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PSA for new players and others who aren't aware regarding Dragon Bash Arena!


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If you go into the arena please for the sake of the six gods, pull mobs into the middle and stack. Rangers don't use your annoying longbow (lb rangers were always and still are useless and annoying that's why we kicked them back then) and put your pet on PASSIVE (especially your stupid brown bear)! Necros please don't use minions. And everyone else don't use any pushes. Only pulls and stack in middle. 
It increases group DPS on a concentrated area making it easier to get the buff  at full stacks for everyone which makes bosses faster to kill (less than a minute ideal) and the whole ordeal of farming coffers faster and more efficient. 
As a veteran player since launch this is my biggest gripe of annoyance since the event returned. 
Coordination is key in group content so please stick to the tactics and listen to experienced players. Especially if you want to get into raiding 😉

Happy Dragon Bashing! 

PS: for the moa race you can bet on all moas at the same race if you didn't know. It will net you the achievement much faster. Also mordrem weapons are usually very cheap during the festival so get the skins while they're cheap and have no luck with HoT metas. 

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Okay man i get this thrait and the reason behind it...... but what the heck did it has to do with PvP Players at all? xD ..... Ah kekw i missed the path that this is actually the PvP Forum ...... What does this thrait do here? xd

Edited by Myror.7521
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