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8. Into the Obscure story step stuck [Merged]

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I also had this problem. Uncommon cryptis motivation-Green quality. Current value is 3.50 gold for now. (Purchase here >Black Lion Trading Company). After purchasing, activate and continue completing the story. The problem was resolved before the update -Wizard Vault. It’s a pity that the developer does not compensate players for such moments in any way. 

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New update, New Chapters, BUT you can not get to the new chapters (11, 12 and 13) until you finish Chapter 8 (Bugged) - I've sent numerous bug reports, and I have received ZERO back from Anet -

This 'Bug' has been knows for how many months now? They say they are working on it but obviously they are NOT.

FRUSTRATED ! (Now I'm remembering why I left the game for 7 years!)


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On 10/5/2023 at 2:00 AM, Sylvar.9634 said:

I submitted a ticket to support (ID 9074049) yesterday at 7:19pm PST and this was the exchange with support:


From Anet Support:

Yesterday at 8:59pm PST


We're sorry to hear that you've experienced an issue when attempting to complete this chapter from the new expansion. We have reported this to our development team, and they are actively investigating this matter. As a mechanic, only one per character can have the item. Additionally, the workaround is either to craft a new motivation or get one off the trading post. Please know that if you restart the story step and have already received the one-time use item, Kamilla won't try to give another; it will just skip over to the "Complete a T2 Rift Hunt" step.
For now, we can only ask for your understanding to wait until the issue is fixed. If you have any other concerns or questions, please let us know.
If you happen to have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get back in touch. We are always here to help our valued players, such as yourself, with whatever issues or problems you may face.

Guild Wars 2 Support Team"


My Response:

Yesterday at 10:33pm PST

"I've tried both of the suggested workarounds, and tried restarting the chapter, unfortunately nothing has worked to progress the story.

It does not skip the rift hunt step but rather it stays stuck on the "Take the motivation from Kamilla" no matter what I do. Even completing T2 rifts with a purchased or crafted motivation does not move progression forward.

I don't know if there is something I am not doing that enabled it to skip the rift hunt other than what i have tried so far?"


From Anet Support:

Today at 4:12am PST
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused you. Unfortunately, the provided workaround was only the possible fix for this issue. If you're still unable to move forward, I'm sorry but we can only ask you to wait for this to be fixed.
You may rest assured that we are actively coordinating with the proper department regarding this matter. For the meantime, we encourage you to keep an eye in our official forums for the latest news and information about game updates: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com 

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Guild Wars 2 Support Team"


So it appears they have a department working on a solution but there is not ETA as of yet. While I appreciate them responding and not ignoring my ticket entirely it's still disheartening? I may just do the quests chain on an alt at this rate tbh...

Thank you for this post, it shows that they know at least even though there is no real fix aside from trying the entire story again on an alt character which is very sad.

Kinda bumping this so people and Anet don't forget about this terrible game breaking bug, it happened to me yesterday and after a lot of research I realized it wasn't me being stupid (this time) but the game was actually bugged. I tried everything the dozens of posts mentioned but I'm stuck at Kamilla trying to give the motivation after restarting the chapter a few times to try and fix it. Now I just wait like so many people for a fix to be able to play the next patch as well.

And no the story step does not "jump" to scanning for T2 rifts if you have the motivation acquired from either trading post or crafting, it just stays stuck.

Also having to buy or craft and item that costs a few golds to try and fix the bug is pretty lame not going to lie.

Okay, going back dormant for now until there is either a fix or I find the strength to replay the expansion on my alt which is annoying as hell as my main has always played the story because well... it's my main.

Good luck everyone and Anet I hope you can find a fix because we really need it, and we're here because we care.

Thank you.

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On 8/23/2023 at 3:01 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

We're on it! I've added this to our Known Issues thread and can confirm we're working on getting a fix to you. 

What's the point of you looking at this bug but not having a solution? and practically call us idiots in a straight face... we're just wasting time while our friends have fun with the story doing it with the characters they love, We are feeling like the elemental, a great profession for players and one of the worst for the net and so bad that they hate it.

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On 8/24/2023 at 2:01 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

We're on it! I've added this to our Known Issues thread and can confirm we're working on getting a fix to you. 

Frankly speaking it's not hard to add a conversation menu while talking to Kamilla to include a conversation option to "Ignore Kamilla who wants to give the motivation and get on with my own quest". Any half-decent programmer would be able to add that as a hotfix.

I'm flabbergasted by how long this bug has been present. [/end of rant]

Anyways, it seems that the bug would happen (at least for me) anytime someone tries to abandon the story + redo the story after already received the motivation. (I did that cause i wanted to do t3 rift instead of t2 rift achievement)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I've got some information on this! First, I'm sorry it's still impacting so many of you--it's a complicated issue, as is frequently the case with persistent bugs like this. We've been looking into it for a while and have identified a fix that will unblock players who are currently stuck. We'll also be updating Chapter 8 to require completion of any Kryptis rift tier, rather than tier two or three. 

We're working on both of these updates now and plan to implement them in an upcoming build. We currently expect to have both updates ready to ship with the November 28 build, but will update you if that changes. In the meantime, players who have not begun Chapter 8 can avoid this bug by not swapping away from the story step once they've begun it. 

Thank you all for being so patient about this--I know it's frustrating and we want it fixed as much as you do!

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11 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I've got some information on this! First, I'm sorry it's still impacting so many of you--it's a complicated issue, as is frequently the case with persistent bugs like this. We've been looking into it for a while and have identified a fix that will unblock players who are currently stuck. We'll also be updating Chapter 8 to require completion of any Kryptis rift tier, rather than tier two or three. 

We're working on both of these updates now and plan to implement them in an upcoming build. We currently expect to have both updates ready to ship with the November 28 build, but will update you if that changes. In the meantime, players who have not begun Chapter 8 can avoid this bug by not swapping away from the story step once they've begun it. 

Thank you all for being so patient about this--I know it's frustrating and we want it fixed as much as you do!

Obviously, fixing the issue preventing story completion is the priority here. To get ahead of a potential minor issue, though, is this expected to have any effect on the "Going the Extra Mile" achievement? Thanks.

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On 11/15/2023 at 12:41 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I've got some information on this! First, I'm sorry it's still impacting so many of you--it's a complicated issue, as is frequently the case with persistent bugs like this. We've been looking into it for a while and have identified a fix that will unblock players who are currently stuck. We'll also be updating Chapter 8 to require completion of any Kryptis rift tier, rather than tier two or three. 

We're working on both of these updates now and plan to implement them in an upcoming build. We currently expect to have both updates ready to ship with the November 28 build, but will update you if that changes. In the meantime, players who have not begun Chapter 8 can avoid this bug by not swapping away from the story step once they've begun it. 

Thank you all for being so patient about this--I know it's frustrating and we want it fixed as much as you do!

Thank you for the update.  I am not a programmer, but I understand it is never as easy as it first appears from the outside to fix these things. Appreciate you. 

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It's funny that I didn't realize this was a problem until my son and I got to this story step.  I had previously taken a character through solo and had no problem.

When we did this step in a party, my son advanced and I didn't.  And of course, I lot the motivation.  So I haven't been able to advance.  I don't want to use up masteries or gold to try to resolve this issue.

I am hoping that the patch on the 28th fixes this, but until then my son and I can't work through things together. 

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On 9/27/2023 at 11:15 PM, koumo.6381 said:

How long has this error been present?
8/24 Players have reacted
It’s been a month now
no solution
Not even a temporary remedial mechanism is in place.
You end up spending months solving this belated problem.
You won't compensate the players who have been waiting.

See if it's like what I said at the beginning.
The bug took several months to be fixed, but that still doesn't compensate players who have been waiting for a fix.
By the way, I have left this game,
I just want to come here occasionally to see jokes.

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