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First Impression: Alacrity Druid is too sweaty & A few bugs


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Yeah, I get the impression these balance changes were tested on a spreadsheet rather than actually playing them out in game. You can technically do it, but you're not going to when you're basically producing HAM results for three times the effort.

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+1 for tying it to regen. I like that idea. I was really looking forward to learning to play a heal/alac druid after this patch but not in the current state.

At least in the short term, I hope they bump up the boon duration it currently applies. Like, as in the next day or two, because it's unplayable as it is. No group is going to want a druid if they can't keep alac up even with 100% boon duration.

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6 hours ago, BonzaiPlatypus.7091 said:

+1 for tying it to regen. I like that idea. I was really looking forward to learning to play a heal/alac druid after this patch but not in the current state.

At least in the short term, I hope they bump up the boon duration it currently applies. Like, as in the next day or two, because it's unplayable as it is. No group is going to want a druid if they can't keep alac up even with 100% boon duration.

I just want to state that bumping up boon durations is not going to fix druid. It will make it functional, but not a good pick and will continue to be unused as a healer over the meta comp. They need to completely unbind alacrity from celestial avatar. By far the worst change on there. Secondly return ancient seeds. At this point they may as well tack it onto eclipse because of how bad eclipse is to begin with and revert blood moon entirely to compensate.

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10 hours ago, Levetty.1279 said:

Though I do like that idea of tying alacrity to regen application.

How would you balance that tho? Low duration so you basically have to run healing spring and boon duration and it still only works if everyone stacks, or longer duration and risk that dps builds can easily apply perma alac, because ranger has so many regen sources?

Maybe high impact boons shouldn't be a mere side effect of something else.


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ANet needs to revert these changes ASAP! They butched the class. You have to spam celestial avatar each time its off cooldown and waste your heals when you don't need to. I littrally have to mash my keyboard even more just to get less alac uptime than before.

Also now it's also way harder to mantain uptime on the boons spirits provide. I have to juggle and mash skills even more.

Terrible. Just terrible changes to Druid. They made this whole spec unfun to play and way less interactive...

Just revert this whole mess and bring Druid to the playable state it was before.

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