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gonna have to rerole my main due to scrapper changes. any recommendations? (UPDATED)


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i have enjoyed my last year of maining engineer 🙂

its role as a filler for pugs has made it my go to class for fractals and strikes.

alacrity/heals. alacrity/dps. quickness/dps.

heal/quick. (rarely) though still fun 😀

scrapper pumped out decent dps and utility skills were shared with the group. additional boons and a crap tonne of hard cc (i would often add mine and still have full quick uptime)

the quickness changes blow, no amount of positive spin changes that.

they were told they suck and they did it anyway.

im looking  for a multi role class.. was thinking along the lines of elementalist? with the quick changes it has had, should be pretty good.

dunno.. bummed out.

this is a fairly old post now :).. after cycling through every class except mesmer (sorry mesmers not my thing)

i came back to engineer quick scrapper and grudgingly learned it, found it kicked kitten, good deeps with massive break bar or stun lock mobs.

still 50/50 on rocket charge, on the plus side when leaping through a lightning field it does 2 stuns, which is quite nice. or leap through a water field and get some group heals.

however the animation locks me in place, which has gotten me in trouble a few times.

i also like rangers unleashed quick.. very fun and tanky with a similar play style of stun locking or breaking bars as part of the quick rotation. more potential dps.. however theirs no alac / dps in the ranger line up that i know of.

revs quick / dps is like a boon battery(massive 600 radius) 🙂 i expect them to nerf it at some point. good all rounder though.

thief has good options, but is a bit squishy for my tastes. also the single target focus puts me off.

ele is good, hate catalyst though. (sorry cats)

necro is interesting, like a close second for me (after engineer) has great alac heal option, great dps and quick dps options, but alac dps is very spamy.. would have to add a decent chunk of concentration to make it livable.. dunno will have to revisit it again at some point.. unlocked a bunch of templates for when i deep dive into it.

warriors alac is great (massive 600 radius), never did like berserker though (sorry zerkers) no heal option

and fire brand guard is still the king of stability 🙂 not sure why the devs aren't getting the memo for alac willbender, having to use flowing resolve through a boss or mobs is too fiddly, hope they don't move 😛

so here i am.. still maining engineer..

give it a try, quick scrapper is more interesting now.



Edited by doc.9162
out of date
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yeah been tooling around with a few alts, theif came out of this looking amazing. nerf hammer for them soon. umm rev looks solid as well, quickness is effortless, rev alac dps is a monster, heal quick should be good with the new quick method..


might be time to main revenant

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So we know about the mace going to be permanent quickness uptime but heres the thing, if you have the correct amount of concentration you have 100% quickness uptime just by pressing rocket charge in the constant field spam, that's it, thats your quickness uptime.

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Applying quickness is a pain in most situations now. It´s really sad. Scrapper was one of my favourites.

90% of scrapper mains and enjoyers don´t like the change when you take a look on reddit.

I made a post and only 2 people out of 60ish people think the changes are fine.

Most people are looking for a new class or waiting for changes.

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heres a nice vid of the new scrapper 🙂

ty crone.

such an elegant application of quickness... not! cant see this hot mess being used in fractals, where everything dies so fast, and you leap finish into oblivion 🙂

on a side note, been running deadeye quick and also specter alac, they are both easy to learn, good single-ish target dps, kinda fun, has a rhythm to the combat. not bad.. rev has all the bases covered, its not bad. have yet to try elemental suite of specilizations, i play ele off and on, so i know that will require some time to learn the combos.

tbh ele has the most potential for damage, while supplying either alac or quick, good healer as well probably.

time will tell.

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I was thinking of quick deadeye but it looks like they're going to nerf it on 7/18. Cata is my wvw main but I'll never play it (or tempest) as my pve main because the rotation is boring, tedious, and gives me carpal tunnel. If things stand as they are, I'll probably just take another hiatus, wait for the new expac to go on discount, and maybe come back if things have improved.

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On 7/1/2023 at 11:42 PM, doc.9162 said:

such an elegant application of quickness... not! cant see this hot mess being used in fractals, where everything dies so fast, and you leap finish into oblivion 🙂

on a side note, been running deadeye quick and also specter alac, they are both easy to learn, good single-ish target dps, kinda fun, has a rhythm to the combat. not bad.. rev has all the bases covered, its not bad.

Yah I hate this implementation. The Leap finisher decision is awful, given most leaps lock us into an animation and can send us flyyyyyying past our intended target. Awful design decision imo.   

Deadeye and Specter and Harb don't need boon duration for quick. Probably also awful design decisions that will eventually get rectified?

RE: OP, Ele or Rev probably safest.

Edited by Gaeb.2837
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Its fairly easy to maintain quickness for your sub with nothing but blast finishers (leaps are indeed horrible to play around) - I get that its more difficult to handle the interactions than spamming gyros was but it also has some more interesting parts - blasts yield a great deal of nice boons/bursts of healing which while aren't key to your role, always help out maintaining might and adding some swiftness, etc to ease avoidance. I would suggest looking at interactions with throw mine utility and trait lines prior to giving up.

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16 hours ago, Noxin.9276 said:

Its fairly easy to maintain quickness for your sub with nothing but blast finishers (leaps are indeed horrible to play around) - I get that its more difficult to handle the interactions than spamming gyros was but it also has some more interesting parts - blasts yield a great deal of nice boons/bursts of healing which while aren't key to your role, always help out maintaining might and adding some swiftness, etc to ease avoidance. I would suggest looking at interactions with throw mine utility and trait lines prior to giving up.

yeah might be time to give scrapper another chance, went with rev, hmm it's no where near as good as the engineer line up imo.. went back to guard, still a solid option.. but alas! alac will bender is still awful.. after all this time.. thief was fun, but i didn't like the single target focus of quick deadeye and alac specter. (which are getting nerfed.) elementalalist is way too much juggling, i liked alac tempest though. umm warrior is going through a identity crisis, quick berserker still needs tuning, alac bladesworn hits like my Nana. druid heals doesn't look like the solid option it used to be. if i still don't like engineer after this?.. will hope that  the balance team finally get something right  and make decent changes to scourge alac, will probably end up going back to necro.. seems like the balance team really turned over the apple cart on this patch.. I'm back to swapping toons around for group content.

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If you want utility and ease of use, Herald is a good choice. Does everything scrapper does, even has increased movementspeed in combat to emulate superspeed. 

Easy and smoth rotation. Very adaptable. 


Renegade isn't the behemoth it once was, but it's still a perfectly servicable alac provider with solid dps. You certainly won't get booted from any parties for playing it. 


VIndi is a solid DPS with some utility built in if you choose to engage with it. 



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I honestly could not find any other class/elite specialization that I enjoyed as much as qScrapper, be it power or quickness. I've tried many things ever since the june 27th patch, nothing is making me want to play the game again. I don't feel like they will revert or even change anything to scrapper for now either.

Today I decided to quit for the time being. I will try Elder Scrolls Online most likely. The new balance team does not care about gameplay or players' enjoyment of a class/elite spec. They care about their little numbers and that's it. 

I will keep following this forum and the balance patches for a few months, but I don't have much hope anymore. They are asking for feedback, very few people liked the changes; they do not care, so I think I should not care about this game either. 

Also yes, I saw someone on people doing a very good guide about the new rotation. It feels awful. 

There you go. Maybe you will like it ? I personally do not, especially since I played scrapper before the update. I've been messing around in the Special Forces training ground. It's just not for me.
I do hope you find something else to play though! Or maybe you'll end up liking new qScrapper ? Who knows!

I realized I never posted on this game's forum too. First time, might be last!

Have a good day.

Edited by Elya.4628
YouTube link, grammar.
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On 7/13/2023 at 8:49 PM, Elya.4628 said:


I honestly could not find any other class/elite specialization that I enjoyed as much as qScrapper, be it power or quickness. I've tried many things ever since the june 27th patch, nothing is making me want to play the game again. I don't feel like they will revert or even change anything to scrapper for now either.

Today I decided to quit for the time being. I will try Elder Scrolls Online most likely. The new balance team does not care about gameplay or players' enjoyment of a class/elite spec. They care about their little numbers and that's it. 

I will keep following this forum and the balance patches for a few months, but I don't have much hope anymore. They are asking for feedback, very few people liked the changes; they do not care, so I think I should not care about this game either. 

well kitten, sorry to hear that.. i bought the expansion and now i am at the point where i might go with diablo 4 for a while.. so yeah i understand how you feel, been raging on quite a few threads since this patch landed.

dunno i'm trying! but this patch has poorly implemented / whiffed on so many supported classes, there's really only a few multi role classes to chose from rev / ele / engi. best i can do at this point is swap toons depending on what the group needs.

i will quote you again if they make any changes!

p.s. played elder scrolls online, was weak sauce 🙂


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've tried the new build for quickness scrapper and it feels really clunky and not fun at all. I hope they change it back ho how it was before the June update. otherwise I might get bored of this game again. They always do this, they take something fun and makes it really boring. No wonder why I get more and more bored of this game. My inactive time gets longer and longer because of these changes. This also made me loose my hype for the new expac 😕

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Re rolling might be a good idea if you don't enjoy the new playstyle, and if you can bring a few hundred mechanists with you too, it would be appreciated by the long term engineer crowd, the class is getting very crowded.

Personally I love the new quick rotation (not the kitten leap one in this video - that indeed looks unfun) - It can be very easy to keep quick and do decent damage with the changes, but I guess people are looking for hand-holding builds as inactive as tri-gyro was. My hammer build consists of Mines (x2), Thumper and 'nades and heal turret make for a fun blast heavy build that doesn't rely on skills throwing you across the boss arena.

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18 hours ago, Noxin.9276 said:

Re rolling might be a good idea if you don't enjoy the new playstyle, and if you can bring a few hundred mechanists with you too, it would be appreciated by the long term engineer crowd, the class is getting very crowded.

Personally I love the new quick rotation (not the kitten leap one in this video - that indeed looks unfun) - It can be very easy to keep quick and do decent damage with the changes, but I guess people are looking for hand-holding builds as inactive as tri-gyro was. My hammer build consists of Mines (x2), Thumper and 'nades and heal turret make for a fun blast heavy build that doesn't rely on skills throwing you across the boss arena.

Mechanist about to get the hammer, I think you will start seeing more of them around. I am excited for it, may or may not be better than rifle but that's what I am going to be running with in OW.

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I'm game for mechanists to be running hammer. It brings them into melee where they are designed to be and its less "press 1, get bacon" brain dead, like rifle. They might amplify mechanical genius's debuff with any luck when there are additional options - all this leads to LESS mechanists over time - more balanced population.

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I doubt Anet will debuff Mechanical Genius maybe re-work it a bit, since its still kinda weird how it works. Sorry, not sure what you mean about a more balanced population. It is true in the past you would see green giants everywhere, now not that often in my experience at least. I'll try and find this video but shows the popularity of each spec and mech has really fallen off in the last two balance patches. All the specs are fairly balanced now in terms of population.

I found it, was from Teapot but it was regarding Raids and Fractals. Not relevant here I guess since we are talking OW.

Edited by ZuperTrooper.9145
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On 6/28/2023 at 9:00 AM, doc.9162 said:

i have enjoyed my last year of maining engineer 🙂

its role as a filler for pugs has made it my go to class for fractals and strikes.

alacrity/heals. alacrity/dps. quickness/dps.

heal/quick. (rarely) though still fun 😀

scrapper pumped out decent dps and utility skills were shared with the group. additional boons and a crap tonne of hard cc (i would often add mine and still have full quick uptime)

the quickness changes blow, no amount of positive spin changes that.

they were told they suck and they did it anyway.

im looking  for a multi role class.. was thinking along the lines of elementalist? with the quick changes it has had, should be pretty good.

dunno.. bummed out.


I still love my scrapper (support) but the changes were for a DPS scrapper (hammer / Gyro)  and I am out of luck.  I told them this before the changes and nothing.   My Mech was my DPS scrapper, nerfed too.  My Mech attacks even in passive mode, runs around uncontrolable all over the place.  

I pulled him out the other day to do some crafting ☹️

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  • doc.9162 changed the title to gonna have to rerole my main due to scrapper changes. any recommendations? (UPDATED)

I love my engineers.  They are my absolute favorites.  On my Asura, I have scrapper and mechanist unlocked and working towards holosmith.  On my Sylvari I have holosmith unlocked and working on the other 2.  The only class that comes close for me in playstyle I like is reaper/scourge and renegade. 

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