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Discover the Wonders within the Wizard’s Vault in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure

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Rewards are strong in the new system. That's not a problem so long as you can do the dailies...

The ability to complete Dailies with any sense of player agency or choice has been very much nerfed. This particularly affects anyone who likes doing mainly one of PvE, WvW, PvP, but occasionally mixing the others in, or likes doing dailies with their friends/family/guild mates, or is only part way through story and doesn't want to spoil story by visiting future maps (because if they don't then doing only 2 dailies will give you 25 AA vs the 65 AA you get if you do all 3).

It can be fixed, but will Anet? If not then it's a huge step backwards for me as all three of the above affect me.

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2 hours ago, Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136 said:

They gave my husband I different dailies

The pool of dailies is determined solely based on the expansions you own and the options you selected for them to be pulled from.  If you dont have the same dailies, one of you is missing an expansion or you checked different options.

Thats the one part of this system that ends up making any sense in implementation. 



The rest of this system is taking a good idea and instead of implementing it as its own thing, tried to fix multiple problems that didnt exist by tacking it onto a brand new problem. 


Wizards vault offering unique items for doing different tasks?  Great idea.

Removing the absolute crap that came with daily logins? Great idea.

Literally every other aspect of Wizards vault including killing off pvp and wvw potions, gutting of daily login system as a whole, the dumpster fire of a mess that is the current daily achievement implementation, and nonsensical pricing for certain items in the wizards vault (see: whatever aneurysm someone was suffering through when pricing obsidian shards and t5 bags)?  Calling that implementation a brain-dead train wreck would be overly kind. 

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On launch day one of my four daily PVE quests to get the Daily Completion chest was in Cantha. I needed to complete a mini dungeon/puzzle. I still haven't started Cantha story and didn't have any map unlocked.therefore I was required to use a teleport to friend to get there.

Yesterday the daily quest is about a Secret of the Obscure Kryptis Bounty Event. I also didn't even start Secrets of the Obscure story or maps yet.

Today I just checked and 2 of the 3 PVE quests are also in Canta! I don't want to explore Canta just yet... 

So from now on do I have to rush all the story content and unlock all the maps just to be able to complete all the PVE dailies?
Doesn't seem fair or fun to me forcing players to rush all the content they haven't completed yet....

At least give us more options and not just 3 forced PVE quests.
In the previous daily system I could choose between PVE, PVP and WvW. 3 of each. so we had more options...

I'm playing with 3 friends and we're experiencing the story together and exploring maps at our own pace... We could all do dailies before because almost all were in Central Tyria, and the ones in Heart of Maguuma (that popped out from time to time) we just turned to PVP dailies instead.

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On 8/15/2023 at 12:52 PM, vrauns.3215 said:

it literally says "The Wizard’s Vault replaces the existing daily login rewards and daily achievements—specifically the generic Daily category"

it does say that but there is No 10 pts received.  I Just did the daily and didn't get any pts.   Was at 35,970 and after completing daily i was still at 35,970.  Is it like before, older players dont get pts???  Seriously!!!!   👎 😤

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1 hour ago, Essence Snow.3194 said:

Oddly some rewards are locked out for non-Soto accounts even though they have no connection to Soto. An example of this is the heavy crafting bag.

I wouldn't be surprised, if their idea was for that to be a constant reminder of "Hey, you haven't bought that "mini" expansion yet, so go and do it now."

Edited by Fueki.4753
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I really like the Wizard's Vault so far, I just have one point of feedback. As someone who doesn't play PVP, it would be really nice if you could achieve the 4 dailies without doing PVP. With the Daily completionist, you had 4 PvE, 3 PvP, and 3WvW options to choose from which was awesome.

Even if there were 3 PvE, 1-2 PvP, 1-2 WvW, it gets people trying the different playing styles but you don't need to do all 3 play styles to get the 4 daily reward.

I just learned you can customise which gameplays you want to get objectives for using the gear icon. Making me an idot - but a very happy idiot! I've removed PvP and will see what happens tomorrow/next week on refresh! 

Edited by Ranoif.4816
Found a solution
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On 8/23/2023 at 7:58 AM, FADA.6041 said:

I am seriously disappointed, they have managed to butcher the daily login system. The total value we get back for the same effort has been more than halved.

Not sure what you mean with halved...


Before you login 30 days an the biggest profit you got was the Laurels that you could turn in a bit gold. thats it..

Now in less then a week i aquired 2 Items i never aquired since launch. (The 2 Ascendant Armors)


The new system is absolutely awesome. i could also chose 300 gold precursor item..  and Skins and more.


And you dont even have to do them all.. you just play the game and casually you finish some dailys or even weekly without even looking at them... You can literally get a Legendary Starter Kit, just from login in... Thats a HUGE improvement.


Old System, you have to do the dailys if you want or not, to get something small (the 10 archivementpoints, gold)

New System, its fully optional, you can get Good stuff just by loging in and playing the game casually, without even looking. I finished 4/6 weeklies and i havent even read the weeklies. I autocompleted like 4.


The only critique/feedback i have would be add a button to "Sync" the dailys/weeklies with your friend, so you can get the same as them 😉 so you can do them together if you want.

Edited by WaifuJanna.9108
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On 8/24/2023 at 1:58 AM, Barraind.7324 said:

The pool of dailies is determined solely based on the expansions you own and the options you selected for them to be pulled from.  If you dont have the same dailies, one of you is missing an expansion or you checked different options.

Thats the one part of this system that ends up making any sense in implementation. 



The rest of this system is taking a good idea and instead of implementing it as its own thing, tried to fix multiple problems that didnt exist by tacking it onto a brand new problem. 


Wizards vault offering unique items for doing different tasks?  Great idea.

Removing the absolute crap that came with daily logins? Great idea.

Literally every other aspect of Wizards vault including killing off pvp and wvw potions, gutting of daily login system as a whole, the dumpster fire of a mess that is the current daily achievement implementation, and nonsensical pricing for certain items in the wizards vault (see: whatever aneurysm someone was suffering through when pricing obsidian shards and t5 bags)?  Calling that implementation a brain-dead train wreck would be overly kind. 

My Hubby and I have all Expansions and we have always bought the deluxe, so Why should I have to pick in the options of only doing PvP or WvW or PvE? when the 2 of us play side by side.

Completing daily's is a joke. 1: if my hubby or friends have different dailies then it takes the fun out of the game for me to play with them, and the daily chest is a joke. you get one Essence of Luck, 1 Gold, and 30 Astral Acclaim.... 

Weekly chest: You have to grind, you get 10 Laurels, 1 celebration Booster, 1 Tome of Knowledge, 450 Astral Acclaim.

Special is about the grind again with no bonus chest just the  Astral Acclaim. 

The Astral Acclaim only goes up to 1,300 forcing you to spend, we should not have a limit on what we are forced to earn. which means we can't save the  Astral Acclaim. Wizards Vault is a joke is how I feel....

They are making you grind more that's all their is to it, I personally can't sit here at my pc to do that, my whole spine is messed up, my play time has been getting less and less over that last year 😞 and I want play with my Husband and friends when I can play...

Edited by Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136
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On 8/24/2023 at 7:06 AM, Eildon.1950 said:

On launch day one of my four daily PVE quests to get the Daily Completion chest was in Cantha. I needed to complete a mini dungeon/puzzle. I still haven't started Cantha story and didn't have any map unlocked.therefore I was required to use a teleport to friend to get there.

Yesterday the daily quest is about a Secret of the Obscure Kryptis Bounty Event. I also didn't even start Secrets of the Obscure story or maps yet.

Today I just checked and 2 of the 3 PVE quests are also in Canta! I don't want to explore Canta just yet... 

So from now on do I have to rush all the story content and unlock all the maps just to be able to complete all the PVE dailies?
Doesn't seem fair or fun to me forcing players to rush all the content they haven't completed yet....

At least give us more options and not just 3 forced PVE quests.
In the previous daily system I could choose between PVE, PVP and WvW. 3 of each. so we had more options...

I'm playing with 3 friends and we're experiencing the story together and exploring maps at our own pace... We could all do dailies before because almost all were in Central Tyria, and the ones in Heart of Maguuma (that popped out from time to time) we just turned to PVP dailies instead.

This is my issue as well. I got about halfway through the PoF story, but went back to play through the whole game in order with my girlfriend, and she's still in Heart of Thorns. I haven't touched Cantha yet. I was able to use a TP to Friend to get over there, but I'd really prefer it if there were an option to flag which expansions you would like to get dailies in, rather than having them randomly assigned based on what your account has unlocked.

Alternately, if there's some concern over people picking easier content that way, just adjusting the offerings based on the latest story step the player has completed would be nice.

Finally, just echoing what everyone else is saying about giving us more options. It's frustrating that we used to need 3 objectives and could pick from 12 (or 4, if you only did one game mode), and now you have to do all 4 (3 if we're not counting the "log in" one) of the ones chosen for you, regardless of what game modes you have selected (which is also annoying - I sometimes dabble in sPvP and used to occasionally do a match to get some of those dailies if I didn't like the PvE ones, but I don't want to select it and be *required* to do both PvE and PvP to get my chest for the day). I vastly prefer the way ESO handles their Endeavor system, where you have 5 daily options and just get credit for the first 3 you do.

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