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Suggestion: Use Mini Expansions to set up lore for new playable races, New Classes, New weapon types, new creatures, new continents to go to, etc

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Suggestion: Use Mini Expansions to set up lore for new playable races, New Classes, New weapon types, new creatures, new continents to go to, etc

For Example

With Soto expansion focusing around Wizards and demonic realms, 4 things I would have established would be;

1) a group of Wizards been studying magical evolution, which they been experimenting on Trolls to evolve their intelligent and posture, forming a potential new playable race in a future expansion.

2) the Demonic Realm that we get a small glimpse of, will reference that there is a whole new continent in this forgotten realm. Opening up a whole new world map for a future expansion beyond Tyria.

3) While the heroes journey into pockets of this demonic realm, we battle against Demon Knights, and Warlocks. Potentially opening the door for these to become future new classes in a future expansion. 

4) the creatures we fight against can be shown using new weapon types that we havnt seen in Tyria, again potentially adding the possibility for these new weapon types in a future expansion.



these mini expansions should be used to help flush out the lore and setting up the game for big expansions

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new playable races - not going to happen. has been discussed ad nauseam

new classes - not going to happen. they just stopped making elite specs

new weapon types - maybe but don't hold your breath

new creatures - that's already happening

new continents - that's already happening

big expansions - not coming back


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7 hours ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

1) a group of Wizards been studying magical evolution, which they been experimenting on Trolls to evolve their intelligent and posture, forming a potential new playable race in a f

3) While the heroes journey into pockets of this demonic realm, we battle against Demon Knights, and Warlocks. Potentially opening the door for these to become future new classes in a future expansion. 

=> Wizards could master the Dimensional travels and pull us  in a short-dimension story where all our friends our dead and we decent into madness . When the story complete we unlock the the "slowly-demon form",  that  by playing normally a new character from the core game (or even better wake up in EoD)  and occasioally get some "disturbing cutscenes-mini events-flashbangs after the normal living eps . Allowing us to get the horns>darker skin>tattos +new spell class (not existing in cores)  + forget old spells + screen becomes more gray with occiasional hostile enemies shows up (old npcs getting killed in your Fov by invisible lightinging 2000 yards away , if not tagged by others and replaced by new knighmere creatures) slowly .

edit: Or more Druid (shapesfifter)-Tarzan like features  , from drinking the forbidden pool of knowledge  .

Or a sidequest detective work that an option of dialogue leads to investigate further and leads to evil Mesmer , that will kill/comatose/curse  your main character (unavialable for 2 days) and force you to start a new and automatically at the start of EoD and seek revenge , with your new spell/class


Edited by Woof.8246
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1 hour ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

wow Kharmin didnt tell somebody to use the search feature..... i may be on to something then...

No real need to since you be searching many of your own threads at this point as this is not the first time you have brought this up.

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