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Plz A.Net, COMMUNICATE with us!

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After reading today's announcment, I just have one request: A.Net, you please start communicate the reasons behind the latest announcment asap. Why? Well, because pretty much everything about "Secrets of the Obscure" leaves me (and apparently many others) like "what the kitten?!"

To summarize the most obvious issues:

- Story. After all the dragon fighting and saving the world from extinction you now tell us "oh hey, there's a bunch of super powerfull wizards in a castle in the sky that prefered to just watch what you were doing, because... reasons." Really?
- Combat changes. First I was reliefed to see no new Elite-Specs... but then... E-Spec Weapons even if the E-Spec is not used, more weapons to all classes... how on earth can this not turn into a balancing nightmare?! I mean, the game is kitten hard to balance already, why make it even worse?? Didn't you learn anything from GW1? Apparently we will see a lot of Smiter's Booning in the future.
- Devaluing almost everything your veteran players committed time and energy for. Skyscale? Here, take it. It's a totally optional QoL pet that was never hard to get (yes, it took some time, but it certainly was not hard in terms of difficutly), so hey, why not. Legendary Armor? No more need to the learn the absolut basic mechanics of the game or at least commit quite some time to competitive modes, here just do your usual semi-afk idling, you'll eventually get there. And as a bonus- it's a reference to GW1! You're welcome!
Oh wait- you got yourself some Legendary Runes? Yeah we know, we once said Legendary gear will always be BiS, but hey, we thought it's fun to just take away the main benefit of those and add it to something new, so you can start over again. Ain't that fun!?

I know, we don't know much detail right now and things might turn out less worse, but above is how these announcments read to me and apparently many others- just like a big "kitten off, we don't want you anymore!".
So please A.Net, TALK to us WHY you do all this massive changes and why you think they're actually good for the game.

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18 hours ago, Nash.2681 said:

After reading today's announcment, I just have one request: A.Net, you please start communicate the reasons behind the latest announcment asap. Why? Well, because pretty much everything about "Secrets of the Obscure" leaves me (and apparently many others) like "what the kitten?!"

To summarize the most obvious issues:

- Story. After all the dragon fighting and saving the world from extinction you now tell us "oh hey, there's a bunch of super powerfull wizards in a castle in the sky that prefered to just watch what you were doing, because... reasons." Really?
- Combat changes. First I was reliefed to see no new Elite-Specs... but then... E-Spec Weapons even if the E-Spec is not used, more weapons to all classes... how on earth can this not turn into a balancing nightmare?! I mean, the game is kitten hard to balance already, why make it even worse?? Didn't you learn anything from GW1? Apparently we will see a lot of Smiter's Booning in the future.
- Devaluing almost everything your veteran players committed time and energy for. Skyscale? Here, take it. It's a totally optional QoL pet that was never hard to get (yes, it took some time, but it certainly was not hard in terms of difficutly), so hey, why not. Legendary Armor? No more need to the learn the absolut basic mechanics of the game or at least commit quite some time to competitive modes, here just do your usual semi-afk idling, you'll eventually get there. And as a bonus- it's a reference to GW1! You're welcome!
Oh wait- you got yourself some Legendary Runes? Yeah we know, we once said Legendary gear will always be BiS, but hey, we thought it's fun to just take away the main benefit of those and add it to something new, so you can start over again. Ain't that fun!?

I know, we don't know much detail right now and things might turn out less worse, but above is how these announcments read to me and apparently many others- just like a big "kitten off, we don't want you anymore!".
So please A.Net, TALK to us WHY you do all this massive changes and why you think they're actually good for the game.

I... am at a loss of words here.

Well, not quite. 😉 I think it was mentioned in one of today's blog posts that said Wizards are returning from the Mists? Perhaps we will get an explanation about their whereabouts and why they didn't interfere in previous events.

As for the rest? Take a deeeep breath. Everything will be fine..... maybe. 😁

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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This is the end...burn this game already!It's painfull to play with all this turn-arounds that crush our unique way of enjoyment to get hard/time-working items, tasks, etc. Now don't say you give prizes for new players with 0 hours ingame!

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Y'all are ridiculous. It's FINE. New players can have things for less work sometimes. It makes it worth hopping in for them.

Telling them to play 300 hours of story and do a bunch of collections to get something doesn't catch as many people as buying and playing the new stuff with your veteran friends right away. You have to let them.

If the maps need to have flying mounts more to get around and they want to build content around it, they have to let people get them easier.

You got the qol for years. It's ok. You can wear it as a badge of honor. Stop gatekeeping crap.

Edit: Had a 'c' instead of a space

Edited by Wheezy.2846
Fixing grammatical error.
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I don't have any personal stakes for the bullet points you listened but on the topic of communication.. I do wish they issued surveys the way other live update games do (or just something that shows they're systematically collecting our feedback based on each update) like it doesn't take much resources to automate data analysis from surveys, any excel monkey can do it. I'm a day one GW1/GW2 player who dropped off from regular gameplay about 2 years ago bc the experience kept veering off more and more from what made me originally loyal to the franchise while I've instead replaced its time with other live update open world games that do issue regular update surveys, actually implement the qualities that players value as per survey results, and therefore have maintained an experience to my liking.  This newest expansion and seeing people's responses has further cemented my belief that there is some missed opportunity in simply understanding what got many of us here in the first place and what makes the world enjoyable enough to stay. (no I will not spend time and effort articulating what those things are for me because ppl here will either echo chamber me or tell me I'm just "wrong" and not a single iota of that discourse will matter because it's not like Anet will ever care enough to write any of it down) c'est la vie oh well

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I did actually get a survey many years ago asking about GW2 things.

But the fact I've only been asked once, and that was a while back, suggests these either do those surveys very infrequently, or they hit a very small number of players.  Both of which are not good - in the first case, the game changes over time, so answers someone gives several years back may not apply with LWS and expansions in that time period.  And hitting a small number of players, aside from not having the players feel like they are involved, can risk skewed results if the selection (presumably done at random) hits a group not representative as the whole.

Even if they did quarterly/yearly/whatever questionaires and just ignored the data, at least people would have some feeling that maybe they are being asked (and one would hope they wouldn't throw that data away)


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Tbh, on the communication alone, Anet dropped the ball hard.
They could have hyped it up a bit before dropping 5? 4? articles on us and calling it a day.

Imo, we didn't have too see all of that now. Or maybe give us a week to process the news before throwing pre-purchase our way? I think nobody expected any news about the "expansion" now.

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18 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

There's a reason why it's called Secrets of the Obscure.

Opening up to us or clarifying things early on doesn't fit the theme.

I'm sure all the Illuminati profile picture users already know the secret 🤐

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