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Buff Confusion Damage


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Basicly the nerf affected primarily Condition Mesmer builds and it's not really fair that the one of the main reasons to play Mesmer was removed. 

The culprit does seems to be bosses that attack to quickly and as much as this is design floor that Confusion exploited I propose a better solution. 

Put an internal cooldown on skill activation damage. Let's say 1 second and the buff the damage to the level of other conditions.

This intern allows the Boss encounters to be the same and would still give it a unique purpose which is while an enemy is not in a stun/exposed state Confusion damage is very useful. Much like how Torment is the opposite in a thematic sense. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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Thank you.

Tho its not only mesmer. Also mace on engi is totally useless now as a condition weapon.
I came back to the game a week ago.
I was so happy that i could use mace on holo and then i wondered why my confusion deals like 0 dmg.

Its so sad.
Why 90% of the cases they nerf something they have to nerf it so hard that its totally useless then?

Edited by SeTect.5918
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1 hour ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Thank you.

Tho its not only mesmer. Also mace on engi is totally useless now as a condition weapon.
I came back to the game a week ago.
I was so happy that i could use mace on holo and then i wondered why my confusion deals like 0 dmg.

Its so sad.
Why 90% of the cases they nerf something they have to nerf it so hard that its totally useless then?

I did see Engineer Mace does have a few confusion applications which is not doing anyone any favours at the moment. It would provide a good alternative to pistol if confusion was buffed.

Again the problem seems to be fast attacking enemies but honestly I don't know why they haven't ever tried putting an internal cooldown on Confusion. Rather than benchmarking the DPS on the only useful thing confusion might still be viable on like Deimos. 

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16 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

I still find it kinda dumb to nerf confusion in PvE because of fast attacking enemies. I mean, this is probably the only niche option where confusion is actually viable to run as far as condi goes.

Oddly, I recall in GW1 there were hexes that worked like Confusion and could be combined with another skill to make enemies attack faster, creating the same effect. 

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An uncomprehensive nerf , confusion was only good in very few cases , now it's garbage on everything.

If you look at damage without skill activation , confusion deal even less damage than bleeding and the damage on skill activation is laughable like +-66% damage , not worth running in any content  , no wonder why see no more mirage , 

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