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Are we EVER going to find out who E is???


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10 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I can think of many different reasons at the top of my head who and why someone would have a reason to infiltrate human cities with a mesmer disguise, in order to gather intel and try manipulate humans as much as they can.

Power is a very good plausible reason. 



Trying to keep the treaty between humans and the charr, or do the opposite entirely.

Renegades come to mind.



In order to make sure humans don't do any mistakes; because to them humans are just like bookah, and in asura prespective, they cannot be trusted.


The Tengu;

In the dominion of winds. They are still to make a presence.

As far as I know... they are keeping something there that only humans know about it, other than them.

They want to make sure the secret isn't leaked.



A nightmare court spy disguised as human that knows of the existance of other mother trees. 

(See Sylvari personal storyline)

The humans might know something about it, and are easier to get the information from than other sylvari, who probably don't even know about it, except Caithe, Malek, and a few others.



Human allies since the great desyroyer.

Might have instructions from Eir while alive or as a ghost, to keep an eye on them.

The Dragons might not be the only threat in Tyria.

So Eir may have written those letters while she was still alive, and someone close to her might know about it and carried on writing letters on her behalf when she passed.

Best contender? Probably?

Her own son Braham Eirson.

Eirson starts with "E"


Just about any race in tyria could have a hundred reasons to infiltrate a human city with a mesmer disguise, just like when Anise casted on her, Logan, and the player.

Any race can become something else with a mesmer spell. 



The game involves ALL races.

I don't see why this should only be a human affair.

If you play with a charr, you still get the letters. Do you not?

Woah now, what's with the essay?

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12 minutes ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

Woah now, what's with the essay?

Bumping for no reason?

...or is there...?

The essay is to show that there are many options in which the story with "E" can branch out into something interesting that involves all races, genders, and all else in tyria, rather than being strictly a human male affair.


A lot of people want lord farren to be "E"

I say the world is bigger than Farren and Divinity's Reach.

The: "Hero hiding underneath a cloak of silliness" cliché is way overused, and honestly very boring.

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16 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I can think of many different reasons at the top of my head who and why someone would have a reason to infiltrate human cities with a mesmer disguise, in order to gather intel and try manipulate humans as much as they can.

E isn't manipulating the human kingdom though.
They're protecting it.

Vast difference.

16 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


Trying to keep the treaty between humans and the charr, or do the opposite entirely.

Renegades come to mind.

Why would Renegades protect Queen Jennah's reign? They'd try to topple it immediately.

16 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


In order to make sure humans don't do any mistakes; because to them humans are just like bookah, and in asura prespective, they cannot be trusted.

The only asura who would put effort into this would be Inquest, who'd try to use and abuse humans, and Flaxx, who'd try to set up asuran surpremacy. E does neither.

16 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

The Tengu;

In the dominion of winds. They are still to make a presence.

As far as I know... they are keeping something there that only humans know about it, other than them.

They want to make sure the secret isn't leaked.

What? This is false. Humans do not know about what's in the Dominion of Winds - not anymore than any other race. What's in there is simply "tengu civilization" and nothing more. Not even sure where you got this fantasy.

16 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


A nightmare court spy disguised as human that knows of the existance of other mother trees. 

(See Sylvari personal storyline)

The humans might know something about it, and are easier to get the information from than other sylvari, who probably don't even know about it, except Caithe, Malek, and a few others.

Nightmare Courtiers wouldn't care about humans - they only care about spreading the Nightmare and that doesn't affect humans. This is why their targets are exclusively other sylvari (sans Toxic Alliance, but that was a tit for tat situation where they got better Nightmare spreading abilities in exchange for tormenting Kessex). And no, neither Nightmare Courtiers nor humans know anything about a second pale tree.

16 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


Human allies since the great desyroyer.

Might have instructions from Eir while alive or as a ghost, to keep an eye on them.

The Dragons might not be the only threat in Tyria.

So Eir may have written those letters while she was still alive, and someone close to her might know about it and carried on writing letters on her behalf when she passed.

Best contender? Probably?

Her own son Braham Eirson.

Eirson starts with "E"

Eir couldn't possibly write letters about Caudecus' sudden siege or that she'd be on her way to DR before her death. That's a silly thought.

Braham didn't even leave Cragstead until Season 1, and E was active in the personal story (retroactively in S3 lore). So no.

And both have shown to be just like any other norn in regards to human politics - unaware of its ongoings.

16 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Just about any race in tyria could have a hundred reasons to infiltrate a human city with a mesmer disguise, just like when Anise casted on her, Logan, and the player.

Any race can become something else with a mesmer spell. 

Ah, yes. Clearly the player character was E all along...

16 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

If you play with a charr, you still get the letters. Do you not?

Yes, letters asking the famous Pact Commander to protect the human nation of Kryta. Not in manipulating Kryta, or in abusing it. Because that's not what E does, but is what 90% of any other species member would do - especially those you listed.

And they only began getting said letters after meeting Lord Faren in Southsun Cove. Long before non-humans met Anise, too.

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8 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Bumping for no reason?

...or is there...?

The essay is to show that there are many options in which the story with "E" can branch out into something interesting that involves all races, genders, and all else in tyria, rather than being strictly a human male affair.


A lot of people want lord farren to be "E"

I say the world is bigger than Farren and Divinity's Reach.

The: "Hero hiding underneath a cloak of silliness" cliché is way overused, and honestly very boring.


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I wonder how worthwhile this story is considered to the writers. Outside of lore enthusiasts, I have a hard time believing the majority of players even know about E. I certainly didn’t until I became active on the forum years past.

If the writers do bring E back, it either needs to be a  subtle side story that can satisfactorily answer the questions enthusiasts have without taking up too much space so as not to confuse the general playerbase, or they really have to reintroduce and build up the character concept for new/‘average’ players as part of the main plot so it makes sense and feels relevant.

Maybe I’m over complicating it, but if it ever happens, I feel like it would need to be the exact right moment with the exact right amount of focus for it to “work.”

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29 minutes ago, Zola.6197 said:

I wonder how worthwhile this story is considered to the writers. Outside of lore enthusiasts, I have a hard time believing the majority of players even know about E. I certainly didn’t until I became active on the forum years past.

Well, anyone who played through seasons 1 and 2 should at least recall the existence of E as a character. They were a prominent off-screen catalyst to our pursuits in certain parts of those seasons that every player should have been aware of.

What you're truly getting at is that the majority of players really aren't engaging with story at a respectable level. Lots of players should probably be taking a moment to ask themselves the question, "did I engage well enough with the story material to make grandiose statements or criticisms about it right now?"

It's an exercise in introspection I undertake often when I'm frustrated or confused about something concerning the lore, and you'd be surprised how often I realize that my lack of understanding is due to my poor engagement as opposed to a fault of the story, writing, or world-building itself.

Players not being aware of E as a character after playing through both season 1 and season 2 would be a mea culpa moment for them, not the studio (in my opinion).

E's not like Guild Wars 1 character references, which do require supplemental exposition within the modern game. They have plenty of roots in the main story of Gw2.

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11 hours ago, Zola.6197 said:

I wonder how worthwhile this story is considered to the writers. Outside of lore enthusiasts, I have a hard time believing the majority of players even know about E. I certainly didn’t until I became active on the forum years past.

With LWS1's return, there are several letters from E in the main plot (as opposed to only the one in S2E1). Particularly for Sky Pirates and Clockwork Chaos. And Marjory and Kasmeer both repeatedly namedrop him in the main dialogue in Episodes 2 and 5. So I think many players who have done LWS1 Return know of E now.

And tbh since LWS1 Return is still fresh in people's minds, more or less (fresher than Season 3 side content at least), I could see E being relevant in Expansion 4 without much buildup - wouldn't be the first time ANet made a plot under the premise of players remembering plot points from years ago with no refresher / build-up, after all.


It's also worth noting in regards to the "who even cares" - there have been several reddit threads over the years asking if the flower vendor in the EoD epilogue is / is referencing E. And I seldom recognize the names.

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17 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

E isn't manipulating the human kingdom though.
They're protecting it.

Vast difference.

I never said that whoever E is, is manipulating humans only for very bad reasons. 

You understood it that way.

You can very well try manipulate someone, for all the right reasons.

17 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Why would Renegades protect Queen Jennah's reign? They'd try to topple it immediately.

See, your vision in very narrow my friend.

You can't seem to grasp anything beyond black and white.

Hear the say: You have to keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer.

Sometimes your worse enemy plays the role of a good guy to gain your full trust... That's how it goes.

But it seems your preception cannot phathom such story lines.

17 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

The only asura who would put effort into this would be Inquest, who'd try to use and abuse humans, and Flaxx, who'd try to set up asuran surpremacy. E does neither.

You didn't read it. Did you?

I'll try explain in a different way.

Since Asura met humans for the very first time, they always seen them and compare them to bookah.

See Vekk explaining to the human hero why.

The Asura would have interest in manipulating humans, precisely for the greater good.

Seeing as Asura feel like humans are not capable enough to handle their own affairs.

Again. Expand your brain and realise that what affects humans and their kigdom may have drastic effects in the whole of Tyria.

17 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

What? This is false. Humans do not know about what's in the Dominion of Winds - not anymore than any other race. What's in there is simply "tengu civilization" and nothing more. Not even sure where you got this fantasy.

Dominion of winds is where samctum cay used to be. Human territory.

In order for the tengu to create something there, the humans have to know, or at least a few.

One of the entrances is right inside Lion's Arch.

Humans had to see the Tengu building up the wall. It's just impossible not to.

You can't say that all there is in there is tengu civilization. You don't know either.

17 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Nightmare Courtiers wouldn't care about humans -

They don't. 

They care about total control over tyria too.

Play through sylvari story and find out.

17 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

they only care about spreading the Nightmare and that doesn't affect humans.

Total domination affects everybody in tyria.

17 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

This is why their targets are exclusively other sylvari (sans Toxic Alliance, but that was a tit for tat situation where they got better Nightmare spreading abilities in exchange for tormenting Kessex). And no, neither Nightmare Courtiers nor humans know anything about a second pale tree.

Wrong. They do. I just said.

Caithe, Malyck, Trehern, and the hero knows about it.

So does the Grove mother tree and a few others.

Again, play through sylvari story to find out.

17 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Eir couldn't possibly write letters about Caudecus' sudden siege or that she'd be on her way to DR before her death. That's a silly thought.

What are you even saying here?

I think that you got stuck in your mind that you want Faren to be E, and that's that.

17 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Braham didn't even leave Cragstead until Season 1, and E was active in the personal story (retroactively in S3 lore). So no.



17 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

And both have shown to be just like any other norn in regards to human politics - unaware of its ongoings.

Ah, yes. Clearly the player character was E all along...


Eir was very involved with humans since the very beginning, and other races for that matter.

She cared so much that she went out of her way to reconcile Logan and Rytlock.

I repeat: She went out of her way... and I don't think it had to do with the dragons alone.

Because the Norn, such a proud lone wolf race that need no armies would not have the mind frame to care that much.

Zoja didn't. 

So you don't know half of what you think you do about Eir.

17 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Yes, letters asking the famous Pact Commander to protect the human nation of Kryta. Not in manipulating Kryta, or in abusing it.

But again. You failed to acknowledge that other races could have many different reasons to infiltrate the human kindom.

And if you are not paying attention of what I'm typing,  I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do about it... if you choose to be narrow minded, then please do not waste anymore of my time.

17 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Because that's not what E does, but is what 90% of any other species member would do - especially those you listed.

And they only began getting said letters after meeting Lord Faren in Southsun Cove. Long before non-humans met Anise, too.

As I said.

You got it stuck in your mind that Faren is E, and that's that.

No point in carrying on with this discussion then.


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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