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[Not Important] Professions as Pokemon Types :)


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This is essential work. Trust me. The community will be better if we reach consensus on this subject.

I'm assigning every profession and every elite specialization 4 pokemon types instead 2, because most professions are a bit too broad to be narrowed to just 2.


Warrior: Fighting (obviously), Steel (tanky), Normal (cuz they're basic), Rock (?).

Berserkers lose steel for fire, because they're less tanky and get torch.

Spellbreakers lose normal and rock for psychic (meditations), and ground (desert).

Bladesworn lose normal for dragon (naturally).


Guardian: Steel (tanky), Fighting (martial), Fairy (the "light" type), Fire (JUSTICE).

Dragonhunters lose steel and fire for dragon (naturally) and flying (they get wings :3).

Firebrands lose fighting to gain psychic (mantras are involved in meditation).

Willbenders lose steel and fairy for ice (glass cannon) and electric (because they're so fast).


Revenant: Steel (heavy armor), Fighting (martial class), Ghost (summoning dead people), Ice (they have a lot of chill).

Heralds lose ghost and ice for rock (crystals), and dragon (naturally).

Renegades lose ice and ghost for dark and fire (steel = iron legion, fighting = blood legion, dark = ash legion, fire = scorchrazor).

Vindicators lose ice and ghost for fairy (healing), and flying (they drop from the sky like they're using fly).


Ranger: Grass (nature), normal (animals), ground (favorite terrain), fighting (skirmishers).

Druids lose ground and fighting for fairy (healing) and psychic (default type for space themed pokemon).

Soulbeasts lose normal (where'd the pet go?) for poison.

Untamed: Ground becomes rock (tanky), and normal gets swapped for dark (because their nature magic becomes a little sinister what with poisonous haze and corrupting vines).


Thief: Ghost (invisible), poison (known for venoms), dark (edge), and fighting (stabby stabby).

Daredevils lose poison and ghost for normal (they're just fighters) and ground (pocket sand).

Deadeyes lose fighting for water... (best I got is an inteleon reference).

Specters lose fighting for fairy (seems totally the opposity, but they're supports so it just has to be).


Engineer: Steel (machinery and stuff), poison (chemicals and alchemy), electric (powering machinery), and fire (gunpowder and explosions).

Scrappers lose poison and fire for fighting and fairy (wells are largely supportive).

Holosmiths lose poison and ELECTRIC for fighting and fairy (the light type).

Mechanists lose poison and fire for rock (jade) and psychic (they confuse a lot).



Elementalist: Fire, water, rock, electric. 

Tempest gains water since their supportive traits are water aligned (latent stamina, invigorating torrents, frost aura from elemental bastion).

Weavers gain fighting.

Catalysts gain steel (supposed to be chonkier).


Necromancer: Dark (not much to say), ghost (ditto), poison (plagues and stuff), bug (locusts and creepy crawley pets).

Reapers lose poison and bug for fighting and ice.

Scourges lose poison and bug for ground (sand) and fire.

Harbingers lose bug for grass actually (they probably use plants in their elixirs).


Mesmer: Psychic (straightforward enough), fairy (pretty pink butterflies), dark (sadistic mindgames and illusions), and fighting (duelists).

Chronomancers lose dark and fighting for ice ("freezing time") and water ("flow of time").

Mirages lose fairy and dark for ghost (elusive) and ground (SAND).

Virtuosos lose dark (no more illusions) for steel (at least that's what they imagine their blades to be made of).

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Pokemon can have 4 types now? I'm sure you could simplify it.

Like Warrior is just straight up Normal Fighting. It's such a basic class 😛


Warrior Fighting/Normal
Berserker Fighting/Fire
Spellbreaker Fighting/Psychic
Bladesworn Fighting/Dragon

Guardian Steel/Fire
Dragon Hunter Dragon/Flying
Firebrand Fire/Psychic
Willbender Fire/Fighting

Revenant Ghost
Herald Ghost/Dragon
Renegade Ghost/Dark
Vindicator Ghost/Flying

Thief Ghost/Poison
Daredevil Ghost/Fighting
Deadeye Ghost/Ground (cuz it's down on it's knees eating dirt, not cuz it has OP earthquake AoE ;-;)
Specter Dark/Rock

Ranger Grass/Ground
Druid Grass/Fairy
Soulbeast Grass/Psychic
Unwashed Grass/Poison

Engineer Steel
Scrapper Steel/Electric
Holosmith Fighting/Fire
Mechanist Steel/Rock (pet is powered by shiny rocks)

Necromancer Ghost/Poison
Reaper Ghost/Ice    
Scourge Ghost/Ground
Harbinger Ghost/Poison

Elementalist Bug/Normal (normal tend to learn multiple different element skills and this one is squish)
Tempest Normal/Water (stronger focus on healing)
Weaver Normal/Fighting
Catalyst Normal/Fighting 

Mesmer Fairy/Psychic for alllll


Lot of Ghost, GW2 too spooky.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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On 8/19/2023 at 6:26 AM, Doggie.3184 said:

Lot of Ghost, GW2 too spooky.

Normal attacks don't work on ghost...

I'd change:

Revenant: Fairy/Normal

Herald: Fairy/Dragon

Renegade: Fairy/Bug

Vindicator: Fairy/Ghost

Thief: Ghost/Dark

Specter: Dark/Fairy (This one is less about stealth and more about support)

Necromancer: Dark/Ghost

Reaper: Ice/Ghost

Scourge: Dark/Ground

Harbinger: Dark/Poison




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If you're using fairy to represent light, Willbender should probably still have it if you're going for four types each. You can probably leave out ice - losing Steel already represents a bit of a loss of tankiness, and willbender can still be fairly survivable if you make good use of the F2 and F3 utilities.

Renegade should keep ghost instead of dark. Ghost represents summoning ghost charr, and ghost might be at least as good a fit for Ash as dark. Mind you, revenant is possibly best considered as each legend having a type, and the overall type of a specific build being a combination of the types:

Shiro: Fighting, maybe? Have to admit I'm not actually familiar enough to know if the mobility should point to another type.

Jalis: Rock

Mallyx: Dark

Ventari: Fairy

Glint: Dragon

Kalla: Ghost

Alliance: Fire. Technically Fire/Fairy, but if you're running enough Healing Power to really make use of the healing side, there's a good chance you're running Ventari and that's already covered. 

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Warrior Fighting
Berserker Fighting/Fire
Spellbreaker Fighting/Psychic
Bladesworn Fighting/Dragon

Guardian Steel
Dragon Hunter Steel/Dragon
Firebrand Steel/Fire
Willbender Steel/Fighting

Revenant Ghost
Herald Ghost/Dragon
Renegade Ghost/Dark
Vindicator Ghost/Fighting

Thief Poison
Daredevil Poison/Fighting
Deadeye Poison/Flying
Specter Poison/Ghost

Ranger Grass
Druid Grass/Fairy
Soulbeast Grass/Psychic
Untamed Grass/Dark

Engineer Electric
Scrapper Electric/Steel
Holosmith Electric/Fire
Mechanist Electric/Fighting

Necromancer Dark
Reaper Dark/Ghost
Scourge Dark/Ground
Harbinger Dark/Poison

Elementalist Normal
Tempest Water
Weaver Fire
Catalyst Electric

Mesmer Psychic
Chronomancer Psychic/Fairy
Mirage Psychic/Ground
Virtuoso Psychic/Steel


Edited by RadiantWolf.2058
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GW2's Warrior obviously is normal type and nothing more. No matter how hard they try, they'll always be normal and outshined by the others.

Guardian is Steel/Fairy.

Revenant is Ghost/Fighting.

Necromancer is Ghost/Poison.

Elementalist is ??? type, because they do many different things and thus they can't be categorized.

Mesmer is Psychic/Dark, because they do mind trickery and are inherently evil (the Dark type is called evil in Japanese).

Ranger is Grass/Ground, the most naturalistic of combinations.

Thief is Water, because they run away faster than Water runs down a river.

Engineer is Steel/Poison, because their machinery pollutes the environment.


Edited by Fueki.4753
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