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Brutal Shot is Garbo


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So I come back to terrorize sPVP with my Chad Gunzerker only to find that Brutal Shot is now the most useless skill in the game. It NEVER works as an escape mechanic now. Not even once. Your enemy will be on you one way or another before the useless snare shot even goes off with its stupidly long cast time and they usually stun you before it even has a chance to fire. Even if you do pull it off, you just wasted 0.5 seconds casting a 1.5 snare that does virtually no damage and probably isn't even going to work anyway. It's so stupid.

Also, the tooltip says Brutal Shot breaks immobile but most of the time when I'm rooted and use it I just roll in place and can't get away, so yeah, that's garbo too.

The only time I use Brutal Shot is the rare occasion when I really need those iframes and even then I always interrupt the shot intentionally because literally any other button I could push is faster and better. 90% of the time there's no reason to even use Brutal Shot at all. It doesn't even work as a way to stack vulnerability as a part of the Gunflame Enema combo anymore because of how long the cast time is. πŸ˜‘πŸ‘Ž

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22 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

It takes getting used to. I think there is some unlearning of muscle memory that needs to happen. You could queue a skill after it before, now you can't.

Question is, is it even worth it to wait for the shot when i have Volly up?

The dmg is pretty low, even for Rifle standards

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1 minute ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Question is, is it even worth it to wait for the shot when i have Volly up?

The dmg is pretty low, even for Rifle standards

Depends. Does the target have less than 25 vuln on them? Then it is worth letting the shot finish. Otherwise, it is a good escape skill unlike the previous version.

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Another problem with the new Brutal Shot is that if you just want to use the vuln/immobile to help your teammates, the roll can put you out of range since it comes first. And since Gunzerker plays at max range, this happens almost every time. So gratz, you just wasted your iframes and your time for no reason.

What's that? Just get closer, then use it, you say? Yeah, like I'm going to put myself in danger just to fire off a subpar vuln/immobilize with a long-kitten cast time. Hell no. Literally the only defense we get as a Gunzerker other than those crappy Brutal Shot iframes is smart positioning and I'm not throwing that away to use a skill that's garbo.

Here is an example of how crap this is: On the Battle of Kyloh map I like to perch up on the ramp and shoot down at enemies on the middle node while my teammates keep them busy. In a pinch, I used to be able to fire off Brutal Shot and then roll off the platform. This would let me escape while also applying a vlun/immobilize. But now that's impossible since the roll comes first. πŸ™„πŸ™„

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The problem I have with the new Brutal shot is the fact you need to have an enemy targeted in order to fire. If you play free-aim like me (I hate auto targeting systems as I find them clunky and annoying to use when wanting to quickly swap targets), then you only ever do the roll.

I did also prefer the old version where the shot was before the roll without a long charge-up time. Felt more elegant and the new one having to charge up after the shot feels clunky and seems like it defeats the point of the roll. As soon as you've made space with the roll, you lose that space again due to the charge time.

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