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Elevated compassion outside PVE (wvw exist ANET.... u forgot it again about WvW....)


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So all in the name of carry the lamers in PVE with perma quikness Anet completelly borked up  the trait on WvW ofc Anet would bork hard a trait towards pve lamers.

- Elevation compassion description is wrong, it still provides boon duration arround 15% in WVW 

The heal nerf sucks and this trait is useless in wvw , just remove the healing from this trait fix the description, keep the boon duration into it. Still this trait for a grand amster trait is a mess... 

AS for Herald nerfs that put Herald far behind vindicator (felt like an intended change) at least make make draconic echo the same as in pve or buff it to 7%..... that would sorta balance vindicator and herald.


Edited by Aeolus.3615
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6 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

So all in the name of carry the lamers in PVE

As a pve lamers i will use the same childish langage as you , wvw sheep , cause thats all you do  follow a tag like a sheep ... and hope not to be counted in 5 target aoe treshold of enemy blob.

I know wvw is more than that , but i adapt my langage to you , salty .

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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1 hour ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

As a pve lamers i will use the same childish langage as you , wvw sheep , cause thats all you do  follow a tag like a sheep ... and hope not to be counted in 5 target aoe treshold of enemy blob.

I know wvw is more than that , but i adapt my langage to you , salty .

no point arguing among each other when both parties should be fighting together as allies to get these nerfs relooked at. 

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On 8/15/2023 at 2:56 PM, Aeolus.3615 said:

, just remove the healing from this trait fix the description, keep the boon duration into it. Still this trait for a grand amster trait is a mess... 

Your absolutely foul language and stance towards PvE players aside, that is one of the most ridiculous suggestions i have ever seen.
Elevated Compassion's Heal being removed would absolutely Kill any form of Heal Herald, but go off with your half-baked ideas. 
I will agree that it was very disappointing to see that the Quickness (in PvE) is just Vigor in pvp modes, and Might would have been better, but not every trait has to be a PvP trait. 
Sorry that the "PvE-Lamers" are ruining your day so much, but your attitude is absolute uncalled for. 

Edited by Lilodelacroix.8714
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Elevated compassion in pvp providing vigor is better then might. It is better then might because we already have 2 sources sharing it, a trait and an upkeep facet. If we get more might sharing, it has potential to share close to max might 600 radius by 1 person which is quite OP. Having a nice boon shared that increase sustain on the other hand for allies and yourself because high endurance gain uptime. on another note, some classes would benefit too much from this ez high uptime on might, we can already put out ez 12 might shared.

•To the OP, it would be bad to remove the extra healing output for our healing potential. I agree WvW needs the coëfficiënt a little higher then spvp, but lower then pve. But taking this away, would need to drastically buff regen trait. So it's absurd taking that away and giving it rather a slight buff. Also this heal heals whenever you grant boons, even without tablet upkeep.

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20 hours ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

no point arguing among each other when both parties should be fighting together as allies to get these nerfs relooked at. 

You are right , but in my point of view when you come up with such a salty guy , giving no s**t and insulting freely a whole community of his own game (biggets of gw 2 btw) , the only answer is to show him you neither give a kitten about his rant , and put some oil on the fire.

I would gladly devellop why quickness is not so easily accessible in wvw vs pve (even if i am a total noob in wvw) , but with such a behavior ... lamers traduction : a stupid, inept, or dull person , better call him the most stupidiest animal in the world ! beeeeehhhhhh follow the tag , beeeeeeehhhhh the tag has jump into a 20km deep hole in enemy territory , no delataplane , beeeeh , let's follow him !

Again i do not target the wvw community (just this single angry kid) , i know than there is more than that to care about than following stupidily a tag.

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On 8/15/2023 at 8:27 PM, zeyeti.8347 said:

As a pve lamers i will use the same childish langage as you , wvw sheep , cause thats all you do  follow a tag like a sheep ... and hope not to be counted in 5 target aoe treshold of enemy blob.

I know wvw is more than that , but i adapt my langage to you , salty .

All good i also call guild zergs that run from a few players worse than sheeps..... but sorry to disapoint you i dont zerg and my timezone is most time outmaned, i just find WvW sheeps with better challange sometimes they feel like theres a person controling them, sometimes the npc's of the enemy faction gank me pretty hard as well, it is amazing.

I am salty towards Anet cause ruin a ok trait to carry with perma quickness in another is just a very band change.... and yes perma quickness no matter the game mode it's lame as f*


19 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Also more respect towards community would fit you 🧐

I know and the  pve community are not at fault .... still ic players complaining they want everything perma and quickness is one of the strongest boon if not the most OP, that it should never be a perma stack effect, and then due how strong it is Anet makes a grandmaster trait that is useless for most situations where the last version of the trait was working fine, i imagine the trait being fine for spvp and duels with the right traits u get faster dodges recovery so less than the normal waiting time, but in a way wasnt that suposed to be Vindicator excelsior spot with the vigor mechanic and the many strong effects that can be traited into vindicator dodge??


Edited by Aeolus.3615
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2 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

wasnt that suposed to be Vindicator excelsior spot with the vigor mechanic and the many strong effects that can be traited into vindicator dodge??


Vindicator his dodge is still the most usefull dodge for revenants.

What is wrong with acquiring vigor in other ways that aren't passive like vindi dodge? Holding 6 upkeep is lot more dangerous in pvp then pve. Without proper energy management you will kitten up your sustain and allies and not providing enough of that boon + extra healing. I am now talking about a support build because using this on a dps build isn't the best trait

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