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Ranger holds 5 of the top 15 DPS benchmarks


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4 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Honestly I don't get your point, you can Melee bosses and you can move while attack. Ranger only has one main source of stationary damage since barrage doesn't realy count. Ranger also has many leaps option especially with sword rework. 

I do not really have a clear definition for stationary damage. The way I see ranger main rotation is fully stationary (and close combat) because this is how most of your damaging skills work

  • Rooted (cannot react) + enemy should not move: Barrage (range) + Whirling defense (close) + Worldly impact (close)
  • Enemy should not move: frost trap (close) + Exploding spore (really close)
  • Targeted aoe : path of scars (range)

The thing is, over time it became increasingly harder to stay in melee. As we move along with the philosophy that mechanics should be checked multiple times (and not bypassed by barrier / aegis) we have to admit that the dps will be lower in a real fight. 

4 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

I think the main reason why people don't use Ranger is because you have no reactionary skills while preform the rotation since most of your utilities are for damage. One of the main reasons I like Mesmer is the condition Signets have a built in stun break and CC. With all that in mind like I mentioned they also have many amazing passive traits so that can be a pro to some people. 

I agree. I find ranger offering a lot more variety in PvP than in PvE group content. Probably for the same reason it has mostly been a solo roamer / duelist for a while.

4 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

So what do you suggest playing a full Ranged Elite like Virtuoso? 

It is really tricky for me to give an answer… I do enjoy a build with with both melee and range. I want both options to work but obviously a more flexible damaging builds will have a better performance and feel better to play once the fight is more chaotic which seems to happen a lot more.

In the past my answer for some fights would have been “yes another profession is better”. Now I am a bit more hopefull and would need to play it more. Maybe the current version is good or at least fine. I tried druid dps in Sunqua cm, while I was not the best it felt quite comfortable to play. I am also interested in untamed performance (I have not played it yet). The only power melee which were performing well in my guild on Olc cm were herald because of the glint heal and willbenders. Maybe the untamed heal could have a similar impact in some fights.

I do not know what plan they have for the future. Before eod they moved some power from sicem to other skills which made ranger less on / off. It does not look like we will have a new espec but maybe they could add damage to a spirit to have a range dps option (with less dmg than frost trap). Maybe they could make exploding spores a weaker version but range with charges.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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5 hours ago, Levetty.1279 said:

He thought you were a mesmer troll, complaining that Ranger was too strong and is upset that somebody corrected him.

Up to this point you've done nothing in this topic except what appears to be an attempt at fanboy/girl'ing---can you please provide something productive soon? Thanks.

7 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Honestly I don't get your point, you can Melee bosses and you can move while attack. Ranger only has one main source of stationary damage since barrage doesn't realy count. Ranger also has many leaps option especially with sword rework. 

I think what may be confusing you is Ranger actually has to do mechanics as there are very little of the passive block/invuln/evade spam that other classes have access to.  

Also, what is confusing me still is this topic.  Elementalist has 2 of the top 5 builds in your list, but you don't seem to have a topic on those forums discussing that.  

I mean if what you are really getting at is they are attempting to balance Druid into a condi DPS spec that doesn't rely on strict burst window or have a super high mechanical barrier for entry, then great--would be a nice change of pace.  They need to get the main source of the rotation off CA form to do that though.  

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9 hours ago, aymnad.9023 said:


I do not really have a clear definition for stationary damage. The way I see ranger main rotation is fully stationary (and close combat) because this is how most of your damaging skills work

  • Rooted (cannot react) + enemy should not move: Barrage (range) + Whirling defense (close) + Worldly impact (close)
  • Enemy should not move: frost trap (close) + Exploding spore (really close)
  • Targeted aoe : path of scars (range)

The thing is, over time it became increasingly harder to stay in melee. As we move along with the philosophy that mechanics should be checked multiple times (and not bypassed by barrier / aegis) we have to admit that the dps will be lower in a real fight. 

I agree. I find ranger offering a lot more variety in PvP than in PvE group content. Probably for the same reason it has mostly been a solo roamer / duelist for a while.

It is really tricky for me to give an answer… I do enjoy a build with with both melee and range. I want both options to work but obviously a more flexible damaging builds will have a better performance and feel better to play once the fight is more chaotic which seems to happen a lot more.

In the past my answer for some fights would have been “yes another profession is better”. Now I am a bit more hopefull and would need to play it more. Maybe the current version is good or at least fine. I tried druid dps in Sunqua cm, while I was not the best it felt quite comfortable to play. I am also interested in untamed performance (I have not played it yet). The only power melee which were performing well in my guild on Olc cm were herald because of the glint heal and willbenders. Maybe the untamed heal could have a similar impact in some fights.

I do not know what plan they have for the future. Before eod they moved some power from sicem to other skills which made ranger less on / off. It does not look like we will have a new espec but maybe they could add damage to a spirit to have a range dps option (with less dmg than frost trap). Maybe they could make exploding spores a weaker version but range with charges.

Okay this the fair response and I agree. I think the gameplay Ranger offers is just not everyone cup of tea. I do like DPS Untamed but that is far less stationary it's just the Meta builds tend to be. 

I never touch Exploding Spores for example mostly because it akward to place. It gives the similar vibe to Dagger Elementalist or Axe Mirage. You end up trying to clip or walk inside the enemies to try hit them. 

In terms of my all time favourite Ranger DPS it is probably Poison Master Soulbeast. It was somewhat stationary since I ran Axe+Torch and Dagger+Axe. It had so much passive damage boosts any stationary skills where left out of the rotation untill I had a good set up. (permanent Axe Fecority trait + permanent Dagger/Torch Condition Damage trait). This build also ran only Stances to so no Sic em

Edited by Mell.4873
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10 hours ago, Levetty.1279 said:

He thought you were a mesmer troll, complaining that Ranger was too strong and is upset that somebody corrected him.

Oh, i have been on the forum so long I don't know what people know or don't know about me sometimes. 

4 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

I think what may be confusing you is Ranger actually has to do mechanics as there are very little of the passive block/invuln/evade spam that other classes have access to.  

Also, what is confusing me still is this topic.  Elementalist has 2 of the top 5 builds in your list, but you don't seem to have a topic on those forums discussing that.  

I mean if what you are really getting at is they are attempting to balance Druid into a condi DPS spec that doesn't rely on strict burst window or have a super high mechanical barrier for entry, then great--would be a nice change of pace.  They need to get the main source of the rotation off CA form to do that though.  

Ranger comment is fair, Mesmer when pushed to the extreme can let you skip mechanics even if it is not commonly used that way. 

I don't play Elementalist so I would be lost commenting on it.

People have been asking for decent Druid damage for so long. I mean we got Forum posts like "I want to play Druid open world" most people recommended they don't since the Damage was so poor. 

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I don't care too much about the exact placings as long as the overall dps is roughly "in line."

On that note I probably never had so much fun on Ranger dps builds overall as compared to now. Profession is pumping on quite a lot of good options.
I really, really love Power Untamed nowadays. FF is gone. Class is allowed to deal damage with a fluid and reliable rotation now. Really nice.
Condition Druid feels great, just some design roughness around the edges.
All three versions of Soulbeast enjoy their buffs and are well proven staples.

Some tweaks/improvements are always needed and welcome but from my PoV that's already kinda it to complain about. It's really nice time for green class DPS.


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