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Turn Bladesworn conditions based

ThE WarG.6052

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Why should I play bladesworn thats only power based over spellbreaker, berserker or even core. Specially now with weaponmaster there is no real reson to play off-pistol or even off-dagger over off-axe when they are all power based. If I get to choose how böadesword worked i would give it main-pistol. But make is so it does condi damage like engineer pistol, like that auto attack make bleed damage. Even still keep curent off-pistol attacks but make so attack 5 do a little bleed damage too. I wourld change how curent f1 works so that it makes so all modify do fire damage or someting like that. This would make is so you can use bow for mid combat or torch. This wourld mae bladesword more excited, then just be more power builds.

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There's a 4 page long Thread complaining about changing [Daring Dragon] into a Alacrity providing trait instead of it's previous unique effects. Do you think slapping an entire Condi build retroactively into an Elite spec is going to come for free? The "condi" traits that support the build have to go somewhere replacing previous traits. Will you be happy when [Immortal Dragon] instead read "Dragon Slash now applies burning to enemies."?

Edited by Jzaku.9765
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3 hours ago, NeverLoseGuy.3894 said:

Well, we could have something like "inflict burning on crit"or "deal increased damage to burning foes" baked into minor traits where it just gets taken regardless as long as you're running Bladesworn.

I said before that since they added explosions to core weapons, and I’ll say it again now that pistol is available to everyone.

Put a trait into Arms that causes your explosions you strike with to deal burning, Either no CD and one stack each at low duration, or several stacks at high duration if there is a CD.

You don’t even have to tough Bladesworn to turn it into a condi spec.

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8 minutes ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

Remember when bladesworn had a burn trait?

The problem with that trait was that it dropped a shell at your feet to damage foes when you used an ammo skill. It was unreliable. A trait that made explosions apply conditions however would be very reliable and would cause attacks like Blooming Fire to apply multiple stacks all at once as it is several explosions. It can be done, and done well, it just takes Anet to put an actual explosions related trait somewhere other than the one token minor trait.

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