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Silent Surf CM bugs

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  1. The boon steal mechanic also steals from pets, mechs, necro minions, phantasms, clones, etc.
  2. Related to this, if the boss phases at 66% or 33% with regeneration, it will go to 67% / 34% respectively, which will trigger the 66% / 33% phase again. On some run we've had this happening 2 times in a row (reach 66%, succeed on mechanic, do it again, succeed again, do it again, failed, wipe)
  3. Sometimes using the grappling hook to jump off to a platform won't reach it, and you will fall out, instant death, party wipe.
  4. Sometimes using the power charge to mitigate [3], will get you stuck inisde the platform (inside the terrain, unable to move), party wipe.
  5. The tether mechanic at 66% and 33% sometimes doesn't trigger on time, and then triggers later. Boon dps are not able to kill add in time, leading to party wipe.
  6. Can't res defeated allies.
  7. Can't use revive orbs when you are defeated (something that you can use on all the other fractals)
  8. Mistlock singularities doesn't protect you from damage received by eyes mechanic (not sure if this is intentional, but we don't have any fractal with a mechanic that deals some damage (not instakill) and yet if it kills you the singularity doesn't effect.

Edit: added additional bugs from comments below

Edited by blackoil.2673
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This happens in Normal Mode too, but it's a bigger pain in the CM since it causes complete death if you get hit by two of the Eyes:

The synchronized timing on the Dread Visage attacks is broken.  The Gong sound is apparently meant to indicate the termination of the attack. However the boss's Dread Visage attack and the Aspect's Dread Visage attack can desync.  Thus if you only wait for the Gong or for Kanaxai's Visage attack to finish before turning, you may still die because the Aspect's Dread Visage attacks sometimes occur slightly after those points.  I'm avoiding About Face for now as that seems to be an easy way to die to this desync.

I'm presuming Mistlock Singularity not working at all in CM is also a bug (alongside no revives, no res orbs).  If we're now transitioning to Raid rules in fractal CMs, that seems like something there should be clear communication about.

edit: comments elsewhere seem to indicate that it might be caused by the boss or aspects stealing quickness and thus having different attack speeds?

Edited by Preppy.7046
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My "favorite" bug is the external center island. What a nightmare to reach... The grappling hook will bump you against the edge of the platform in 99.9% of any attempts made to hop on it. Just alter its altitude, please? (I have spent a total of 15 hours on this with different groups, all excellent and experienced players, and we pretty much always failed because of this island. :classic_rolleyes: )

Oh, and @Rubi Bayer.8493, can someone please fix the Jade Maw Tentacles (see screenshot)?😂 They look like this for everyone in both, Silent Surf (when the respective instability is up) and Solid Ocean, alike.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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On 7/19/2023 at 12:09 AM, blackoil.2673 said:

The tether mechanic at 66% and 33% sometimes doesn't trigger on time, and then triggers later. Boon dps are not able to kill add in time, leading to party wipe.

its probably causing aegis or other sources of block and they prevent teather to stick on you,it resets after a while but its usualy too late for support to kill boss = wipe. It cost us around 4 wipes before i realized it... im not 100% sure but it whoud explain why groups without hfb have no issue with late teathers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure if it's intentional or not, but if the CM boss starts Dread Visage as you're hopping onto a Jumping Mushroom to return you're going to permadie when you land.  Same if the boss starts Numbers/Frightening Speed, but at least there you have a chance of living.

Maybe block the boss from starting Dread Visage at least for 30 seconds after Aspects...?  The Jumping Mushroom hitbox is finicky.

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I find it maddening how inconsistent their fixes are. We will" fix" phantasmagoria and make it completely unblockable for no reason. While we made that attack unblockable, however we not fix the game breaking tether bug, by making it unblockable 

If they were already going to make a skill unblockable why not make the fight ending mechanic unblockable? It just doesn't make sense. The fight is already full of insta killing/unavoidable mechanics but the signature mechanic you would want to be unblockable isn't unblockable and blocking it doesn't give you enough time to do the mechanic.

This lack of unblockable tether makes any guardian a fight ending hindrance in this fractal and the more you have the worse it gets. 

The axes also don't always show on allies that are being targeted. In a fight that has 7 ways to instantly die through mistlock going to say this is a bug

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