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WvW Legendary Armor Appearance(s)

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54 minutes ago, patton the great.7126 said:

You absolutely hit the nail on the head. Quite a large majority of PvE players dispise the PvP type of player. It's not a problem that's just focused on this game. Rather on MMO's as a whole. Infact if you look at SWTOR the PvE players were so toxic that they all but destroyed the PvP scene for that game, even though you had to actually create a character on an anything goes server or actually show up to illum.


I understand that PvP players get a stigma of bullies attached to them, but honestly PvP players are some of the most understanding and helpful people you will meet in games. We hardly ever gear check and if we do. We actually take the time to help gear up newer folks. PvE players are so toxic to new players that new players are always afraid to dip their toes into fractals or god forbid raids.....


So ya, that's 100% why you'll never drum up support for all 3 major modes having the same armors or even our own unique set of actual legendary looking armor.

It's not about the PvE players despising the PvP ones. I happen to be a PvE player, and one that at the moment just cannot play SPvP (getting Ascension got me on the brink of throwing my computer out of the window, and since then i get violently ill at the mere thought of getting into that mode. Curiously enough that does not affect WvW, but i consider it way too boring to spend too much time in it, so not much chances for Diamond there). There are just some players that already have obtained raid armor (and, mind you, again, not all of them - i happen to also be an owner of full set of all 3 weights myself) that seem very aggressively fixated on the idea that posessing it is some form of self-validation or prestige (hint: it is not). And that giving more people with access to legendary armor skins around (especially if they were obtained by other means) might somehow devalue those they have.

It's not that they do not want specifically PvP players to get legendary armor skins,. It's that they want them to be limited only to raiders. The same (or even less civil) response happens if the idea of open world legendary armor gets floated about. Some people just do not like to share.

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3 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

There are plenty of good arguments, maybe reread the previous posts. You ignored them like you always do. 

No. The strongest argument used so far was "not all legendary armor sets need to have their own unique skins". Which isn't exactly an argument against adding those skins, merely not in support of doing that.

Notice, that "go raiding", and "you already have access to legendary skin if you want - in PvE" are also not arguments against anything, but merely appeals to status quo. As were other "arguments" being thrown around.

The only real argument against WvW/SPvP legendary skin so far was you admitting you don't think those modes deserve it. Forgive me for not treating it seriously, but you haven't actually provided any meritorous arguments backing that personal, and purely subjective opinion of yours.

Edit: a correction. There is indeed one sensible argument in the whole thread i acknowledge. The one against specifically the animated legendary skin. Yes, that one is not likely to happen due to amount of resources required. Still, (as i have mentioned more than once before), there's no requirement for a legendary skin to be animated. All it needs is being unique, and have a certain amount of glow, particles and SFX-es to satisfy those that care about that stuff.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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47 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

All it needs is being unique, and have a certain amount of glow, particles and SFX-es to satisfy those that care about that stuff.

Sublime Mistforged Triumphant armor. Unique glowing skin with glowing animated tentacles.

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6 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

But thats not the legendary skin? Its just the better ascended

Becouse what? Becouse you can acquire it before crafting a lege? If anet would gate it behind legendary tier it would somehow make it viable?

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14 minutes ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Sublime Mistforged Triumphant armor. Unique glowing skin with glowing animated tentacles.

Okay, honestly, this is getting a bit too far.

Situation: Legendary and ascended tiers for PvP and WvW have the same skin. This skin is "on the level" of the non-perfected Envoy set.
Honest description: "There is no legendary skin for PvP or WvW"
Dishonest description: "PvP and WvW have a unique discount in obtaining the legendary skin in the form of it being available at the ascended tier, hue hue, jajajaja, trollface."

However, ANet bungled the initial release in making the legendary PvP and WvW sets so easy to understand and categorize! Mistforged! Glorious! Ardent! Triumphant! Truly, what in the world posessed them to do that?
This complicates issues.
"PvP and WvW need a separate legendary skin, with at least some bling to make it stand out."
OK, sure. Which one gets the upgrade?

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29 minutes ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Becouse what? Becouse you can acquire it before crafting a lege? If anet would gate it behind legendary tier it would somehow make it viable?

You are replying to a person, who is asking for a unique skin for the legendary. You are saying "here is your unique skin". But the skin you mention doesn't come with the legendary, it comes from an ascended piece. The legendary doesn't come with a skin. There is no "because what" here.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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1 hour ago, The Boz.2038 said:

"PvP and WvW need a separate legendary skin, with at least some bling to make it stand out."
OK, sure. Which one gets the upgrade?

WvW gets it


We (pvp) we have to wait till the 2nd expanion , while meanwhile  the company :

a) creates some Festivals every 2 months ,with Players vs High Toughness-high HP Animal Forms , where they try to run away and show their backs to get that 400yard-away-power up (soft pvp) for over the previous expanion

b) Creates a stealthy ello for afkers and trashtalkers and their main accounts

c) The Raid-particiaption-set-which is not exlusive to any mode , is used there for an expansion to see if OW prefer to die in unfair 1v1 where none will save them,  over playing with Raiders .


(I guess without the pvp +instance community , intemigling with the OW you create a "welcoming community"... time will tell.. i am willing to burn whole modes for that .  So release the auto-lfg faster old gg , so there wont be another option left

Edit: Or lets make a Queens Gamble...where you release that  option periodically with Strikes first..which people will afk ofc and the usual people will say "it dont work and we should go in the old ways" .... Raids next ..it will fail once gain... and at the end of the year with a huge gap for Dungeons and the next year Old Lion +Marrionete. If everyone goes well with stealthElo ,the Dungeons + Fractals will remain operational for the new inc players ...adn we salvage some instanced OW events)


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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37 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

You are replying to a person, who is asking for a unique skin for the legendary. You are saying "here is your unique skin". But the skin you mention doesn't come with the legendary, it comes from an ascended piece. The legendary doesn't come with a skin. There is no "because what" here.

All three game modes have way to get Legendary armor. All three game modes have access to the three armor sets, with the last set being more shiny/animated than the others. The only diffrence is that WvW and PvP last tier skin, can be acquired before crafting lege itself. I see it as a win. All nice and equal. And instead of adding yet another fourth skin with the similar aesthetic to the old WvW lege path, I would rather see a new set with unique look added to some new fun collection/quest, regaldless of the game mode. Especially that with the legandary armory, crafting two sets of legendary armor (with the same weight) only for the sake of the skin, kinda kills the fun.

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1 hour ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Okay, honestly, this is getting a bit too far.

Situation: Legendary and ascended tiers for PvP and WvW have the same skin. This skin is "on the level" of the non-perfected Envoy set.
Honest description: "There is no legendary skin for PvP or WvW"
Dishonest description: "PvP and WvW have a unique discount in obtaining the legendary skin in the form of it being available at the ascended tier, hue hue, jajajaja, trollface."

However, ANet bungled the initial release in making the legendary PvP and WvW sets so easy to understand and categorize! Mistforged! Glorious! Ardent! Triumphant! Truly, what in the world posessed them to do that?
This complicates issues.
"PvP and WvW need a separate legendary skin, with at least some bling to make it stand out."
OK, sure. Which one gets the upgrade?

The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For me, the WvW skin with tentacles looks million times better and more legendary than the PvE one. Besides peoples I was talking with didn't even wanted for it to be animated. The requirement was for it to have a blink. Imo they do have a blink. Adding yet another 4th similar looking set, but a little more shiny, only for the sake to throw "something" into this Legendary tier, is in my opinion waste of resources that could be put into creating new and original armor skin, locked behind new and fresh content. 

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47 minutes ago, Biziut.3594 said:

All three game modes have way to get Legendary armor. All three game modes have access to the three armor sets, with the last set being more shiny/animated than the others. The only diffrence is that WvW and PvP last tier skin, can be acquired before crafting lege itself. I see it as a win.

You can get it before you craft the legendary, sure, but you don't get it when you craft the legendary. You still need to buy the mistforged separately. So, it has nothing to do with "legendary" at all. It's just a better ascended skin.

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28 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

You can get it before you craft the legendary, sure, but you don't get it when you craft the legendary. You still need to buy the mistforged separately. So, it has nothing to do with "legendary" at all. It's just a better ascended skin.

Soooo, gate the last tier of WvW behind Legendary acquisition and make the 2nd tier a precursor. Problem solved. (Edit: jk of course, in case all this ppls would take this part seriously too). We can move to creating new content and original skins, instead if dwelling in old content that works and serves it's purpose, only to add yet another, a little more shiny variant of the same set that was released few years ago and call it a day.

Edited by Biziut.3594
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5 minutes ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Soooo, gate the last tier of WvW behind Legendary acquisition and make the 2nd tier a precursor. Problem solved. (Edit: jk of course, in case all this ppls would take this part seriously too). We can move to creating new content and original skins, instead if dwelling in old content that works and serves it's purpose, only to add yet another, a little more shiny variant of the same set that was released few years ago.

I don't really care what they do with WvW  armors, but if I never see another armor with animation or particle effects again, it'll be too soon.

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7 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

I don't really care what they do with WvW  armors, but if I never see another armor with animation or particle effects again, it'll be too soon.

Well I can agree with you on the last one. Still have nightmares of this nice medium skin turning into King of all trench coats.

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3 hours ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Becouse what? Becouse you can acquire it before crafting a lege? If anet would gate it behind legendary tier it would somehow make it viable?

No, a single sfx on chestpiece alone does not make a legendary armor. At best you could argue it might make a poor legendary chestpiece, but even at this it's not that great. And remember, that there are 5 more pieces in the set.

I mean, seriously, Blossoming Mistshard or Runic armor sets aren't any worse, and Requiem would be way, way better fit than Mistforged Triumphant as far as legendary skins are concerned. And all of those are relatively cheap and easily obtainable LS sets, not legendary at all.

Mistforged sets were just not designed with Legendary visuals in mind.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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1 hour ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

You can get it before you craft the legendary, sure, but you don't get it when you craft the legendary.

So you're complaining that the skin with additional particles is available before craftin the actual legendary item. The easy solution to that is to limit the particle visuals to the legendary tier while changing ascended to a simpler one and apparently you'd be ok with that since now that skin is bound exclusively to legendary tier. If the complaint here is about "but you can unlock is before getting legendary!" then that's a weird complaint, but on the other hand -sure, do it, limit the particle skin to legendary tier.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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10 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

No, a single sfx on chestpiece alone does not make a legendary armor.

The skin or animations don’t make an armor legendary, the QoL features like stat swapping and legendary armory do.
Last time I checked my two WvW legendary armor sets and my one from PvP were still legendary, even without a unique skin. 

Edited by vares.8457
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10 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

No, a single sfx on chestpiece alone does not make a legendary armor. At best you could argue it might make a poor legendary chestpiece, but even at this it's not that great. And remember, that there are 5 more pieces in the set.

I mean, seriously, Blossoming Mistshard or Runic armor sets aren't any worse, and Requiem would be way, way better fit than Mistforged Triumphant as far as legendary skins are concerned. And all of those are relatively cheap and easily obtainable LS sets, not legendary at all.

Mistforged sets were just not designed with Legendary visuals in mind.

See how these past few posts are the PERFECT encapsulation of "I don't engage with sound arguments"?

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

So you're complaining that the skin with additional particles is available before craftin the actual legendary item. The easy solution to that is to limit the particle visuals to the legendary tier while changing ascended to a simpler one and apparently you'd be ok with that since now that skin is bound exclusively to legendary tier.

I have to wonder where exactly you see a complaint in what I wrote.

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2 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

I have to wonder where exactly you see a complaint in what I wrote.

Specifically here:

1 hour ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

but you don't get it when you craft the legendary. You still need to buy the mistforged separately. So, it has nothing to do with "legendary" at all. It's just a better ascended skin.

Which is majority of the post. If that's not a complaint then I don't know what it is and what the point of writing it was. Sure looks like a complaint to me?

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8 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

That's not a complaint, that's just a statement of fact.

No, it's a complaint and further refusal to address what you've quoted because you want to discuss(?) whether your complaint was a complaint or a statement. Complaints and statements aren't mutually exclusive in the first place btw. If I complain about my tea not being hot enough, it's a statement, it can be a fact and yet... It's still a complaint. I don't know what you're doing right now with these non-responses.

And if you still don't understand how or why this is seen as a complaint: it's a complaint about the skin not being legendary (in your opinion) "because the skin itself can be acquired in seperate ascended purchase, not bound to legendary item". Hence my direct response about that exact thing.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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