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Diablo 4 or Guild Wars 2 expansion?

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So I played a bunch of Diablo 4, started going to the forums  and I started resonating with the thread topics on the Diablo 4 forums.

1. You guys just don't understand game development

2. We tried to warn you Blizzard. Fix the game or we quit

3. All alone the world feels empty

4. Omg... You still don't get it

5. Treading water now

6. Is it the players fault for having expectations

7. No endgame and stupid oneshot mechanics


Noticed GW2 has an expansion now, wondering thoughts on it? I kinda see the same type of threads Diablo 4 has but just wanna ask anyways. How is the new expansion, have you played Diablo 4 is it better or worse or what? 


I'm starting to think there is a lot of negativity and people like to be so negative online. I resonate with it but its like eating fast food, craving it but just don't so well afterwards.

Negativity I resonate with it, get a little high because I resonate with it, but just makes you more depressed.

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I'm probably not the best person to ask because i haven't rushed through the actual expansion content yet but:


Story is off to a good start, eager to learn more
I quite like the new daily system, though i'd like more choice in which dailies i get to do. overall the system is nice. it incentivizes people to play content and you get to pick which rewards you wanna work towards. they based it off season passes, but without a premium version and the legacy store for cosmetics being there to reduce a fear of missing out feels refreshing in this day and age...

been seeing a lot of people online, playing which is great. i think most people are actually having fun with it


for me the only downside is that the servers seem less stable. not sure if it's because of an increase in playerbase but playing with a high ping takes away the joy for now, i know this'll be fixed eventually though.


all in all: people love being negative, companies like blizzard kinda deserve the negativity after fiascos like diablo immoral, they had to hit a home-run on their next releases but i dont think they did. doesn't mean a game deserves a 0/10 rating though

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3 hours ago, uberkingkong.8041 said:


I'm starting to think there is a lot of negativity and people like to be so negative online. I resonate with it but its like eating fast food, craving it but just don't so well afterwards.

Negativity I resonate with it, get a little high because I resonate with it, but just makes you more depressed.

You call it negativity, I call it honestly.


3 hours ago, uberkingkong.8041 said:


Negativity I resonate with it, get a little high because I resonate with it, but just makes you more depressed.

Like they said, the true hurts  🤷‍♀️

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Ah, Blizzard apologists. D3's massive fail is what brought me to Gw2 in the first place.

They've been doing the same lines since D3 "Just wait, you should be grateful Blizzard's even making games." and I'm still waiting for a good Diablo game. 😄 They actually weren't wrong. However, that turned out to be D2 Resurrected.


D2R was a good reminder of Blizzard's quality and they even fixed 20 year old bugs and updated it.  I wonder where many of these new games will be in 20 years. Probably nowhere.  Of course, they stopped updating it once Diablo 4 came on, and also the D2R servers mysteriously went down for a day when D4 went live. A little  afraid of being upstaged by its grandparent eh?

Though I wouldn't target Blizzard specifically.. The game industry seems to get the pass for delivering incomplete excuses for games for many years. Gamers just love paying for vaporware and crowdsourcing pipe dreams. Maybe they just deserve what they get. And at the end of the day, I think those corporations can handle a few mean words. They probably can't hear any of us over their large pile of money anyways. Unless you think corporations are people; that's going to be quite the rabbit hole.

As for the Gw2's expansion, I haven't bought it yet, and remain not buying it. But the main game and other expansions are still very playable. It of course depends on what you think of the rest of the game

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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I feel like Gw2 forum posts are generally highly critical. If you go here you will always find opinions where people seem very negative about any change no matter how small. All the the while they probably continue playing, because they do actually like playing the game. (Or are just that invested in it.)

I think most of the changes they made structurally are fairly okay. Some are a bit like, "I hope they expand(Relics) or revisit (daily options) this idea. But nothing that actually kills the game as such. At least for me.

Shortly said:

- I don't really play for specific Relics, and usually just adapt to what I can use.

- As for dailies. I used to ignore them as they were just busywork, there was no reason to actually do them other than a few more gold (woo exciting?) and that for going out of my way in order to play somewhere where I don't actually want to play. This sadly hasn't changed,

- I don't quite understand why they made PvE dailies so that you are encouraged to go out of your way (I have to harvest on the other side of the planet? but there's stuff right in front of me?) I preferred that I could pick and choose the dailies that I want to do.

- The way you get rewards from dailies seems way superior though. There's lot's of things to choose from. (Not sure if it's more in total or more focussed on one material but I don't think I care)

- I only played a bit of the first map, which seems like alot of fun. I like that the masteries are important to train in order to easier get through the map, a bit like HoT.

- Possibly a bit too much focus on the skyscale. I don't enjoy being only on my skyscale because it gets put above the others. Using anything else seems entirely pointless now. I sometimes hop on my gryphon, and think: "Why the hell did I put so much effort in getting this thing, such a shame" Ofcourse, flying on the skyscale is also more fun, as long as you don't look back/down.

- I dunno if this was already an older engine update, but that you have water on multiple elevations is much more obvious in the new map. it also made me aware that Skiffs are not very good for flying.

It really depends what kind of player you are honestly. I definitely feel like playing GW2 hardcore nonstop is probably a bad idea. But it is still very entertaining for the little bits. If you're not afraid of a little struggle. 


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They aren't even in the same league.  D4 is a disaster that will take at least a year to recover.  

SotO is quite small on the content side (it is a staggered release over 1 year so...) but what is there, aside from the tweaks almost everyone wants, is pretty good in my opinion (and I'm usually super critical of ANet).  

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I'd say Secrets of the Obscure is definitely worth the $25. I'd take a lot of the negativity here with a grain of salt; aside from the PvP subforum (god that mode is a trainwreck), the negativity here is usually pretty overblown and unwarranted imo.

If you want to wash out the taste of D4 by playing an ARPG that isn't a complete dumpster fire skinner box, you could also try Path of Exile. They just launched a new league / season that seems pretty great so far. 

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SotO is not worth the 25€ to me.

The Vault is actually sapping any remnants of motivation I still had for playing GW2, unlike the prior delays which raised my motivation.

The Relic change in its horribly incomplete state is also demoralizing, as many play styles have been degraded and some even completely deleted.

Giving the specialization weapons to the entire profession is pretty much a bad thing, as it heavy-handedly benefits some professions, while it's utterly useless for others (like Warrior).

The new launcher has a better colour scheme than the EoD, which is a more upside. But I'd have preferred it with less Zojja on it.

The new character selection screen background is too bright for my tastes.

Obviously, I can't say anything about the story, but I dislike the content delivery plan. If there's an expansion, I want the base story in one go and not have to wait months for scraps of it.

But I wouldn't put any money in Diablo 4 either. I don't like that type of game.

However, you could try the FF14 trial instead. Or, if you already have that game, you can make use of the 14 days for free they currently over.

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