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WvW Legendary Armor Appearance(s)

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20 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

No, a single sfx on chestpiece alone does not make a legendary armor. At best you could argue it might make a poor legendary chestpiece, but even at this it's not that great. And remember, that there are 5 more pieces in the set.

I mean, seriously, Blossoming Mistshard or Runic armor sets aren't any worse, and Requiem would be way, way better fit than Mistforged Triumphant as far as legendary skins are concerned. And all of those are relatively cheap and easily obtainable LS sets, not legendary at all.

Mistforged sets were just not designed with Legendary visuals in mind.

Wonder what exactly you'd consider as "legendary", seeing how you don't think current versions are enough, but mistshard/runic/requiem somehow would be?

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17 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

The skin or animations don’t make an armor legendary, the QoL features like stat swapping and legendary armory do.

According to you. You not being interested in visual component to legendary gear does not make it irrelevant however. There's a big crowd out there that consider the legendary visuals to be at least as important (if not more) than its QoL. If it were otherwise, for example gen2 legendary weapons would have no reason to existi. Nor would there be any point to gen3 variant skins.

17 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

Last time I checked my two WvW legendary armor sets and my one from PvP were still legendary, even without a unique skin. 

Technically, yes. But as legendaries go they are still massively inferior to Envoy set for no good reason. They are simply flawed and incomplete. And in truth everyone knows that. Again, if the matter of skins was irrelevant, there would not be such significant and aggressive pushback to the idea of upgrading those visuals. You may claim otherwise, saying as it's only QoL that matters, but you would not be arguing so much against that idea if you really thought that way. Upgraded legendary visuals for WvW are not something you don't care about. They are so important you fight strongly against them getting implemented.

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4 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

There's a big crowd out there that consider the legendary visuals to be at least as important (if not more) than its QoL. If it were otherwise, for example gen2 legendary weapons would have no reason to existi. Nor would there be any point to gen3 variant skins.

For this big crowd there is the legendary PvE armor. It has a unique skin. I wanted the skin for my heavy armor so I crafted a second set. Everyone can do that if the skin is important to them. 

4 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Technically, yes. But as legendaries go they are still massively inferior to Envoy set for no good reason. As legendaries go, they are flawed and incomplete.

Inferior to you (who admitted that he doesn’t even play WvW or PvP). For players that don’t care about the visuals they are not inferior. My PvP armor set and my WvW armor sets are in no way inferior than the PvE armor. They have the same stats, I can swapped stats and runes and they are in my armory, just like my PvE set. 

I am curious what topic you will complain about next week. 

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7 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

No, it's a complaint and further refusal to address what you've quoted because you want to discuss(?) whether your complaint was a complaint or a statement. Complaints and statements aren't mutually exclusive in the first place btw. If I complain about my tea not being hot enough, it's a statement, it can be a fact and yet... It's still a complaint. I don't know what you're doing right now with these non-responses.

You only see a complaint because you want to see a complaint. It wasn't intended as a complaint and I actually can't get my head around why you want to see one. There is really nothing there other than a simple fact.

I responded exactly to a point being made, nothing less, nothing more. Just like I'm doing now. 

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13 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

You only see a complaint because you want to see a complaint. It wasn't intended as a complaint and I actually can't get my head around why you want to see one. There is really nothing there other than a simple fact.

I responded exactly to a point being made, nothing less, nothing more.

Added this 6 minutes ago, should explain how this is seen as a complaint by me:

28 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

And if you still don't understand how or why this is seen as a complaint: it's a complaint about the skin not being legendary (in your opinion) "because the skin itself can be acquired in seperate ascended purchase, not bound to legendary item". Hence my direct response about that exact thing.



13 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

Just like I'm doing now. 

Yet, still nothing I wrote was addressed, as if whether it's called "a statement" or "a complaint" somehow changes anything about the points made in these posts.

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2 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And for everyone else they are.

Then they can go for the PvE armor. That’s what I did because I liked the heavy armor skin.
Unlike you I would benefit if the WvW and PvP armor would get unique skins. But I don’t think it’s necessary or fair. 

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And for everyone else they are.

Not really, some just understand it can be easly seen as having the skin acquisition made easier. Something you consistently avoid too, because somehow (still unclear how since, again, "just avoid what's being said" is the tactic you seem to be embracing here) those particles are not enough, but mistshard/runic/requiem would be  🤷‍♂️

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19 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Added this 6 minutes ago, should explain how this is seen as a complaint by me:



Yet, still nothing I wrote was addressed, as if whether it's called "a statement" or "a complaint" somehow changes anything about the points made in these posts.

The skin not being legendary isn't just my opinion, it simply isn't. Nothing about it, neither its acquisition nor its status, is legendary. It's no more legendary than any other skin you can buy at a merchant. 

What do you want  me to address that I didn't?

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24 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

The skin not being legendary isn't just my opinion, it simply isn't. Nothing about it, neither its acquisition nor its status, is legendary. It's no more legendary than any other skin you can buy at a merchant

The WvW  and PvP LEGENDARY armor is in the LEGENDARY armory. Making it very clear they are in fact LEGENDARY. I get it, you want the one of a kind armor with the moving parts. Go to the wiki check which raid is embolden and do the legendary quest line for the skin with the moving parts.

It's just a skin at the end of the day.

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2 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

The WvW  and PvP LEGENDARY armor is in the LEGENDARY armory. Making it very clear they are in fact LEGENDARY. I get it, you want the one of a kind armor with the moving parts. Go to the wiki check which raid is embolden and do the legendary quest line for the skin with the moving parts.

It's just a skin at the end of the day.

I wasn't talking about the LEGENDARY armor, but the mistforged armor. You don't get it, you don't have the first clue in fact. I have no interest in the raid armor at all. I consider it hideous. If it was the only legendary armor in the game, I WOUD get it and use its legendary benefit to reskin it for free. 

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51 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

The skin not being legendary isn't just my opinion, it simply isn't. Nothing about it, neither its acquisition nor its status, is legendary. It's no more legendary than any other skin you can buy at a merchant. 

What do you want  me to address that I didn't?

Preferably the very first response you received from me in this thread before what was said was attempted to be substituted with a discussion whether or not something being a statement dismissed the possibility of it also being a complaint (and, as already explained a few posts above: it really doesn't) :


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22 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

I wasn't talking about the LEGENDARY armor, but the mistforged armor. You don't get it, you don't have the first clue in fact. I have no interest in the raid armor at all. I consider it hideous. If it was the only legendary armor in the game, I WOUD get it and use its legendary benefit to reskin it for free. 

Oh i see, Next time pls be a little more specific and less vague. "you know nothing" isn't helpful. I did confuse you with the other guy with the same profile pic who is in fact complaining.

You can craft legendary armor out of the mistforged armor. Making it an "legendary" skin and an ascended skin at the same time. May your problem be that the skin doesn't upgrade from ascended to legendary like the Raid armor? Your kind of vague with your points and don't clarify.

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26 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Preferably the very first response you received from me in this thread before what was said was attempted to be substituted with a discussion whether or not something being a statement dismissed the possibility of it also being a complaint (and, as already explained a few posts above: it really doesn't) :


You read something in my post that I didn't say. Nothing in that post warrants a response because nothing you wrote applies to anything I said or feel. I'm not looking for a solution and I'm already ok with everything. I don't care about anything they did, might do or might have done instead with regard to WvW legendaries. I was just stating that the mistforged armor bears no relation to anything having to do with "legendary", despite people's insistence that the existence of the mistforged skin somehow makes up for there being no legendary skin. That's really all. There absolutely wasn't a complaint. You'd think I'd know when I was complaining about something? And if I wanted something, I'd ask for it. Explicitly.

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1 hour ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

You read something in my post that I didn't say. Nothing in that post warrants a response because nothing you wrote applies to anything I said or feel. I'm not looking for a solution and I'm already ok with everything. I don't care about anything they did, might do or might have done instead with regard to WvW legendaries. I was just stating that the mistforged armor bears no relation to anything having to do with "legendary", despite people's insistence that the existence of the mistforged skin somehow makes up for there being no legendary skin. That's really all. There absolutely wasn't a complaint. You'd think I'd know when I was complaining about something? And if I wanted something, I'd ask for it. Explicitly.

I already explained this, didn't I?

This is what you wrote:

5 hours ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

but you don't get it when you craft the legendary. You still need to buy the mistforged separately. So, it has nothing to do with "legendary" at all. It's just a better ascended skin.

This is what I responded:

3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So you're complaining that the skin with additional particles is available before crafting the actual legendary item. The easy solution to that is to limit the particle visuals to the legendary tier while changing ascended to a simpler one and apparently you'd be ok with that since now that skin is bound exclusively to legendary tier. If the complaint here is about "but you can unlock is before getting legendary!" then that's a weird complaint, but on the other hand -sure, do it, limit the particle skin to legendary tier.

In what way does it not directly respond to what you said in your post, argumenting "it's not legendary skin because you get it before/separately from crafting the legendary"? What exactly do you think I saw that isn't really there? Basically "if that's the argument then that's the response, right?" -"nooo, I don't care!". Whether now you say you care or not is irrelevant, I'm saying that if that's your (and people like Astralp, apparently) stance about this then that's the easy alternative. And a page later you still didn't respond to that. You're lingering on that "complaint" word as if it changes literally anything in either of our posts, but it doesn't. You had your argument for "why it's not legendary", I responded directly to it with what would apparently make it legendary and you still avoid the response "because it's not a complaint".

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13 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

You can craft legendary armor out of the mistforged armor. Making it an "legendary" skin and an ascended skin at the same time. May your problem be that the skin doesn't upgrade from ascended to legendary like the Raid armor? Your kind of vague with your points and don't clarify.

Yes, that's a problem. There's no legendary skin, only an ascended one, the legendary armor just reskinned by ascended tier skin by default.

(hint: legendary armor and legendary skin are not the same concepts - just look at Aurene's Variants to understand that)

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9 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yes, that's a problem. There's no legendary skin, only an ascended one, the legendary armor just reskinned by ascended tier skin by default.

(hint: legendary armor and legendary skin are not the same concepts - just look at Aurene's Variants to understand that)

I and many others do understand that. What you seem to miss is that Raid level legendary skins won't happen again. Which you should know by now. So whats your point? Your goal?  Please be a little more specific and/or solution orientated.

1. You want the Raid skins earnable through WvW? I'm not too eager to hand out mode specific skin to all other game modes. Not having skins doesn't stop people from playing the game how they want. If they really want the skin they can engage in that gamemode. Embolden mode did make it easier. PvPer myself, stopped halve way through raid armor collection because its too tedious for just a skin.

2. You want an visual upgrade to the current competitive legendary armor? That upgrade would be "lesser" then the raid armor because the devs wont do something that fancy again. That also would bring some bonus question: How to implement that right now? Could you buy it as ascended skin? How do you upgrade your current Legendary armor?

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On 5/18/2023 at 6:16 PM, vares.8457 said:

To the LFG section you have to count the static and training groups who don’t use the LFG. My group for example never uses LFG. I am not saying that the raiding community is the biggest in the game but it is very far from being dead even though raids are not developed any longer. 
But all that is still no reason to change the WvW and PvP legendary armor skins. And thankfully it is very unlikely that they are going to do that. There really are more important issues in the game. 

has more important issues but why oppose ppl from getting skins for a game mode they like. its not like raider loosing anything. fact is raid was an experiment and it didn't succeed. 

Raiders are not even the highest skilled group of players that would be spvp players. 

I see no reason to not free the armor skins from a raid bond. except the raid minority starts cry that their dead game mode is no show off any more.

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7 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

has more important issues but why oppose ppl from getting skins for a game mode they like. its not like raider loosing anything. fact is raid was an experiment and it didn't succeed. 

Raiders are not even the highest skilled group of players that would be spvp players. 

I see no reason to not free the armor skins from a raid bond. except the raid minority starts cry that their dead game mode is no show off any more.

I see no reason why people can’t play raids if they want the animated legendary armor. That’s what I did even though I already had three legendary armor sets from WvW and PvP. 
Raid is not a dead game mode, the LFG is full with groups most of the time, there are several training communities and many statics. How is that a dead game mode? 

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18 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

I see no reason to not free the armor skins from a raid bond. except the raid minority starts cry that their dead game mode is no show off any more.

Kind of makes sense. Armor so Powerful even the gods(devs) themselves aren't capable to produce anymore of it. To acquire them you have the venture into the ancient content known as Raids and have to perform the task of old.

Raids aren't really death they are maintained. They just got outcompeted/replaced by Strikes. After playing a lot of strikes Raids feel kind of outdated, a relict of a bygone era where MMO's where at it's peak. Where it was expected to gather 10+ people for 1-3 hours to do actual challenging content. The boss room encounter seem to be way more user friendly for someone who games but isn't a full fledged gamer.

The ultimate Legendary armor/weapon is also part of a bygone era. With the epic questlines that send you in actual dangerous territory (raid) to receive a Special items or interact with the interior of the raid. Something you can't really do in PvP or WvW to the same extend. Or could bring others Problem with it, if you would try. It just feels appropriate that the armor is implemented as it is and bound to raids. 

As some who would benefit to buy the Raid skins with Strike or PvP currency it seems fine to me.

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3 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

I see no reason why people can’t play raids if they want the animated legendary armor. That’s what I did even though I already had three legendary armor sets from WvW and PvP. 
Raid is not a dead game mode, the LFG is full with groups most of the time, there are several training communities and many statics. How is that a dead game mode? 

well u can find ppl for roleplay as well. when was the last content update for raid?

the issue was raids got something other modes did not. a third tier of legendary armor. im totally fine with raid got their unique 3 th tier but so should the other.

from a business standpoint cater to a minority is not where the money is.

i already have 3 legendary armors. I doubt i ever get that attracted to redo those. the main point stays there is no reason except reasons to give raider special treatment.

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11 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

well u can find ppl for roleplay as well. when was the last content update for raid?

the issue was raids got something other modes did not. a third tier of legendary armor. im totally fine with raid got their unique 3 th tier but so should the other.

from a business standpoint cater to a minority is not where the money is.

i already have 3 legendary armors. I doubt i ever get that attracted to redo those. the main point stays there is no reason except reasons to give raider special treatment.

Because there is no new content for raids it is a dead game mode? Then why is the LFG full with groups and why are there so many static groups? If it’s dead content no one would play it, right? 
There never was an issue in the first place. PvE legendary armor was first, some months later they released WvW and PvP legendary armor. This was six years ago, now you are crying about it? 

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