete your channel then you lose the lingering field which accounts for half the ticks on air and fire overload on any stationary target along with the might associated with the field.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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11 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

I think I addressed this in a prior thread laying out all the ways that Arenanet could possibly implement alacrity sharing. If the alacrity were applied at the start it still would not be broken. There is an ICD (internal cooldown) for attaining singularity of ~6s and that is upheld even if you have Fresh Air traited.

EDIT: also if you don't complete your channel then you lose the lingering field which accounts for half the ticks on air and fire overload on any stationary target along with the might associated with the field.

I totally agree with this. Choosing to trait for Alacrity is a big decision, it should be front loaded. All other overload benefits should be applied during the cast or at the end as it stands.

Nothing OP or unreasonable with the suggestion at all. You, the player, decide how much you get out of the overload.

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Alac should be in tier 2 traits , all the good traits are last Gm traits , the rest is utter garbage if you think about it ...

Aura when you successfully overload ... useless without "bastion of elements" coupled with "powerfull auras" , vigor + regen whenever you share an aura ... come on this is bad , no straight up damage buff , no straight up healing , no straight up key boon uptime (vigor and regen are not key boons ...)

I ll gladly play the tempest as damage alac or heal alac if alacrity was bend to auras , you can have multiple ways to give them , fully commit on shouts to give alacrity , or to combo for having an aura , even some skills , or use the aura share with aura proc on overloads , so you have multiple choice to give alacrity and have another choice to get the juicy bastion of elements or transcendent tempest as traits .

overloads are usefull as damage and buffs , aura are useless (except the frost one) so you can make them usefull if you bend it with alacrity and even more usefull as healer with bastion , just 1 trait need to be changed : invigorating torrents -> give x sec of alac when you give an ally an aura , and there you go ... i am pretty sure with a change like that tempest could be meta again as healer and newly meta as dps/alac , and some other tweaks for sure , but thats a priority , no other alac provider has to go trough a 3 or 4 sec cast time to provide alacrity , and thats why literally nobody plays tempest. Not even talking about the bugged pulse alacrity whenever overloading water and earth ... this bug has been there  for a couple of months now , but anet dont give a kitten about this dead e-spec.

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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I think when talking about auras giving alacrity instead of overloads, we also would need to consider non-healing variants.

While alacrity on auras sounds amazing for healing builds, I think they would seriously pigeonhole dps-alac builds (Just from a design PoV, regardless of their current performance).


Apart from the fire shout none of them are particularly useful for a dps build and the whole aurashare synergy is really counterintuitive since it would force you to take the water traitline.


But other than that, I think I agree with all of you so far 🙂

Edit: Meant "auras" when I said "shouts"

Edited by Zenix.6198
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On 4/3/2023 at 2:21 AM, Zenix.6198 said:

I think when talking about auras giving alacrity instead of overloads, we also would need to consider non-healing variants.

While alacrity on auras sounds amazing for healing builds, I think they would seriously pigeonhole dps-alac builds (Just from a design PoV, regardless of their current performance).


Apart from the fire shout none of them are particularly useful for a dps build and the whole aurashare synergy is really counterintuitive since it would force you to take the water traitline.


But other than that, I think I agree with all of you so far 🙂

Edit: Meant "auras" when I said "shouts"

i understand what you mean , bending aura to alacrity would make tempest alac dps even worse as it is now , non existent btw , because it will get the obligation toi run powerfull auras who is in water traitline , running all shouts would'nt be enough as the healing shouts doesnt give an aura and also the shouts deal practically no damage (except the fire one).

but remember that they are pretty solid dps increase in water , power only unfortunately , you get a +20% damage strike bonus and a +10 when in water .

If those changes occurs , anet should consider reworking some traits in water , making it also an option for condi .

that is also a thing we need to point out , the disparity between weapons and traits , weapons are all hybrid with healing/damage/support making it , depending on the role you play , very frustrating to play because you bypass half of your skills , the only good weapon design is hammer for me , thats the only weapon where you go trough all attunements in order to deal max. damage and actually use literally all skills in all attunements , just a shame it's not full ranged...

And for traits it's all the opposite , fire is damage (only one supp. trait for condi cleanse , not counting "pyromancer power" who is a garbage wtf trait) earth is selfish condi or sustain (only group stab) , air can share fury and thats all , water is pure healing with some badly designed dps traits (+10% damage when in water ? i only see hammer who would benefit from it) and arcane is a bit of everything but literally not relevant (i take for the +180 boon and -15% on attunements swaps , the rest is literally useless).

But we see that making the alacrity pulse from overlaods was a bad idea , i saw literally none tempest player before and now it is like a cursed e-spec , i personnaly know players who have left the game after the pulsing rework only for that , waiting a real update to tempest... and now it is also bugged , ty anet ... we don't memed gw 2 as bug wars 2 for nothing... but still around .

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The trait was great as it was before, it would make Tempest that much better while trying to support in WvW when dashing through the usual sea of necros spamming chill...also useful when dealing with immobilize gank parties.....sadly once a great trait was changed into this travesty/joke for no kittening good reason. 

So many useless traits on Tempest like Tempesteous aura, Latent stamina, Gale song...so many better ways to give alacrity to pvers without destroying a perfectly viable GM trait....kittening well done to whoever suggested changing the Trait.

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