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Anet, you forgot to put the Zhaitaffy Gobbler on the Gem Store.


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1 hour ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

just as with most "gobblers" and festivals, it will probably come next week or a week after.

Nah. they seem to skip years at a time. If it's not up, I kind of assumed it wouldn't be this year. Same thing happened last year.

The snowflake gobbler shower up at the same time of before this last wintersday. But I don't think it was available the previous one.

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I miss these items so much, it's been two years without any gobbler available, why ? I didn't buy them back in 2021 and I keep regreting it seeing none of them are being sold nowdays. It's frustrating at this point that there was no announcement about removal of these items. People like me keep waiting every event to catch any of them and keep getting disappointed. 

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On 6/9/2023 at 8:06 AM, Smoky.5348 said:

Imagine if they let things always be purchasable instead of creating artificial scarcity for digital items.

I mean it's bad enough that they create artificial scarcity for reasons that are still beyond my understanding (not like people would stop buying said items if they were always available and buy them more if they go on discount) but having items literally not available for multiple years is just really stupid. i really do hope they don't "forget" about it this year again but so far it's not looking good.

On 6/6/2023 at 8:36 PM, Cernoch.8524 said:

Alright my bad, just checked wiki and it seems none of them was in gem store in 2022 but every year before that so anet probaly changed their mind since last year.

by every year you mean exactly once before? >.<

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Sadly, the trend is to take AWAY from the players.  You will note that all of the Chest of Fish from the Cantha daily no longer give ambigris;  all bags, mobs, etc, etc, have had their rewards tweaked to where stuff drops less, and the good stuff WWWWAAAAAYYYY less - or simply not at all, as in the case of Halloween candy of all things!  Clearly Anet knows how to flag food to make it non-researchable, as the Dragon Bash proved, so why wasn't that done with the Mad King?  Not to mention the drumbeat of nerfs to player abilities and power over time.  I really don't feel valued as a customer here - more like a sheep that is just getting shorn closer and closer to the skin 😞

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On 6/20/2023 at 5:06 PM, Linken.6345 said:

If it havent been in the store by now Anet clearly did not intend to sell it this year.

And that decision would be stupid, hence people are saying they want it to be sold. From the viewpoint of the customers, and from the company, never selling certain things people want again, even after a year, doesn't make sense. How are you defending every decision the company makes about the store on so many threads?

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18 minutes ago, UltraReviewShow.7213 said:

And that decision would be stupid, hence people are saying they want it to be sold. From the viewpoint of the customers, and from the company, never selling certain things people want again, even after a year, doesn't make sense. How are you defending every decision the company makes about the store on so many threads?

How is that line a defence of Anet?

Its more a statement that if something havent got into the store after 2 weeks of a festival going live there is no reason to think it will get into the store by that point that year.

Since people would feel cheated that it wasent there from the start.

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3 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

How is that line a defence of Anet?

Its more a statement that if something havent got into the store after 2 weeks of a festival going live there is no reason to think it will get into the store by that point that year.

Since people would feel cheated that it wasent there from the start.

They should have put it in the store sooner, but it's still useful afterward because people can still get the Zhaitaffy from the pinata they have in their home instance.

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30 minutes ago, UltraReviewShow.7213 said:

They should have put it in the store sooner, but it's still useful afterward because people can still get the Zhaitaffy from the pinata they have in their home instance.

Oh you got that node in your home instance?

I dont, mostly just people who have the pokemon got to catch them all mind set it seem to have it.

Since its usefulness is nil if you dont have the gobbler and due to Anet selling that very rarely.

To my knowlage last time they did it was more profitable to sell jorebreakers instead of hording zhaitaffy to use on timed buffs.

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2 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:


I dont, mostly just people who have the pokemon got to catch them all mind set it seem to have it.


is this real talk or you just trolling?
i got pinata to have access to Zhaitaffy because there supposed to be gobbler. 
it doesn't make any sense old players have infinite uses EXP booster and i don't

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8 hours ago, Dovahkiin.6849 said:

is this real talk or you just trolling?
i got pinata to have access to Zhaitaffy because there supposed to be gobbler. 
it doesn't make any sense old players have infinite uses EXP booster and i don't

No no trolling if you read the 2 following lines and not cut that 1 line out of context.

I mean come on the game almost give you exp for farting so what  the hell do a small boost to it do?

Edited by Linken.6345
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15 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

No no trolling if you read the 2 following lines and not cut that 1 line out of context.

I mean come on the game almost give you exp for farting so what  the hell do a small boost to it do?

+25% Reward Track Gain in PvP and WvW is a small boost?
this is one of the biggest boosters and that 25% my friend can stack with other boosters and makes huge difference on your gain.
these festival gobblers give advantage to some players over others.

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