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Recent experience as a returner since 2016


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I left the game since like 2016, bought all expansions again and played for 2 months now. I gonna drop this game again soon because the PVP and WvW isn't really fun at all. The AOE spamming is killing this game. 

My PVP rating dropped from 1,450 to around 1,000 after more than 10 loses in a roll. Whenever I jump into a group fight, the only thing I experience is Condi and AOE spamming, I am unable to do anything. My character got rised up in the air and then I died, or grounded with tons of red circles underneath me. Basically, I experience this in every single game, no matter in Rated, Non-rated or Tournament. And when I land a hammer burst on other players, most of the time, my cc just doesn't work because of barrier or escaped.

Warrior (Hammer Spellbreak) is my main character and I always like to play melee in all MMORPG. Being able to CC others in GW2 is the only way to survive as a melee fighter. We are slow, without range attack and all the utility skills take time to recharge e.g. Shake it Off etc.

After I cleansed Condi with Full Counter or Shake it Off, then another round of Condi will come in and I definitely die. When I face a AOE spamming at node, nothing I can do but to walk away. It isn't really fun at all if you can't even win in Silver or Gold games.

Some say why you just doesn't go to other profession. Maybe Anet should simply scrap the warrior profession if they are just meats to other players.

I encountered this message from other players more than once: If there is one warrior in your team, you get 50% to win. If you have two, good luck bro.

Good luck to all warriors.

Edited by sheldontwong.2605
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You play Warrior.

Ofcourse you suffer from all the power creep. I feel for you. 

Warrior has been left in the dust for years now. 

Everytime Warrior gets treated like a normal class, we get told to celebrate. 

If warrior gets something good, it end in endless QQ and nerfs soon after. 


Play a different class. You will have way more fun. 

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In sPvP, Warrior hasn't been fun to me since HoT.

The AoE vomit, the boon vomit, the condition vomit, the CC vomit, the Fear spam, the immobilize spam, Stealth, the ever-growing runaway potential...

The mud pool made up of these effects keeps growing and continues to sap the fun out of sPvP (at least for me).

Unless you play very specific builds, Warrior has the hardest of times among all professions to hold a candle to these things.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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12 hours ago, sheldontwong.2605 said:

I left the game since like 2016, bought all expansions again and played for 2 months now. I gonna drop this game again soon because the PVP and WvW isn't really fun at all. The AOE spamming is killing this game. 

My PVP rating dropped from 1,450 to around 1,000 after more than 10 loses in a roll. Whenever I jump into a group fight, the only thing I experience is Condi and AOE spamming, I am unable to do anything. My character got rised up in the air and then I died, or grounded with tons of red circles underneath me. Basically, I experience this in every single game, no matter in Rated, Non-rated or Tournament. And when I land a hammer burst on other players, most of the time, my cc just doesn't work because of barrier or escaped.

Warrior (Hammer Spellbreak) is my main character and I always like to play melee in all MMORPG. Being able to CC others in GW2 is the only way to survive as a melee fighter. We are slow, without range attack and all the utility skills take time to recharge e.g. Shake it Off etc.

After I cleansed Condi with Full Counter or Shake it Off, then another round of Condi will come in and I definitely die. When I face a AOE spamming at node, nothing I can do but to walk away. It isn't really fun at all if you can't even win in Silver or Gold games.

Some say why you just doesn't go to other profession. Maybe Anet should simply scrap the warrior profession if they are just meats to other players.

I encountered this message from other players more than once: If there is one warrior in your team, you get 50% to win. If you have two, good luck bro.

Good luck to all warriors.

I'm sorry to say, but it will not get any better. Multiplayer has basically gone to the dogs over the years thanks to neglect, if not downright collusion and match manipulation by certain groups of players. You were right to leave for those 7 years.

And yes, CC is the way to go if you want to stand any sort of chance against all this boon, AoE and mobility spam.

And to your second to last sentence, any competent player knows how to handle warrior. As a result, warriors basically have to reinvent themselves every patch. One day we're tankish, shout-healers, another day we're berzerkers smashing heads and yet another day we're CCing brawlers...

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You return to game after 7 years and expect to be at the same place you left off competitive - wise?
It should be obvious to anyone you'd get beaten black and blue.

Nothing shameful about it, just realize that after such a huge break you need to re-learn things from ground up.
The story of your games shows this clearly:

Spellbreakers don't get eaten by condies - only poorly build and/or piloted ones do. There's Cleansing Ire, Mending or Defiant stance, there's shield (to block big attacks applying condies like necro plaguelands as you walk out of it) or warhorn (condi cleansing). 

Spellbreaker don't go mid unless there's really nothing else to do. Their job is to cap a sidenode and bunker there, making one or two enemy players effectively useless and capped node keep ticking points for your team.

If you are mid then you should bring stab first and foremost. Great if it's for party (Banner of tactics) but at least some form of self-stab is mandatory (dolyak signet, balanced stance, stomp).

Barriers are the last problem you should have as a warrior - there's a dedicated trait in tactics to deal with these.
But if you're running a spellbreaker that is going mid to mass cc enemies (hammer) then logically you'd be building as tanky as you can. So don't expect to score kills left and right on a bunker build with control weapon. Your job is to disrupt them, cc them, keep them occupied on you. It's up to your team to melt their healthbars fast.

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