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An option to limit your matchmaking range?


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Is it not possible to have a system where I can choose to que with people who are only 1 bracket higher and lower than me? I am currently silver 3, so that would be gold1 and silver2 for range. Obviously people who want to open que can still do so, but Im personally happy to wait 10 min per game, rather than quicker games that are decided entirely on whos dps fed the least. Close games are very rare, its mostly a rng steam roll one way or the other, I don't even enjoy a majority of the wins, just watching bronze dps feeding mid 3v1.



Edited by Flowki.7194
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18 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Is it not possible to have a system where I can choose to que with people who are only 1 bracket higher and lower than me? I am currently silver 3, so that would be gold1 and silver2 for range. Obviously people who want to open que can still do so, but Im personally happy to wait 10 min per game, rather than quicker games that are decided entirely on whos dps fed the least. Close games are very rare, its mostly a rng steam roll one way or the other, I don't even enjoy a majority of the wins, just watching bronze dps feeding mid 3v1.



The population is officially way too low for any changes to make any difference.

I vouched for these kinds of changes for years but nothing was done and they've long missed their opportunity to make something work.

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8 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

The idea is good! I see a few problems, but overall it would make alot of people happy.

Quite alot of people would rather wait 15 minutes for a game, than be in constant landslide matches.


I'd rather get a few really even games a night and mess around in FFA then spam que trash games

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I hope they can look at this, the pvp playerbase will surely increase if people are more often matched against similar skill levels. I do not find it fun to stomp newbs, or be stomped by vets. Most annoying of all is all the troll or toxic/obnoxious specs that are not good enough to get above silver, so are all over low elo. Some of these players are actually good too, so it makes for some very obnoxios games.

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I've repeatedly advocated for
1) a slider to be set for what range of MMR you are willing to accept a match in (at the risk of getting no matches).  
2) As well as whether you are willing to compete against a group larger than yours (ie. if you're solo, are you willing to compete against a duo).  At which point let groupings of any size into ranked.
3)A leaderboard that is specific to your solo vs. duo. vs. tripple score
4) Scaling effects in various tiers of competition.  Ie. in silver upon death you get a slight buff when you come back for a minute... which compounds with each death within a minute.   As well a cap on max damage from a single attack at lower ranks (no 13k gun flames against bronzes).
5) A debuf immediately after a stealth, or port or invuln.  To reduce for a short while the ability to do stupid ganks from unseen port locations or out of stealth.

6) No rank loss if I pull 5 top scores and am on the losing team (Anet should lose rank for the silly match)
7) rank loss scaled by closeness of match.   A closer match means less loss.

Among many other things......

22 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Is it not possible to have a system where I can choose to que with people who are only 1 bracket higher and lower than me? I am currently silver 3, so that would be gold1 and silver2 for range. Obviously people who want to open que can still do so, but Im personally happy to wait 10 min per game, rather than quicker games that are decided entirely on whos dps fed the least. Close games are very rare, its mostly a rng steam roll one way or the other, I don't even enjoy a majority of the wins, just watching bronze dps feeding mid 3v1.




Edited by shion.2084
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new accounts are still going to be 1200 rating. so even if you limit yourself to gold/plat1 for games you will not be able to escape brand new players.

limiting matchmaking when the matchmaker itself can't even use ranks to differentiate skill levels because gold 1 is brand new to the game is meaningless.

matchmaking would be significantly better if people started at bronze and had to climb, instead of being thrown in with plat and gold players trying to climb on their first game.

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It will be nice to see, how a match is filled with ranks, e.g.: my team 2 g2, 2 g3, 1 p1 and other team 1 g1, 2 g3, 2 p1. Anonymusly so you dont know the names, but with the ranks visible in team comp, you could decide to take the match, or drop.

Also, it would be nice to see if a team has duos. I will definietly drop a match, if enemy team has any duos and mine has none even if the ranks are fine (account smurfing and communication is a huge advantage). Actually it would be nice to remove duo quee and let those players play with friends on ATs.

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I mean, some ppl intentionally break the game, so if you cant play the game around the reset time your games will be bad.

The best they can do right now is remove duo q, so you don't have that "pro" duo in one side vs 1 gold 3 and 4 s3/g1 players, if there's only one "pro" maybe he doesnt manage to carry the game cuz his teammates will be eve lower rating than enemy team.

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8 hours ago, Mythras.2091 said:

It will be nice to see, how a match is filled with ranks, e.g.: my team 2 g2, 2 g3, 1 p1 and other team 1 g1, 2 g3, 2 p1. Anonymusly so you dont know the names, but with the ranks visible in team comp, you could decide to take the match, or drop.

Also, it would be nice to see if a team has duos. I will definietly drop a match, if enemy team has any duos and mine has none even if the ranks are fine (account smurfing and communication is a huge advantage). Actually it would be nice to remove duo quee and let those players play with friends on ATs.

duos wouldn't be a problem if....

2) As well as whether you are willing to compete against a group larger than yours (ie. if you're solo, are you willing to compete against a duo).  At which point let groupings of any size into ranked.

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